The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2163: Yulu rebirth

Two One Six Three Jade

Two One Six Three Jade

When the prohibition was completely completed, the last small bone mass that was pressed under the giant ridge peak also desperately made a final burst, slamming, and the smoke disappeared!

Originally, the Bone Demon wanted to explode all the bones in the body, leaving only the last piece.

But unexpectedly, Ye Kong even imposed a ban! In the ban, he had no hope of escape at all, so the desperate Golden Bone Demon had only exploded! You will not be caught by death!

"This Golden Bone Demon is simply." In the body, Li Chao couldn't help feeling. But at this moment, he felt dark before his eyes, and when his feeling returned to normal, he found that his body was already under his control!

And the blade of heaven, Jufeng Peak, all flew back into the canyon of the abandoned planet.

At this moment, the Li family speed car greeted and floated out a group of Li family and so on. They didn't know that it was Ye Kong who controlled Li Zichao's body just now, they thought it was Li Zichao's own ability. The Li family was very active, all of them saluted in the void, yelling at the mighty master. The Li Jiazhong servant even knelt down, lamenting that the Li family had hope for rejuvenation.

Li Zichao ignored it. He knelt down the crack of the abandoned planet, scratched his head, and then plunged into the speeding car, saying only one word, "Get me a place quickly!"

Indeed, Li Zichao definitely benefited a lot this time!

Ye Kong used a variety of means this time, used a variety of heavenly powers, and used a variety of combat skills! Not only the power of heaven, but also ancient demon art, and fairy art, as well as the ancient prohibition, as well as the skills and ideas in battle!

These are enough years for Li Chao to go back to comprehend! That is simply a big blessing!

Even a fairy is not able to remember everything. Even if you remember, you can't keep those short and precious insights! Therefore, what Li Zichao needs is to find a place, retreat, and digest it all!

Li Zichao left with his men, Ye Kong knew, and didn't say much, this kind of thing is just a trivial matter.

The great thing about Ye Kong is to peel off the Dao family and other Taos! This kind of stripping is not easy, especially the kind that has been implanted in Dao from birth, and now, Dao has completely all his actions!

Just like Tang Zhantian, the ancestor of the Tang family, his Tao is the hardest to strip! He has lived with Taoism for tens of thousands of years, and is affected by Taoism every moment! If he removes it all at once, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it.

So Ye Kong adopts the method of slow cutting.

Although this work is time-consuming and labor-intensive, Ye Kong has saved tens of thousands of avatars and saved a lot of time. Moreover, Ye Kong is happy to do this, because he can get tens of thousands of Taoist species out of thin air, which is of course an excellent good thing.

When doing this, one of Ye Kong's incarnations was walking around the cave hall alone! As if looking for something.

In fact, Ye Kong really wanted to catch the golden bone monster. Because the body of the golden bone monster is so precious! The whole body is a hard and strong fairy! If made into maggots, the power is amazing!

Moreover, Ye Kongzhong remembers another thing. I previously found a body for hún 螭, Zhenyun evil spirit king. However, when Chen Tangxing fought with the angel of the imperial palace, he was squashed by the broken star.

Therefore, Ye Kong always kept thinking about finding a strong body for hún 螭, and the Golden Bone Demon is a good choice. Unexpectedly, the Golden Bone Demon exploded, and it was so clean that there was no bone left!

However, Ye Kong didn't believe that the Golden Bone Demon was really so simple. You know, these old demon heads can live for so many years, his escape means and the old man are not imaginable! So Ye Kong thought about it and thought that if there was something left by the Bone Demon, it would most likely be in a cave!

Sure enough, when Ye Kong turned around before the Bone Man-God stood, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Among the high caves, a Tsing Yi man stopped and raised his hand to the ground. A small piece of half-sized palm floated up, and under the piece of porcelain, a half-nail-sized, golden human bone appeared suddenly!

Apparently, the Golden Bone Demon had already used his jade to replace the magical bone seed technique in the bone fairy tactic before leaving the place, leaving the seed in the hole. If he hangs outside, no one would have expected him to leave the seeds before.

And the most important thing is that the small piece of porcelain covered on it turned out to be an artifact piece! If it wasn't for Ye Kong ’s powerful personality, he felt that the small porcelain piece was different, otherwise Ye Kong ’s fairy consciousness would be swept away, and he would not find the seeds left by the golden bone monster!

Ye Kong looked down and picked up the small piece of porcelain. This is an artifact. And there can be a little good function, of course, Ye Kong has to leave some research.

But now is not the time for research, Ye Kong looked at the small porcelain pieces and put them into the storage ring. The bottom of the golden bone seed also knows that Ye Kong found it. On the little gold bead, the body of the golden bone demon emerged.

"Ye Xiandi's life is forbidden! The villain is willing to be a bull and a horse to serve Ye Xiandi in the future!"

Ye Kong picked up the golden beads, put them in the palm of his hand, and asked, "Are there any other seeds?"

The Bone Man Demon didn't even talk about it. Ye Kong asked again, "Can seed be left in Dongfu?"

The Golden Bone Demon didn't.

Ye Kong knew that if he asked this uncle, he could not ask the truth, and he no longer asked, but let hún uncle enter directly. Although the spirit hún of the golden bone demon is also very hard, but after all, the spirit hún is not a bone, and there is no way to make it with jade lù.

So hún 螭 went in for a few moments, and pulled out a very small spirit hún.

Ye Kong's palms closed together, squeezing the little golden beads. Then, with a thought, he put a trace of the hún spirit of the golden bone demon into the pipa beads. Ye Kong put his heart into the pipa beads again, and forged a trace of spirit hún with gold bone demon with spirit hún.

Not long. Ye Kong nodded in the cave.

It turns out that in this cave there is really no remnant of the golden bone monster. However, there is a seed left by him in the cave of the golden bone monster. The golden bone seed can grow slowly in the future. As long as it absorbs enough bone strength, it can resurrect the golden bone human demon!

How this demon head, Ye Kong can let him leave any trace of remnants, he will go to kill later. Fortunately, the cave of the Golden Bone Demon is near the direction line of Ye Kongmu. It doesn't take much time to go there.

Knowing all this, Ye Kong threw that trace of spirit hún to hún 螭 and ate it.

The body of the Bone Demon is an immortal, without weapons and no treasures, not even Qiankun bags. On the surface, in this battle, Ye Kong did not get any spoils, but Ye Kong had some joy in his heart!

Because he got the training method of jade lüxianxianjue from the memory of the golden bone human demon!

Although the Golden Bone Demon is known as the demon ~ ~, and this fairy tactic is so cruel, it seems like the magic of the lower world. However, Ye Kong slightly watched, but found that this is a real set of fairy tales! Immortal formula for body and bone!

In fact, Ye Kong is not short of immortality. In the imperial treasure house, there are many kinds of fairy tales, and they don't care about this kind.

What really makes Ye Kong happy is that there is still a sentence in this jade lù bone replacement method, saying that as long as the jade lù body is built, even if it goes to the **** world, it has some effect! It seems that this fairy trick is no longer a question of fairy trick, but has a little to do with the cultivation of the gods of the upper world!

This attracted Ye Kong's attention. Ye Kong's knowledge of immortals is more than ever. Moreover, Ye Kong has now reached this point, and he also has to start thinking about the development of the divine realm and prepare for the future!

However, in Ye Kong's view, this jade lù replacement bone immortal formula was still forged by the Golden Bone Demon. The best way is to go to the Golden Bone Demon's cave to find the original immortal look!

While Ye Kong was pondering these, the Tao family and other Taoist species had been removed there, and even Tang Zhantian was awake, and came to salute: "Have met the Lord!" @.

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