The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2165: Set off again

Without the pop-up window, when Tang Wei's words were finished, the soul in that scroll disappeared forever. It will never appear again, and the scroll will become an ordinary painting. There will never be golden light again, old man.

He exhausted all his final strengths and divided his will into more than 22,000 copies, which conveyed the experience of the Xian Army in combat and training. He finally gave up all his hatred and left his will behind. He is very wise!

Only in this way, the Tang family will receive Ye Kong's reuse in the future, and the glory of the Tang family will be reproduced!

Even, he was afraid that Ye Kong didn't believe it, and gave a consciousness to Ye Kong. Ye Kong sensed it, and it really was the experience of training the troops and the battle of the Xian Army!

In fact, the immortals of the immortal world are similar to the mortals of the lower world in many aspects, such as the battle of the immortal army. Tang Wei is right. Although Ye Kong is powerful as an immortal emperor, but he is siege and scramble for the planet. He Ye cannot possibly go out in every game?

Moreover, even if Ye Kong is out of business, some things, some formations, and some situations may not be solved by Ye Kong alone. This has been fully proved in the process of attacking the white hair domains one by one!

In fact, Ye Kong is still very happy! Because in the field he controlled, there was a very lack of a combatable army, and a group of immortal generals who knew all these! Like the Southern Emperor, there are powerful Western Qin Xing sergeants, the Western Emperor has Xiling star soldiers like tigers and wolves.

But now that the Tang family is here, all problems are solved. I don't believe that for a hundred years, Ye Kong will have an immortal army, Tang Jiajun, who can conquer the war and be loyal!

After Tang Wei's light and shadow disappeared, all those Tang families burst into tears. Someone knelt down against Ye Kong and called out, "Respect the Lord." From this moment, not only Tang Zhantian, everyone in the Tang family was completely loyal to Ye Kong.

Ye Kong said: "Ye has always insisted on one sentence from the Nether, that is, how others treat me, how I treat people! Your Tang family does not deserve me Ye Kong, I Ye Kong must not deserve Tang family! The goal is to be the Lord of the Immortals. At that time, the title of General Tang's Lionheart will surely stand up again in the immortal world, and it will be passed down forever! "

Tang Zhantian and others listened, and couldn't speak with excitement.

In fact, Ye Kong had long thought about it. At that time, the thick Saturn in the Pipa beads was placed in the open star field near the central star. The Tang family arranged to go to thick Saturn. Anyway, there was no one on that planet, and it was spacious enough for the Tang family to reproduce forever. In the future, a barracks controlled by the Imperial Palace can also be established on Saturn.

Of course, thick Saturn will have to wait for Ye Kong to go back, so he can only arrange Dayu first, and take the Tang family back to Central Star, and Ye Kong has his own business.

After seeing Dayu, Ye Kong learned about the situation in the fairyland after he left.

For Fairyland, more than thirty years is not a distant time at all, but one thing in these thirty years, Ye Kong can't help but know! That's when West Emperor Peng Batian soared! Become a god!

To say that the West Emperor Peng Batian said soaring and soaring, but because the question of godliness has not been implemented, it was delayed until last year! It is said that the ceremony was also quite grand.

Ye Kong asked: "Peng Batian is gone. What about the West Emperor's position?"

Dayu Dao: "Of course it was the father and son, and Peng Wenkao took over."

"Elephant brother?" Ye Kong almost fainted. To say that the father and the son inherited this kind of precedent in the ancient immortal emperor, but the situation is that the previous generation of immortal emperor selected the best from the sons, the brain is more flexible, the cultivation is also relatively high, at least the immortal Level, let son inherit.

But Peng Wenkao was more outrageous. Peng Wenkao's qualifications are very poor, and he does not like to practice. He has barely been able to support the lower Luo Tianshangxian in recent years. Most importantly, this guy has a wooden mind. Wouldn't Peng Wenkao inherit the immortal position to harm him? Not to mention Ye Kong's enemies, even those immortal officials of the Emperor's House, they will all have different hearts.

Dayu said: "The reason why Peng Batian gave Peng Wenkao a ban was because Peng Wenkao worshiped Si Kong Zhongping as his godfather."

Ye Kong heard for a moment, the son of Xidi, no, the new Xidi worshipped Dongdi as the godfather ... This kind of thing is too ridiculous. In this way, isn't the West Emperor's field equivalent to giving to Sikong Zhongping in vain? Also, West Emperor Peng Wenkao's face is gone? Moreover, in other words, as soon as Peng Batian left, the East Emperor could directly kill Peng Wenkao and then take the West Emperor's territory ...

Ye Kong thought about it, this kind of thing is too much for the Peng family, Peng Batian would not do it! Peng Batian should have inherited Xiling Lin, who became the immortal! When Xiling Lin became a fairy king, Ye Kong also learned from Dayu.

Ye Kong thought this was a little weird, and thought to himself, what agreement had been reached between Peng Batian and East Emperor Sikong Zhongping. However, this agreement is difficult for outsiders to know. Even the secret name of Tieyushan has not been found out.

Ye Kong then learned about the situation of the central star. It is said that in the past thirty years, the people Ye Ye brought from the Nether are very peaceful and earnest. Among them, the son of Kuang Peng, Xiao Jinpeng, and Shi Qichen from the Qingming Valley of the Nether, etc . The most disturbing thing is Chen Baixuan. This is the ancestor of Huang Quan. It is said that he often drinks and fights for women, but he is good at cultivation.

Ye Kong laughed after listening, this ancestor of Huang Quan can be said to be half of his guide on the fairy road. In addition, the pipa beads that Huang Quan's ancestors gave him are also extremely precious, and Ye Kong should certainly be rewarded.

Ye Kong immediately arranged to take care of Huang Quan's ancestors as much as possible. At the same time, Ye Kong himself would pay attention to collect useful items for Huang Quan's ancestors in the future to help him break through quickly. And Xiao Jinpeng, Shi Qichen, and other refining Xiaocheng, Ye Kong also thought about it, first took them back to the central star to participate in the training.

At the same time, along with Dayu, they returned to the Central Star with Hong Mengni and Xiao Zilin. At that time, we must ask Hong Mengni to play two songs to those relatives and fairy of Ye Kong, to help them feel more of the power of heaven! In other words, after Hong Mengni got the wonderful animal, she was eager to play the piano every day. I heard that there was a chance to play the piano. Of course, it was too late to rejoice. How could she refuse?

After talking with Dayu, Ye Kong, Dayu and others broke up temporarily.

On one side, Dayu took Hong Mengni, Xiao Zilin, and everyone from the Tang family to the Wilderness Planet, and then took a speeding car to the Central Star for repair. On the other side, Ye Kong took his daughter and set off on another route. Ye Kong had to go to the Cave of the Golden Bone Demon, and also go to the Southern Emperor's Mansion.

Ye Kong took her daughter, one was to increase the relationship between father and daughter, and the other was to help Feng Fei revenge.

"You send a fairy-tale book to Xiangwei and ask them if they want to go to the South Star." Ye Kong commanded, standing alone on the head of the colorful cloud, and began to fly through the vast expanse of dark clouds.

Jing responded and looked up at the back of the man in Tsing Yi. Although it's my dad ~ ~, but I haven't gotten along with it. Tang Jing only smiled secretly and vomited she's head, so I sent a book to Xiangwei.

A few days later came the book, Xiangwei said, although Feng Fei wanted to go to the South Star. However, they are currently asking somewhere to treat Feng Fei's face, so they do not go. In addition, Feng Fei also added that he would cut the whole family into sticks and throw them into the toilet for tens of thousands of people ... Ye Kong knew that Feng Fei was more changed, so when she heard it, she didn't hear it.

The two continued to fly on the colorful clouds, and after a few days, they came to a relatively barren and barren planet. Ye Kong stood on the planet, let out the fairy consciousness, and completely wrapped the entire planet. Ye Kong was surprised to find that there wasn't a single Luo Shangxian on the planet!

Later, I learned that the immortal who was a little bit of a cultivation, was either killed by a bone bone demon sucking bones, or else he hurried away. It can be seen that the bone bone demon is so vicious that he has made all the fairy on the planet No way out.

Ye Kong also sees things like this, and his mind for killing the people is much lighter. But what attracted him even more was the original of Yulu's rebirth!

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