The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2129: First fusion

Two One Two One First Fusion

Two One Two One First Fusion

Gen Saturn, Xu Jiazu Mountain.

Compared with a pale yellow genus Saturn, Xu Jiazu is still good. From a distance, a green sè, in it, makes people feel refreshed. However, Ye Kong didn't come here because of its pleasant scenery. The key is that there is still some immortality on this planet.

The so-called immortals are immortals who have immortality. Ye Kong is a fairy. Of course, you need to find a place with a strong fairy.

In fact, the immortals want to live in a place where the immortality is strong, not because the immortals are picky, but because the immortals have to meditate and supplement the immortality, they need to refine the immortal, they need to arrange the matrix, and ... anyway, the immortals do anything Things are more convenient and convenient.

I want to say why Ye Kong came here.

Half a month ago, Ye Kong escaped from the Palace of the Immortal King, used the astrolabe to point out the direction, and flew northward.

At that time, Ye Kong came outside the Palace of the Immortal King, which was transmitted from the black cyclone inside the immortal palace of the Chen and Tang dynasties. But now that Ye Kong has fallen out with the immortal king, the elder of the emissary of the immortal palace is also killed. Of course, this free delivery service is gone.

I didn't know until Ye Kong took this flight, no wonder the black cyclone was transmitted, because the hall of the fairy king was too remote! There were no planets nearby. Ye Kong flew for a full fifteen days before I saw a planet, Saturn!

When he came to Gen Saturn, the moment when Ye Kong rushed into the planet, the powerful celestial consciousness was released and wrapped the entire Gen Saturn. What disappointed him was that most of the fairy ore was dug out by this planet, and because of the planet's air layer defects, all the fairy qi in the air was scattered to the earth, causing the planet's ground and underground , All of them are thin and immortal!

Fortunately, there is another place that can barely be used is the Xujiazu Mountain.

Ye Kong was so hurry to find a planet to stop, the purpose is to quickly deal with that 100,000 days of Tao Jing, the key is Hong Mengni among them!

Among the mountains of Xujiazu Mountain.

A haze formation, if the old Xu family ancestor Xu Shubo saw it, it must be shocked again. The haze formation in front of the haze formation is so strong. If people outside want to enter without permission, below Xianjun Kill directly! The immortal and above must also fall into it, unable to extricate themselves!

Through the hazy formation method, it is surprising that there is no one in it!

However, there is a gray humble round bead hanging in the formation. This is the pipa beads. At this moment, Ye Kong can't wait to enter the pipa beads.

Forging hún.

Ye Kong was holding a small silver book in his forehand and Shen Shen asked: "hún 螭, I haven't asked you for the past 15 days because I'm afraid to disturb you. Now 15 days have passed, and you have entered and exited this book hundreds of times , There should be some eyebrows. "

An almost transparent beast appeared in front of Ye Kong. If Ye Kong was not the master of this space, he wouldn't feel its existence at all. And beside the little beast, there was a solemn life thirteen.

Hún said: "Master, I go in and out many times a day during this time, not for fun, that is useful." It paused: "First of all, tell the consciousness in the book. According to the breath, this 100,000 days Tao The consciousness that exists in the scriptures should undoubtedly be the embodiment of the girl Hong Mengni. "

Ye Kong heard this sentence, his eyes flashed.

Hún 螭 said: "Master, don't be happy first. Although there is consciousness in the book, it is also Hong Mengni's, but this is only consciousness. It is far from being a spiritual hún body and becoming a hún soul! An inanimate object becomes spiritual. In the middle of the monster, the process is very long and complicated! Only a life with a preliminary hún soul can really be called a monster! But if it is only consciousness, it is far from the monster. "

Seeing Ye Kong half understood and half understood, hún sighed and said, "In other words, although I found Hong Mengni's consciousness in this one hundred thousand heavenly scriptures, it was very troublesome to get her back to the previous situation! "

Ye Kong immediately said, "Don't tell me something too complicated, just tell me what to do!"

"The method is there, but there is a great risk! I say those complicated words, I want to tell you the risks." Hún said, "Now even the only consciousness is very weak! The only way, It is the fusion of the incarnation of the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras and the deity of the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras. The two books in that deity are hung in spite of hún flying, but she should have kept some things before living in it for a long time. Putting this consciousness into it is like putting in a little seedling to let her grow slowly! In this way, you will gradually make your consciousness become the initial hún spirit. In this way, Meng Ni may return. "

After listening to this, Ye Kong groaned: "Now in my 100,000 Heavenly Sutras, there is a hint of Hong Mengni's consciousness, which is merged with the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras to the deity, like young plants planted in fertile soil ..." Kong Nodded his head secretly and said, "Yes, your sayings and ideas are good. But I have tried it before. There are many incarnations of the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras. If you combine a lot of books, and those incarnations are probably still powerful I am afraid that Hong Mengni will be swallowed by the previous monsters. "

Ming Xie Thirteen said at this time: "Master, don't worry about it. Pipa beads are top-level space, which can be said to be a self-contained world, incompatible with the outside world. So even if the deity returns to the incarnation, he will not receive outside Those ancient incarnations of the world. "

When Ye Kong heard this, he nodded quickly, "Okay, so, hún 螭 you start to prepare, what things you need, you tell me."

hún 螭 smiled bitterly: "There are not many things needed, but what I want to say is still dangerous! Because I just used a metaphor to say that consciousness is Xiao Miao, but in fact, this consciousness is much more vulnerable than Xiao Miao! Because she is only A consciousness! In the synthesis of the two books, even a small bō movement will make this consciousness completely dead! Never exist! "

Ye Kong heard his heart clenched, clenched his fists, and slowly asked, "Yes, how sure?"

Hún 螭 hesitated, and said slowly: "Two ..."

"What!" Ye Kong glared roundly ~ ~ with a rage.

hún 螭 quickly changed his mouth, "Yicheng!"

"Ah!" Ye Kong's eyes were stagnant. It turned out that hún 螭 said that Chengdu and Chengdu were comforting him. The only real chance of success is only 10%!

"I can use the spirit hún forging platform!" Ye Kong hesitated. However, hún 螭 did not speak. Ye Kong blinked hard, but couldn't restrain the flash of tears in Tiger's eyes. He controlled his emotions and said, "Will we be able to keep her for a while and wait for a better way?"

hún sighed: "No, master, the spirit hún forging platform is not available. And, in my opinion, the sooner the integration is, the better, the longer you drag on, this consciousness is getting weaker, and the success rate will increase. The lower! In the end, it is invisible and the success rate is zero! "

Ye Kong hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded hard, "Okay!"

P: Something went wrong today. First, the thick Saturn name was used. Sorry, I said so familiar. On the other hand, the chapters sent by mobile phone outside did not make typesetting, hehe, I adjusted it a bit. @。

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