The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2128: Gen Saturn

Two one two eight saturn


While Ye Kong was meditating, he heard a huge rumbling in the hall of fairy kings, as if the waves were rolling from a distance, from a low voice to a loud voice, and it seemed like a rushing horse. Nearly until the end, it made a loud noise

A brief silence, all sounds suddenly disappeared

Between Ye Kong staggering, a loud noise suddenly appeared as if a huge object slammed onto the hall of the immortal king, and it was as loud as a landslide, the hall of the immortal king seemed to fall

Boom Boom is another wave of power bombarding and colliding inside the Palace of Immortals, as if the huge Palace of Immortals, which is thousands of miles away, is to be broken through the wall, but it is crumbling and must collapse at any time.

Seeing this scene, even the always daring Ye Kong is pale, the power of this nebula heart is too powerful. Obviously, the pinch of an tentacle makes the heart of the nebula burst with almost crazy power, it is crazy Attack the hall, want to rush out, hunt Ye Kong

Ye Kong can think that under such an attack, Qian Youren, who caused the heart of the Nebula to break off his tentacles, will not be very good in the end. Without Qiankun Bag, even Qian Youren, who did not have the Eternal Sword, will be in the first wave It ’s already dead

"Brother Qian, Treasure" Ye Kong sighed, dare not continue to stay in the Fairy King Palace for a long time, and quickly turned around and left.

However, before leaving, Ye Kong did another thing, that is, the truncated tentacles. This tentacle is a rare treasure. The hardness of the tentacles is even rarer than the excalibur. It is the only imagination. The heart of a nebula turns into a beast, this kind of thing is extremely rare, and the objects falling from this beast are rare and rare

The truncated tentacle is about several miles in length, two meters in diameter, and the head is pointed. The surface is covered with fish scale-like scales, and the break is as hard as gold stones, with a trace amount of Tao. blood

Ye Kong couldn't study this thing, and put his income into a separate layer. He looked back at the shivering fairy palace, stepped on the colorful clouds, and plunged into the endless starry sky.

Half a month later, Cangming Starry Sky, a turquoise planet

This is exactly the famous Gen Saturn in the Immortal Kingdom. At this moment, on the highest mountain of Gen Saturn, a man dressed as a middle-aged scribe is looking at a large deserted house under the mountain, sighing in his mouth to himself: " Gen Saturn, the famous immortality is thin, and the famous immortals are difficult to cultivate. Does anyone know how prosperous the planet was and how abundant the immortality was, I didn't expect hundreds of thousands of years, but it was so desolate. "

As soon as his words fell, a young man flew up the mountain behind his head and said, "Old ancestors, we are all ready to leave Gensa at any time."

The middle-aged scribe did not look back, and sighed in his mouth, "Our homeland is hard to leave. How brilliant was our Saturn Xu family here. Is this about to leave?"

The young man knelt down and said, "Father, you still made the decision earlier. The Saturnian jade veins were dug out by several families. Our Xu family cherishes Xianyuan, but unfortunately it cannot be supported by the mines owned by our Xu family. This planet needs immortality, which is why it is no wonder that Saturn is defeated today. We still leave here and go to the world created by other planets. "

The young man said impassioned, but the middle-aged man shook his head and smiled, "Young people always want to create a world, but you know, the outside world is not so easy to mix good planet and good veins and veins, all have been Although the big families of other planets control the world, but there is no good place, the owner Li ’s family went out, competing with others for the site. In the end, they did not compete, but the family broke down and the horse ’s family also went out. The site, however, also suffered a heavy loss, and the Hu family had a better life, but you have seen several junior granddaughters of the Hu family make room for some people. There is an old ancestor of the Hu family. I heard that he was scolded by other family leaders I dare not talk back. "

Hearing here, the young man flashed hesitation on his face and sighed, "Old ancestors, say good at home, it is difficult to go out, walk or not, please ask the ancestors to consider again."

After the young man finished speaking, the middle-aged scribe sighed: "Nevertheless, it is time to go, but hey, I didn't expect Xu Shubo to leave my hometown at this age."

Although Xu Shubo was unwilling to leave Gen Saturn, he was helpless in the face of an increasingly thin planet.

At this moment, Xu Shubo suddenly felt something, and suddenly looked up at the sky, and saw a colorful Guanghua cut through the sky in the sky blue sky. The Guanghua hovered in the sky and flew straight in front of the Xu family.

"Where is the evil?" The kneeling young man was startled, stood up quickly, stood in front of his ancestor, and appeared in front of him, a young man in Tsing Yi standing on a strange colorful cloud with his back on his back. A large giant sword

"Ze Yin, it can't be unreasonable!" Xu Shubo, a middle-aged scribe, drunk his juniors quickly. With his eyesight, it can be seen that the young man riding colorful clouds in front of him is extremely arrogant. There is also a touch of murderousness

Although a little bit murderous, but this point, Xu Shubo's heart was in fear!

This person is not easy to mess with! Xu Shubo suddenly had an idea and hurriedly said, "Senior, Saturn Xu Shubo in Xiagen, this is my junior Xu Zeyin, I do n’t know what the predecessor has to say to me."

"I didn't order it ~ ~ It's just for expensive use, without calling, I can't enter the mountain. When the time comes, I will leave by myself," the Tsing Yi people said, throwing out a small porcelain bottle, saying, "These Dan The medicine should be the loan, and you leave! "

Xu Shubo took the porcelain bottle, greeted Xu Zeyin, and quickly flew down the mountain, dare not stay for a moment

After descending the mountain, Xu Zeyin whispered, "I don't know where the sacred is, some elixir wants to occupy my ancestor mountain! This is the most powerful fairy mountain on Gensa."

Middle-aged scribe Xu Shubo opened the porcelain bottle and sniffed with his nose. Then his face suddenly showed surprise, then he rebuked, "Hugh, nonsense! A senior who can take out such a panacea, what do you want?" After passing by, I came across some revelation and found a retreat temporarily. It was our pleasure to come to us! "

Seeing that his ancestors were sincere and frightened, Xu Zeyin didn't dare to say more, knowing that the young man in Tsing Yi must be an amazing existence. He hesitated and asked, "Old ancestors, what about leaving?"

Xu Shubo looked up at Xujia Zushan, with respect in his eyes, and slowly said, "Wait a second, maybe this senior will bring a turn!" Q

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