The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2130: Consciousness

Two One Three Zero Consciousness Enters the City

Two One Three Zero Consciousness Enters the City

Among the pipa beads, thick Saturn, Xiaoer Guoshan.

At this moment, the mountains are colorful and colorful. The red, green and green children's fruit, the green leaves, and the bright red flowers decorate the hilltop as if it were a festival.

At the top of the hill, a neat and tidy ground has been swept away. Various arrays of flags have been placed on the ground, and there are various strange rune depictions between the arrays of eyes. In the center of the circle, a man in Tsing Yi stands quietly.

In front of him was another small stone table. On the table were two identical silver books.

The man is Ye Kong. After a month of preparation, everything is ready to stop, just wait for today to merge!

"Meng Ni, your favorite place to play with Xiao Er Guo, then I will choose the fusion place here, I hope you can be happy and cooperate with my spell fusion." Ye Kong watched the scripture and finished the paragraph Then, he turned decisively, and commanded: "Open up!"

The waiting life there replied thirteen, "Observe, master." Then he watched his little hand wave, and hundreds of crystals and jade of various colors automatically flew up and flew into the array.

What is the role of each spar, and where should it be placed. None of this can be wrong, of course, Ming Thirteen has a good brain, and it can't be wrong.

When the spar and the jade fell into the place where they should go, they saw the array of eyes on the ground array, all brightened up! Then, the brilliance of the eyes, and the runes around them, and then all Brighten up.

After dozens of breaths, the large array of concentric circles on the ground lit up and began to run.

This array of magic is strange. When all the concentric circles are lit, it seems to be ripples in the water. There are dàng waves in the water, and there is a tranquility and peace in the water. Yang Yang gradually covered this mountain.

For a time, on the children's Guoshan, the radiance was brilliant and bright. In the distance, all the natives of the thick Tu ethnic group fell to their knees, hoeing their heads. They had been notified long ago, and they did not dare to look at them when they saw the sight.

And on Xiaoer Guoshan, a green and red fruit took a deep breath and said with a sharp child's voice, "It's so fragrant, it's so comfortable."

It said, immediately there was a lot of pediatric fruit anger, "Don't talk, don't talk, in case the practice is disturbed, my sister can't come back."

On top of the mountain. In fact, even if Xiao Erguo talks, it will not affect Ye Kong, because he has already considered all possible factors this time, just to ensure success! In this formation method, there is a nine-turn back to the positive formation that increases the effect of hún ’s spirit. There is also a peaceful atmosphere of attracting immortals. There is also the array in the ancient jade-banning jade that was won by the emissary of the fairy palace of the Chen Tang star domain.

These various array methods are put together, and they have been tested by Ye Kong many times, and the most suitable match was selected at the end. Nine turns back to the Yang array can increase the intensity of Hong Mengni's consciousness, the Yinxianqiqi array can make Ye Kong's mood more peaceful, the array method in the ancient prohibition is more mysterious, and it turns out to be the ancient heavenly cycle array famous in ancient times.

It is said that running any action in the Tianyun loop array can change the Tianyun and increase a lot of success rates!

After the matrix method all ran, Ye Kong took a breath and closed his eyes to feel that he had reached the best state he had envisioned before standing on the table of Xiao Shi and looking at the two hundred thousand Tao Sutras.

Then, slowly place your right hand on one of the silver books!

"Everything is ready, in one fell swoop!" Ye Kong meditated again, his eyes closed slightly, and he felt the 100,000 Heavenly Taoist deities with his heart. Then, in my heart, I solemnly gave an order ...


In fact, preparing for a month is just a matter of a few breaths. The reincarnation of the 100,000 Heavenly Taos is the same as the reincarnation of the fairy. Immortal recovery of the incarnation is just a flash of light, and the same is true for the 100,000 days of Taoism.

When Ye Kong gave the order, he saw a copy of the 100,000 Heavenly Taoist scriptures turned into a ghost image, and immediately contracted into the deity of the 100,000 Heavenly Taoist scriptures!

Hong Mengni's consciousness in the incarnation script also followed the deity of the 100,000 Heavenly Taos!

Books merge and consciousness flows.

All this is just an instantaneous thing, but it is because Ye Kong said that his mind has been completely immersed in it, as if time has slowed down and everything has become infinitely long.

Of course, this is just the feeling of Ye Kong, not the real time stretch. Only when you realize the laws of time can you cast them.

Ye Kong felt clearly that Hong Mengni's consciousness was flowing in. That feeling is like a stream of water slowly sinking into the sea. It looks like a black wind blowing from the city gate into the city!

Everything is normal, very normal! Ye Kongzhong rejoiced. As long as the river merged into the sea and the black wind blew into the city, then the world will be auspicious and calm, and Hong Mengni will officially move to a safe place. This is the first step of today!

"As long as there is a rest!" Ye Kong could not help but clenched his iron fist. "Come on, come in!"

Hong Mengni's consciousness finally drifted slowly, as if it was a matter of course. With Ye Kong's full arrangement and sincere prayer, Hong Mengni's consciousness went in!

Most of them have entered and entered the deity!

Ye Xiongzhong is more happy!

Seeing Hong Mengni's consciousness, it was like a black wind blowing into the hundred thousand heavenly Taos and transformed into the deity, and it has entered most of it!

One last point!

But at this moment, great changes have taken place! I saw that the "city gate" suddenly appeared a golden armored man, a golden sword in his hand, facing the black wind ~ ~ chop up!

"Don't!" Ye Kong was shocked! He didn't even think about it, things changed! The golden armoured man is actually the ban set by the author of the 100,000 Heavenly Taoist Book of Immortals Baixian!

This prohibition is also peculiar. After hundreds of millions of years, it has long been broken and incompetent, so every day hún 螭 in and out, he basically does not see! In addition, according to the rules set by the fairyland Bai Xiaosheng, various hún entry is not affected! The hún spirit that came out can only be intercepted by the consciousness of the 100,000 Heavenly Taos.

The key is Hong Mengni's consciousness, now it is to enter! Should not be intercepted!

But who knows that this prohibition just came out to intercept, I don't know whether he drank too much today or was full, but he came out to intercept anyway! Just cut it out!

"No!" Ye Kong was shocked, but Ye Kong could not get involved in the things in this book. Although he was the master of the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras, the prohibition in the book was not under his control at all. Ignore, the Golden Sword is merciless, cut it down!

The consciousness formed by that Hong Mengni was also frightened, exclaiming, "Help!" And outside her consciousness, a layer of white light also appeared, blocking the golden sword! @。

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