The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2127: Brother Ye! Go!

Two one two seven leaves brothers! Go!

In the starry sky, a huge long whip flutters, and a large space is broken. After that broken space, some are gray and chaotic, some are turbulent flows of time and space with fine silver stars, and even more horrible. In the quicksand pits in the desert, you can see that a large amount of space has collapsed into it, and there is a continuous flow.

Seeing this kind of scene, there is only one word in Ye hollow, how far to escape, how far to escape. The heart of this nebula is really too big, too scary, a super big guy with a diameter of nearly 100,000 miles.

The long whip was thrown, and a large area of ​​the gap in the gate of the fairy king's palace collapsed, unable to pass.

But the gate of the Fairy King's Hall was large enough, Ye Kong drove colorful clouds, as if stepping on a surfing skateboard, rising sharply, and flying quickly towards the side along the gap of the giant gate, trying to find a place to escape.

I saw two small figures in red cloaks passing through the large broken space and heading all the way inside the starry sky gate.

"Roar!" In the huge black hole, the heart of the nebula once again made a low and furious roar. The vicissitudes of voice echoed in the void, full of tyranny and anger!

"Not good." Qian Youren, who followed Ye Kong's flight, suddenly had a condensed heart, and his body stopped flying.

It turned out that the sound of Nebula's heart just now controlled the slave seal in Qian Youren's soul. In the sea of ​​consciousness, the blue rune, which had been dim, was suddenly revived, and the blue light was shining.

Originally, Qian Youren used the indomitable thoughts he left behind to completely suppress the slave seal, which was enough time for him and Ye Kong to escape. But now it's not working. With the roar of the heart of the nebula, the slave seal came to her senses, and the power increased greatly, and the situation was returned to her!

Qian Youren stopped immediately, and tens of thousands of thoughts floated again in his heart. He wanted to resist the wake of slavery, but at this moment ...

"Roar!" In the black hole, the huge roar of Nebula Heart came again!

"No, I can't escape this time." Qian Youren's face discolored, and his eyes were dead.

With the cry of the heart of the nebula, the consciousness of the slave in the sea deep in his soul suddenly became extremely huge. He took control of the whole situation at once, and he was powerless!

Qian Youren's eyes flashed with death, and what struck him instantly was the scenes of how he thought about but was confident in his plans for the master of the fairy ...

"This is what I asked for myself." Qian Youren was desperate in his heart, stood in the void, and yelled, "Brother Ye, the old refining medicine is in the emperor's back garden. In the field, say to me I'm sorry ... you, leave now! "

Fang, thousands of miles away. Ye Konggang found a safety gap. It was exactly a newly broken space that could pass through after it was broken.

Ye Xiongzhong was happy and just wanted to greet Qian Youren to follow quickly, but he heard this sentence.

Ye Kong looked back, and was surprised to find that Qian Youren had fallen far behind him.

"The old refining medicine, King Dan! What the King Dan said at this moment, go away!" Ye Kong roared angrily.

"I can't get out of it, you go quickly, remember what you promised me! Token to my daughter!" Qian Youren did not move, and his eyes had begun to get confused.

"No, he is already controlled by the slaves." Ye Kongzhong understood that he had to go back and catch money and benevolence.

"Let's go! Otherwise you can't get away!" Qian Youren exhausted all his strength, snarled, and turned away toward the heart of the Nebula.

In order to let Ye Kong die, he rushed to the heart of the nebula.

"You!" Ye Kong yelled, not knowing what to say. At this moment, when he heard a click coming from behind, he turned his head to look, and then he was shocked again.

It turned out that when Qian Youren's consciousness was manipulated by a slave seal, the slave seal ordered and immediately closed the gate of the Immortal Palace. The giant door that had just opened a seam closed slowly.

Ye Kong knew that it was not too late. Life and death lie in the front line, and he has no control over money and benevolence. He turned a little colorful cloud into a colorful brilliance, flickered, and came to the edge of the giant gate.

At this moment, the gap between the giant gates was only one line, Ye Kong had no time to think, and plunged in! The heart of the nebula over there saw Ye Kong running away, and it was another crazy roar, roar! A long whip-like tentacle, like a straight javelin, like a shadow Followed, followed by stabbing.

The giant gate was too large and several miles thick. During Ye Kong's flight, it was found that the gap was getting smaller and smaller, and it was difficult to pass. If caught in it, it would be dead. Behind it, another giant whip stabbed straight.

"The power of flying bats!" I saw Ye Kong's body flicker, turning into a light and shadow, and like a floating bat, floating across the last gap, like a flying ant hanging out of the gap!

"Ka!" When Ye Kong got out of the narrow gap of the giant gate, the giant gate stopped closing again! And from the crack of the door, a huge and slender fierce whip, like a spirit snake, came out and hit Ye Kong!

Ye Kong, who just thought he was safe, was so frightened that he gave up the thought of stopping and rested, and continued to run wildly. At the same time, another long whip is like a spirit snake, and it will squeeze into the door. The most powerful are those black holes. These black holes do not know what kind of space laws they master, they will teleport, ignoring the narrowness of the door gap, and then they are transmitted to the starry sky outside the hall of fairy kings, and they continue to chase Ye Kong. Shed.

In the hall of fairy kings. Qian Youren's slave seal has completely controlled his mind, and he has also become a complete slave of the fairy king. However, he has the last indomitable will! Sooner or later, this sense of consciousness will be wiped out, but Qian Youren still wants to do something before she perishes ~ ~.

"Brother Ye! Go!" There was a roar of Qian Youren in the Palace of the Immortal King. In the roar, Qian Youren's body was filled with blood! He actually used the technique of blood sacrifice to destroy himself, and used great pain in exchange for the short soberness of the soul, and regained control of the will!

His eyes were instantly bright, standing in the void, and he pointed his finger at the huge starry sky door, screaming in his mouth, "Close the door!"

The giant gate that had been stopped was immediately merciless after accepting the order, and closed!

Just listen to Ga ... click! With a sound of metal, the gate of the Fairy King Hall is closed! Close tightly! The weight of this door is heavier than the nebula, so the tentacles drilled out of the heart of the nebula are clipped directly as if they were paper!

The world outside the hall of fairy kings, this is calm.

In the starry sky, Ye Kong stopped the colorful clouds, looked back at the giant gate, and said secretly in his heart: Brother Qian. This is also the first time I really honored you with a sentence. If you use the blood sacrifice technique, you will be seriously injured. And you let me go, and cut off one of the tentacles of the deity of the fairy king, it will definitely not spare you ... rest assured, I will give your things to your daughter!

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