After entering the fairy door, five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen felt only an invisible Immortal Power, such as a layer of diaphragm, they entered the diaphragm, and some impurities in the body were isolated, making the body’s blood and strength more pure.

The pure Immortal Qi is also pouring into their bodies, changing their Constitution quickly.

Five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen, a look of joy, they did not expect to enter the fairy world, such a benefit.

Surrounded by celestial light, they appeared on a large circular platform. The platform was made of white stone bricks. It was 10,000 meters wide. There were stone columns on the side, carved with exotic animals, surrounded by Immortal Qi.

There is a step down in front, leading to a huge and majestic building, and there are more than thirty such platforms.

A platform connects a Xianmen, more than 30 platforms connect more than 30 Xianmen, and Xiandaozong built more than 30 Xianmen in the lower boundary, distributed in different places, leading to Xiandaozong.

This is very difficult to do in the fairy world. Only the super fairy powers of the very long time have the ability to build Xianmen.

Five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen also saw the true look of the powerful virtual shadow. It was a middle-aged man with strong body, short black hair and a black dress, which exudes terrible pressure.

His name is Xianba, one of the Great Elders of Xiandaozong. He is very high in Xiandaozong. Originally, he just passed by Xianmentai. He just saw the platform flashing the fairy light, and he understood that someone had pushed the fairy door away.

With a little interest, Xian Ba ​​came to Xianmen Taichung and then there was just a scene.

Five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen respectfully gave a tribute to the fairy eight, “See the seniors!”

Xianba chuckled, “You don’t have to be polite, you and I will enter Xianmen, and there will be others to deal with later.”

Five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen replied, “We know!”

Then, five of them followed the fairy eight to the majestic building. The eight guards wearing silver armor and holding silver guns at the door were all Supreme Being.

Supreme Being is also the most top-notch in the world. It has the strength of the heaven and exterminate the earth. It is feared and feared by countless people, but now they are only responsible for the goalkeeper.

Five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen are a little scared.

“I have seen Great Elder!” The eight guards respectfully bowed to the fairy eight.

Xianba tapped his head and entered the sect with five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen. He handed over five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen to others, and he walked over to a place.

Coming to a room, a refined middle-aged man was leaning back against the chair and holding a book in his hand.

The middle-aged man of Confucianism is also the Great Elder of Xiandaozong. His status is also very high. He is named Xuan Qinghua and is also a friend of Xianba.

Xuan Qinghua looked at the smile of the fairy face, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Xian Ba ​​said with a smile, “I found a very surprising person in the lower bound, you want to listen.”

Xuan Qinghua put his gaze back on the book, and said in a plain tone, “Let’s say it!”

Xian Ba ​​sat in the chair next to him and took a fairy fruit to eat. He smiled and said, “The man has seven Supreme Emperor Stars…”

“Wait, what are you talking about?”

Originally, the quiet Xuan Qinghua looked surprised and looked at the fairy eight, and asked some uncertainties.

Xian Ba ​​couldn’t help but laugh. “I said that there are seven Supreme Emperor Stars, and six of them are Supreme Emperor Stars of six races, namely Human Race, Monster Race, Mozu, Ghost, Exotic. Race, Protoss.”

Xuan Qinghua continued to ask, “Is this thing true? How can a person have so many Supreme Emperor Star bleSS ing?”

Xian Ba ​​said with a smile, “Can I see if I see it with my own eyes?”

Xuan Qinghua also believed in the words of Xian Ba ​​and asked, “I didn’t think that there really is such a person, and I don’t know how to give birth. The key is still in the lower bounds. There is no such a fairyland.”

“The ancient Emperor of Heaven and Earth, which was shocked by the ancient times and the present, is only the Supreme Emperor Star with the three races of the Warrior, Human Race, and the three races. He has six races of Supreme Emperor Star. It is bound to cause a great uproar.”

“Right! Doesn’t he have seven Supreme Emperor Stars? The other six Emperor Stars are race Emperor Stars, and what is one?”

Xianba said with some mysterious smile. “You guess, that Emperor Star is his Life Source star.”

Xuan Qinghua’s expression was seriously thought out. “I don’t think it’s Emperor Star, or you told me.”

Xian Ba ​​said with a smile, “There are three major singers in the fairy world, namely the celestial celestial star, the representative can not appear, against the Great Path, the eight secluded to the market star, representing the endless death, the end of everything, his Life Source The star is the last star.”

Xuan Qinghua was shocked by the started talking. “The last fierce star is the illusion of disaster, representing the endless disaster, the ominous things, how is his Life Source star?”

Say with said a chuckle, “You ask me, how do I know? I am also curious about how the kid is not only Life Source Star is one of the three fierce stars, there are six other ethnic groups Emperor Star.”

“Forgot! In addition to the seven Supreme Emperor Stars, the kid is still the first generation Origin Bloodline, and is not the general first generation Origin Bloodline. It contains a variety of strengths, including the Supreme Emperor Star.”

Xuan Qinghua looked shocked and interrupted the fairy eight. “What? Supreme Emperor Star blood? This has become the blood of the legend in the fairy world. He also has it?”

The people who were so powerful in Xuan Qinghua were not surprised to hear the first generation Origin Bloodline, but they couldn’t help but be shocked when they heard the blood of Supreme Emperor Star.

With Supreme Emperor Star, it means that his offspring are likely to wake up Supreme Emperor Star.

Supreme Emperor Star is rare in the fairy world, but it is also rare and precious. Any force will be heart-warming and valued.

And the people who have the blood of Supreme Emperor Star, countless forces will be crazy for him, try every means to get him, with his existence, in the future will be a lot more Supreme Emperor Star people.

A Supreme Emperor Star can exude such a powerful strength, a series of Supreme Emperor Star exudes a strength that is unimaginable, and it is synonymous with Heaven’s Chosen.

As long as you have Supreme Emperor Star, you will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future. If a group of people has Supreme Emperor Star, then this force will have great potential and the forces will become stronger and stronger.

Supreme Emperor Star is also very rare, one of the rarest and most powerful blood in the fairy world.

Its birth is also very difficult, need to be highly recognized by Supreme Emperor Star when awakening Emperor Star, and then highly integrated with Emperor Star’s Power, will have Supreme Emperor Star blood.

Almost no one has seen it in the fairy world. It seems to have disappeared for a long time. Many people know that there is such a blood through legends.

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