After a while, the virtual shadow a pair of eyes looked at Zhao Fu, said with a smile, “I don’t care what you are now, whether you are willing to follow me to the fairy world, I will accept you as a direct disciple, maybe in the future You can take charge of Xiandaozong!”

The minds of countless people are blasted, and while the body is blank, the body instinct trembles.

The first is that people are better than people. Five Heaven’s Chosen need to undergo trials to obtain the immortal seal, and then they are eligible to enter the fairy world. The numerous people can’t enter.

But now the strong man has taken the initiative to ask Zhao Fu to go to the fairy world with him. Can this be compared? Almost can kill people.

But what makes them even more shocked is that this strong person has to accept Zhao Fu as a direct disciple, which means that he is defeated as a teacher. This is almost a matter of countless people asking for help, and even more shocking is the last sentence. .

Maybe Zhao Fu can take charge of Xiandaozong, which is to become the master of super-power in the fairy world. This is generally the case of Immortal, and things are too shocking.

Void ancestors were also shocked to see Zhao Fu, and thought to himself, “I also underestimated him?”

In the face of the lack of light for everyone, Zhao Fu smiled and said, “Sorry! I don’t want to go to the fairy world for my predecessors.”


Surrounded by awkwardness, facing the face, I did not expect such a heaven-shaking good thing, Zhao Fu refused, if they were, they would definitely not want to agree, but he refused? Everyone can’t figure it out.

Five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen looked confused and wondered why Zhao Fu would gather because almost no one could refuse.

The phantom is a bit strange, asks, “Why? You should know that I am strong, and Xian Daozong is also a very powerful force in the fairy world.”

Zhao Fu said with apologetic smile. “I know that my predecessors are very powerful. I need to look up to people. I also understand the power of Xiandaozong. But I care about things in this world. I care about people, so I can’t follow you to the fairyland. “”

After listening to everyone, I still have a look of doubt. What is the most important thing for anyone to enter the fairy world? If they will definitely abandon everything into the fairy world.

The illusion said with a smile, “Now it is impossible for you. Since you see such a wonderful talent, then I will definitely take you back.”

Zhao Fu’s face changed, just want to leave here, a shadow of a pair of eyes fell on Zhao Fu’s body, an invisible strength will Zhao Fu body imprisonment, can not move a trace.

At this time, Zhao Fu was a little scared. He couldn’t think of meeting such a thing. He hurriedly asked Di Xi and Void’s ancestors, “Do you have any way to escape?”

Di Xi Shakes bitterly, and in the face of such a level of existence, she has no resistance at all.

Void ancestors have some helplessness on the face. If it is the strongest Immortal class, he may also help Zhao Fu, but the other party can be far more terrible than the Immortal class, and he has no way to escape from here.

However, he has no conflicts with this matter. If he can follow Zhao Fu into such a super power, he can not only restore strength quickly, but also easily become Immortal, and various benefits.

Even he still wants to persuade Zhao Fu to go to the fairyland. Everything in the world is not important. He is the master of super power. What is he?

The virtual shadow said with a smile, “You can safely follow me to the fairy world. I am not treating you badly. In the future, you will become the Lord of the Tao Daozong and thank me.”

With a shadow sticking out a hand, countless Immortal Qi rushed out and took Zhao Fu to the past with a huge momentum.

Everyone looked envious, and they seemed to be caught in the fairy world by such a strong person.

Zhao Fu looked at the influx of Immortal Qi, his face was ugly, and he didn’t hesitate to go directly to Ten Thousand Gods mode.


A heaven-shaking bang came out, and a commanding of Ten Thousand Gods, beyond the power of Heaven and Earth, broke out from the body of Zhao Fu, and the void would solidify at that moment, as if it had been imprisoned by divine power.

Zhao Fu’s hair shines, gradually becoming crystal-clear, and the eyebrows emerge from an ancient mirror. The original black cloak is also like a light-colored cloak that turns into a white holy cloak.

The people around him changed their faces, and the body seemed to fall into the ice cave. Numerous colds invaded the body, and the heart was very fearful. The body was shaking violently.

“This person is terrible!”

But although everyone feels that Zhao Fu has a very terrible power, it still can’t break the power of imprisonment.

There are some surprises in the virtual shadow. “The amazing power of the supreme power is rare in the fairy world.” The outstretched hand grabbed forward, and the rushing Immortal Qi became more fierce, forming a big hand, with a mastery of the world. Strength.

Zhao Fu looked at the big hand that was caught, and thought about it. Now only the entire strength of the seven Emperor Stars broke out. Now I can only escape if I can see if I can’t escape. If there is no escape, then there is no hope.

Void ancestors were the time to persuade, “I don’t have to work hard, I thought about this trick, but now you are too weak, there is no way to play the strength of Supreme Emperor Star, and this is a great advantage for you, Emperor Star resistance will be small.”

When I heard this, Zhao Fu’s heart was cold. Did he have to be arrested in the fairyland in this way, in the future and Daqin sever the relationship?

Thinking about the Great Qin Empire that I built myself, I think about the familiar people in Daqin, Li Si, Baiqi, Mengqi, Gai Ni, Wu Qingniang, Nulu, Flower Fairy, Wang Ergou, Eight Sea Beast King…

Zhao Fu was very unwilling to go to the fairy world. His Great Qin Empire has not yet become a real Empire. He does not want to give up those who are familiar.

The possibility is that Zhao Fu doesn’t want to, and there is no strength to resist. The big hand formed by Immortal Qi, with a huge momentum, will grab Zhao Fu’s body.


A pair of unspeakable horrible eyes in Heaven Awaken World opened, and the gaze penetrated the endless void at that moment, falling on Zhao Fu’s body, the big hand formed by Immortal Qi, which instantly collapsed into countless Immortal Qi dissipates.

The shadow of the shadow changed, and the eyes looked like Heaven Awaken World.

Originally Zhao Fu’s strength, at that moment also disappeared instantly, Zhao Fu heart happy, without any hesitation, the explosion of all the strength quickly flew to one side, and then disappeared into the horizon.

Heaven Awaken World That pair of eyes regained their gaze and disappeared.

The virtual shadow couldn’t help but chuckle. “I know that the kid’s identity is not simple. It turns out that there is such a big source.”

The people around him were puzzled. They still didn’t understand what had just happened. How did the fairy hand that caught the past suddenly collapse, and how did the man escape from the imprisonment and escape?

They don’t dare to say anything now, for fear of offending that terrible powerhouse, maybe they will anger them.

Five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen were also careful to wait there, without saying anything.

The virtual shadow fell on the five of them and said with a smile, “You come in quickly, I have something to deal with now.”

It was said that the five people breathed a sigh of relief and disappeared into Xianmen. Xianmen also closed again.

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