That person has the first generation Origin Bloodline, Supreme Emperor Star blood is likely to be the first generation, so the blood is the purest, his children, or grandchildren, is not likely to awaken Supreme Emperor Star, but 100% will certainly awaken Supreme Emperor Star.

Such a person is even rarer, rarely heard in the legend, as if it existed only in the ancient period.

No matter what the power, no matter who it is, it will be shocked to hear this kind of blood, and I want to do everything I can to get this person, so Xuan Qinghua will be so shocked.

Xian Ba ​​smiled. “In addition to this blood, he also masters a kind of ultimate divine power. It is extremely terrible. It is also a top strength in the fairy world. I don’t know how a person with a lower bound has such a terrible strength.”

Xuan Qinghua said, “Where did you meet such a terrible person? And why did such a person not bring back to Xiandao? If it was me, he must bring him back at all costs.”

Xianba said with some helpless smile. “The place is in a crack in the fairyland. I also want to bring him back, but there is no way.”

Xuan Qinghua asked, “What happened?”

Xian Ba ​​explained, “I started to say that I can accept him as a direct disciple, give him everything he wants, and even promise to help him become the head of Xiandaozong, but he still does not want to come.”

Xuan Qinghua heard some doubts here, which made him the head of Xiandaozong. The average person would not refuse, but how did he refuse?

Xian Ba ​​continued, “He doesn’t want to come, I won’t let him go, and my heart makes a decision to force him to the fairy world. But then the accident happened. A big world shot blocked me. There is no way I can only Give up, just tell you when you come back.”

“Great world?”

Xuan Qinghua’s face is a bit surprised. Although they are extremely powerful, they can make countless worlds annihilate, but in the face of a big world, they are still somewhat invincible.

Although the world is located in the lower bound, but the world is the largest in the lower bound, with the vast World’s Power, their powerful Immortal, do not want to fight this level.

If you want to defeat such a big world, then only the people of the immortal level of the immortal can be shot.

Xian Ba ​​continued, “The big world is not a general world, but a very powerful and special world.”

Xuan Qinghua quickly asked, “What kind of big world?”

Xian Ba ​​explained, “At the time, because the distance was too far, I was only fuzzy and I didn’t know the detailed information.”

Xuan Qinghua looks serious. “It seems that that person should be the one born in this big world. This big world is by no means not the big world of ordinary, or people who can’t cultivate such terrifying level.”

“Now I don’t know what purpose and plan it has. This is not a trivial matter. You said what do we do next?”

Xianba is speechless and has a look at Xuan Qinghua. “I just came over to discuss with you. I want to ask you what to do next.”

Xuan Qinghua thought about it and said seriously, “It is better to report this matter and teach those Taoists to solve it.”

The fairy sacred look is serious. “You are sure! If you give them the old monsters, we have almost no possibility of intervening, and you think about it. Mastering such a person will have more terrifying effect in the future.”

“In the end, I remind you that he is still in the evolutionary stage and has not stopped evolving. The destiny in his body exudes a huge vitality, and the blood is also the same. He may have evolved into a more terrible person than now.”

“What hasn’t reached the limit yet? Is it still evolving?”

Xuan Qinghua heard this, the body was soft, almost fell to the ground, a look shocked.

Xianba nodded seriously.

Xuan Qinghua pondered. “With his potential, I don’t know how amazing he will be. Maybe he will let the whole fairyland turn upside down.”

Xian Ba ​​said seriously, “I think so too. Is it necessary to report this matter now?”

Xuan Qinghua said helplessly, “This is such a big thing. That person is the person who cultivated in the world. Then what do you say we should do? You can only report it to the people.”

Xian Ba ​​asked again, “What do you think will be dealt with if you give them to the old monsters? How to treat that person?”

Xuan Qinghua thought for a moment, “I should find the person in person in the lower bound. If I find that person, I will definitely bring him back to Xiandao. Even if he doesn’t want it, there is no way. Then I will see how those Taoists deal with it. He will also have unimaginable benefits.”

Xian Ba ​​said with a little regret, “His kid should have something very important in the lower bounds, so he refused to come to the fairy world. If he killed him, it would be a pity that it was a pity that I was the first to see such a terrible person.”

Xuan Qinghua said, “You don’t have to think about the bad side. He has one of the three murderous stars, the catastrophe star, with endless disasters and ominousness, and six Emperor Star bleSS ing, even if the Taoist wants to kill him, Worried about destiny backlash, it won’t be easy to do.”

“Maybe he promised to be a man of Xiandaozong. With his potential sect, he will train him all the time. He will become the Sect Master of Xiandaozong. When we see it, we may have to be polite.”

“There are such terrible people to join, and it is also very similar to Xiandaozong. Maybe it is also when I am singularly proud of the world. I will report this matter, maybe help him.”

Xian Ba ​​thought about it, made a decision, and said with a smile, “Okay! Then we will report things together and discover that such a terrible person may have many rewards.”

Xuan Qinghua thought and replied, “I don’t care about those rewards. I think we should be involved in this matter. It is best to find him in the lower bounds.”

“If he is convinced that Xiandaozong is the best, the two of us will be his guides, and they can establish a deep relationship with him. The benefits of this in the future are much greater. As for the big world, it is handed over to the Tao. ”

“I am a little worried, that a big world with that person as a chess piece, what kind of heaven-shaking catastrophe is triggered, that person Life Source Star is the catastrophe star of the three murderous stars, is capable of causing heaven-shaking catastrophe, then we Xiandaozong It may also spread.”

When Xian Ba ​​heard this, his face became serious. “I really didn’t think about this. If he caused the heaven-shaking catastrophe, I can’t imagine how terrible it is, how many lives are annihilated. If so, I think Killing him ahead of time is the best option.”

Xuan Qinghua Light Um sighed. “Then we will report this matter now.”

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