A large Qinsoldiers armed with a long gun, an Alchemy Power into the rifle, the long shots with a lot of sharp gas, forced forward, a pistol easily penetrated the body of a Monster Horn soldiers.

A fierce solerier broke out with a powerful force of fire, holding a big sword, braving a hot flame and slamming a large Qinsoldiers to produce numerous sparks.

A Monster Horn soldier with a sly face and a spear, screaming a huge request, rushing forward, the spear running through the chest of the Daqin Soldiers, but the Daqin Soldiers did not die directly, the hand waved, the cold flash Over, a head landed.


“This is Alchemy Power!”

Yao Ming and Li Baiqing looked at the scene with a look of horror. I really didn’t think that Daqin not only mastered Sacred Beast, but also owned Alchemy Power, but how could Daqin master this.

The number of originally Monster Horn Empire and Fiery Flame Kingdom is relatively large, but it still can’t stop the attack of Daqin Soldiers. The Monster Horn soldiers of the ordinary are not the opponents of Daqin Soldiers. The advantage of 2nd Order is not big, but the number is relatively small. .

This will continue to lose!

Rooaaar ……

A loud roaring sound, a huge Fire Beast like a lizard, and a variety of monster beasts with a huge momentum, rushed out from the side, as if nothing could resist.

Yao Ming and Fiery Flame Kingdom want to use the Fire Beast and the monster beast to withstand the Great Qin’s offense.

Bang bang bang ……

The war barrels of the Sacred Beast, and the mechanical dragons, swayed against the monster beast, ejected a huge beam of light, and with a terrifying strength instantly shot forward, which made people feel fear.

Monster beast feels the horror of this strength, exuding countless Monster Qi, forming a defensive cover to protect themselves.


A loud sound was heard, and countless beams hit a monster beast. A huge explosion occurred. The white light shone in the square, and nothing could be seen. A strand of terrifying volatility emanated.

Everything fluctuated at a time, some monster beast was directly blown into pieces, some monster beast’s body was pierced through a large hole, and some monster beast suffered a slight injury.

This wave of attacks has caused a lot of damage to both monster beast and Fire Beast. There is still a big gap between Heaven Awaken World’s behemoth and Alchemy World’s Sacred Beast, so Sacred Beast is also a big advantage for Alchemy World.

When fighting Alchemy World, Zhao Fu did not dare to directly use the Daqin behemoth against Alchemy Sacred Beast, which is also the reason.

Yao Ming and Li Baiqing looked at the monster beast, and his face was even more ugly.

Rooaaar ……

A loud roar followed, a giant Qin beast appeared, with huge spiders, a huge Grey Wolf, a high-meter Giant, and a much larger sea beast.

Countless beasts rushed out, and the huge fierce momentum was even more terrible than Monster Horn. Countless people only felt that their bodies fell into the ice water, and the body could not help but tremble.


The confidence of Daqin Soldiers was also greatly encouraged, shouting and killing, killing the numerous Monster Horn Empire and the Soldiers of the Fiery Flame Kingdom. The battle was more intense, the blood continued to splash, and the deaths continued.

Both Yao Ming and Li Baiqing understand that this time they lost. If they don’t retreat, they will really die and die, and maybe even the whole army will be wiped out.

“The whole army retreats!”

Yao Ming and Li Baiqing looked angry and gritted their teeth, and reluctant to give this order.

Numerous Monster Horn soldiers and fires are like big bangs, and they are relieved. In the face of such terrible Daqinsoldiers, they are also very scared. This is not a group of people, it is a group of ice-cold killing machines.

The Monster Horn and the Fiery Flame Army began to fully retreat, and the Daqin Soldiers pursued fiercely behind them, cutting the sharp edge of their hands to the lostiers who were running away.

Aaaaaaaah ……

A scream of screams continued to scream, numerous Monster Horn soldiers and fire solitier slashed, countless blood splatters, a person fell to the ground and died, the picture was extremely bloody.

Because of the melee, Alchemy Sacred Beast is not in use, but the numerous Daqin behemoth is rushed to the front, and the huge body directly smashes one of the Soldiers like a small stone.

Some behemoths directly crushed the body with a huge body, directly crushing a person into a patties, and the blood splatters are everywhere, making people feel chilly.

There is no way, Li Baiqing and Yao Ming can only leave some people to drag the Daqin Soldiers, others continue to escape.

Daqin also madly killed, and the part of the people who stayed was quickly killed by Daqin, and did not stop Daqin for a long time.

However, at this time the two armies have fled to the teleportation point, and a person instantly disappeared teleportation to other places.

Daqin also continued to be fiercely chased in the rear.

The news of Monster Horn and the fiasco was also spread. Originally those who escaped, there was no accident. They saw Great Qin’s strength and knew that they would lose on this side, otherwise they would not choose to escape.

Fortunately, Monster Horn Empire and Fiery Flame Kingdom blocked Daqin, otherwise they didn’t have time to escape.

The most powerful alliance and duplicate Wind God Empire, I was shocked to hear that all the information, Daqin is so terrible! Not only did he master the war Sacred Beast, the numerous soldiers also mastered Alchemy Power, and the two forces joined forces not to be his opponent.

What should we do now? They sat here to watch them fighting each other for a long time, and they were ready at any time. If the two forces could break Daqin, they immediately took the army and rushed into Daqin to seize the advantage.

On the contrary, Daqin is too powerful now. They must not do anything. Let Daqin destroy the two forces. Otherwise, the two of them will suffer. They will be divided into two major forces and attack the Daqin directly from both sides.

Zhao Fu also quickly learned the news, and there was no accident. He watched the two people who had escaped the same, and ordered the attack to stop and turn to other battlefields.

Only the dead bodies on the ground, most of them are the bodies of the two armies, and a small number of bodies of Daqinsoldiers, the blood has already stained the ground, the rich blood smell is disgusting, even if it can be smelled far away .

This is the tragic result of the war. I don’t know how many white-haired people will send away the black-haired people. I don’t know how many people will break their lives.

Daqin’s speed was also very fast, and he rushed to the battlefields of both sides. However, the Alliance Army and the Duplicate Wind God Empire saw such a terrible Daqin Soldiers, and they did not dare to attack directly. They slid back and went back.

They are not really trying to fight, just dragging Daqin, not to destroy the two forces, and now their purpose has been reached.

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