“Well, let’s go right away, right to the one who is the most compelling? Is there the first one to rush?”

“He’s? Don’t mention it, it’s faster than the rabbit. Now it’s all running in front of us. It’s just like that, it’s just hurting.”

“The trough! They all ran to us, so let’s run!”


The various forces rushed away, leaving the Monster Horn Empire army and the Fiery Flame Kingdom army. They didn’t want to retreat, but the eyes of Daqin began to focus on them. Once they chose to retreat, Daqin would catch up directly.

At that time, they would be very unfavorable. Without a formation, defensive attacks could not be played out, but it was a massacre.

Now Monster Horn Empire and Fiery Flame Kingdom have formed a defensive formation and can only try it for the last time to see if they have the ability to resist.

Zhao Fu stood at the forefront of Great Qin’s, a pair of eyes looked at Yao Ming and Li Baiqing and smiled. “Long time no see, you are still so weak.”

Yao Ming and Li Baiqing are even more horrible. The current Zhao Fu feels a huge difference from the previous Zhao Fu. It feels like a person, especially they feel a kind of Origin from Zhao Fu’s body. breath.

Under this kind of breath, they all have a humble feeling, what’s the matter? How Zhao Fu became so terrifying.

At the moment, the two of them are also very afraid of Zhao Fu, and they understand that they are not Zhao Fu’s opponents. Now they and Tian Fu have a difference in heaven and earth.

However, even if this is the case, they will not admit defeat, Yao Ming cold voice said, “You don’t want to be too arrogant. Who was forced to hide in the enchantment? If we didn’t have the enchantment, we would have killed you.” !”

Zhao Fu chuckled, “You are too small to see Daqin, too small to see me, you think that you can kill Daqin, it is simply dreaming.”

Li Baiqing a pair of eyes Looking at Zhao Fu did not speak.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “Unfortunately, Fiery Flame Kingdom has even spread your scourge. Since it has become a Great Qin’s enemy, I will extinguish the Fiery Flame Kingdom. I am looking forward to Fiery Flame Kingdom. Your mother-in-law and your wife. the taste of.”

“You damn it! Insult the princess and the queen.” A burly general, a screaming anger, a look of Zhao Fu to kill.

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, “I am not insulting, but I will do it. You can tell them when you go back. Your nephew can be washed and enjoyed by the entire palace.”

The general fire of the fire was blushing. Just wanting what it was, Li Baiqing spoke first. “You are a beast, my mother is your stepmother, my wife is your sister-in-law, you not only violated them, but now Still want to insult my current wife and mother-in-law.”

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “I have never said that it is your brother, and I have not recognized this identity. You have said that I am useless. It is true that your father and grandfather can miss you very much in the prison. It’s better to go back with me now, meet them well, and the family will be reunited.”

Li Baiqing said with an anger, “Let’s come here, now you are very strong, but when you say this, I will sue this to Fiery Flame Kingdom. When the real fire is killed, I will personally Rescue them.”

Zhao Fu hahaha laughed. “Do you think Daqin will be afraid of him now? I will no longer talk nonsense. The whole army will listen to me and attack!”

Bang bang bang ……

Under one command, the mechanical dragon in the sky opened its mouth and ejected a huge beam of light, with the power of thunder and slamming forward, as if the sky was destroy.

Bang bang bang ……

A war on the ground, Sacred Beast, a gun barrel facing the front, a beam of light with a strong strength, as if it penetrated everything and shot forward, with a huge wind .

In the face of so many terrible attacks, the Fiery Flame Army and the Monster Horn army immediately emerged a different color of the atmosphere, forming two huge defensive hoods, wrapped around the entire army.


A loud sound sounded, a beam of light hit the defensive hood, and countless rays of light radiated, shining on the square, and the fluctuation of a terrifying of a strand spread like a tide.

When everything was gone, I saw that the two hoods had been shattered into a large gap. There were big holes in the ground below the gap. Many of them were broken bodies and meat pieces. The blood had already stained the ground. red.

This wave of attacks caused at least millions of deaths. If you don’t have a strong defensive hood to block most of the strength, you don’t know how much you want to die.

“Kill Ah!”

Countless Daqinsoldiers, like the black torrent, with a terrifying momentum, rushed forward, there is no way to resist the general.

Monster Horn’s two souls of the Soldiers, seeing the fiercely rushed Daqin Soldiers, there was some fear on his face.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

Monster Horn shot a sharp arrow on the side, drawing an arc in the air, with a sharp momentum, like a heavy rain, falling down.

On the side of Daqin Soldiers, a lot of solitiers popped up a huge black mist, wrapped up the army and blocked all the arrows.


A huge rumbling sound rang, shaking the square, and the black flood hit the top, and the two solitiers began to kill.

Yao Ming immediately said, “Li Baiqing, my army as the main force dragged the Great Qin Army team, your army has a relatively large strength, attacking Daqin from both sides and cutting off the Great Qin’s army.”

Li Baiqing nodded, Fiery Flame Army but 2nd Order soldiers, played a strong role in dealing with 1st Order soldiers.

Although the Daqin Soldiers seem to be terrible, the forces are comparable to the 2nd Order, but the number of them is relatively large, and it still has a little advantage, not completely in a weak position.

The two armies quickly followed the order, and the Monster Horn army dragged Daqin from the front, while the flamesoldiers on both sides launched an attack from both sides.

Bang bang bang ……

At this moment, Daqin Soldiers burst out with a cyan mist, giving off a metal-like scent, and the skin changed into a layer of metal.

Li Baiqing and Monster Horn were shocked and felt this breath, some unbelievable.

Aaaaaaaah ……

A scream of screams continued, blood splashed, a person fell, a strong bloody smell spread, the scene was very chaotic, and the people on both sides began to fight fiercely.

Daqin has a great advantage in this battle.

A large Qinsoldiers holding a long knife, Alchemy Power is injected into the knife, the knife emits a sharp blade qi, with a strong wave, a sharp knife light splits a fissolating solderier into two halves.

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