Yao Ming wandered back to the Monster Horn Empire with a large army. Seeing that Daqin did not continue to attack, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ordered people to strengthen their defenses and open up various great formations to prevent Daqin from attacking.

Yao Ming’s face is very pale, and now he understands that he and Zhao Fu are no longer a level, and the Monster Horn Empire is not a level with the Great Qin Empire.

He and Monster Horn Empire are no longer Great Qin’s opponents, which makes original confident and always wants to destroy Great Qin’s Yao Ming, and has no previous confidence.

Now he is thinking about how to resist Daqin in the future, instead of attacking Daqin.

This time Monster Horn Empire’s loss is also very large, originally went to the 30 billion Monster Horn soldiers, and now only half of the return, a large number of soldiers are not fleeing or death in the hands of Great Qin’s.

It takes a lot of time and supplies to replenish the troops. The entire Monster Horn Empire can be said to be a serious injury.

Looking to the other side, Li Baiqing also came to the Fiery Flame Country, and some of them fled back.

At this time, an awkward general said, “Hummer! Now I declare that I will deprive you of all power. The army is completely led by me. Now I will immediately order the withdrawal of the whole army.”

“This time I came to fight. I didn’t get any benefit. I lost more than 8 billionsoldiers in front and back. It was also a heavy blow to Fiery Flame Kingdom. I don’t want the remaining Soldiers to die here.”

“There is something about what happened here. I will tell you in detail. As for how he made the decision, you still don’t want too much hope.”

Li Baiqing’s face was pale and her body was a little weak. She almost fell to the ground. Originally, he had nothing. Relying on the power of Fiery Flame Country, he had the status and power.

Now his power is directly abolished, he becomes nothing, no power.

He also understood the result. When he led the troops to attack Great Qin’s, because Fiery Flame Kingdom could easily destroy Daqin, it was not expected that Daqin developed so rapidly that it not only resisted the Fiery Flame Army, but also damaged the Fiery Flame Army. .

He also expected this result, and now he is unable to change anything and can only accept his fate.

Even he still thinks that he is not the best person to be a Great Tang legacy, if Great Tang legacy gives Zhao Fu’s? Will Great Tang be as powerful as Daqin, will there be Great Qin’s glory now?

Now, Great Tang legacy is also estimated to regret it. If it knows everything that is happening now, it will reject the test of all people. Directly before the Daqin step, the legacy will be given to Zhao Fu.

It is very likely that Great Tang is so powerful that it not only destroys all human forces, but also becomes the most terrifying force in this place.

It is a pity that nothing can be re-emerged. Perhaps it is destined to be in the same place. When Li Shimin won the throne, launched the Black Tortoise incident and killed his brother, Wu Zetian and Li Zhi also had power to fight.

And it was not over yet. Later Wu Zetian’s son became an emperor and was also harmed by his own queen and daughter. They also wanted to be emperors.

Then, Li Longji competed with PrinceSS Taiping for the throne and finally killed Prince SS Taiping and succeeded in winning the throne.

Finally, Li Longji indulged Yang Guifei in previous years, causing the Anshi rebellion to happen, fleeing to Mazhaopo, and also a mutiny, and his throne was also robbed by his son.

Brothers are disabled, husband and wife are disabled, and father and son are disabled. This is a common thing in Li Family. Maybe because of this, it will happen now.

Li Baiqing is now completely defeated by Zhao Fu, without any motivation, his eyes are a bit hollow, his face is dim, there is no glimmer.

Su Yan, as Li Baiqing’s military sergeant, also sighed heavily, and he felt so tired when he worked with Daqin many times. He also understood that he was not Zhao Fu’s opponent at all.

Maybe I should listen to the words of Junior Brother Zhang Heng at the beginning, and I will travel to the Quartet from now on, no longer against Daqin.

The sly generals swept Li Baiqing and ordered them directly. “Let them be optimistic!”

Numerous generals and solediers also took the lead, a pair of eyes also looked at Li Baiqing with anger, everything is because Li Baiqing will kill and injure countless people, they will find grievances on him.

This also put an end to the idea that Li Baiqing wanted to escape directly, and then was numerous to tie the tie back to Fiery Flame Kingdom.

A heroic middle-aged man above the main hall, cold face, looking at the Li Baiqing people lying below.

He is the king of the Fiery Flame Kingdom.

The fire is not very original. It is very trusting Li Baiqing, and I appreciate Li Baiqing. I think that Li Baiqing is very talented. I wanted to wait for Li Baiqing to destroy the power and come back to him. He can cultivate him in the future and give it to her daughter. He Can help manage.

However, he did not think that Li Baiqing with so many 2nd Order soldiers not only did not destroy a side of the wild, but also defeated in the hands of the new forces.

“Do you have anything to say?” Fire did not sit on the top of the cold voice.

Li Baiqing’s face was dim, and some frustrated said, “I have nothing to say, but defeat is defeat.”

There is no coldly snorted in the fire. “If you know it wrong, don’t blame me. There must be an account for this.”

Next to the Fiery Flame PrinceSS, also Li Baiqing’s current wife, Qing Qinger, rushed out and cried, “Father! This is not the fault of Bai Qing, the Daqin is too strong, and the ability of Bai Qing is also known. “”

Sitting next to a sexy woman with a long, sexy hair, named Huo Dongmei, and some people couldn’t bear it. She said, “Your Majesty! This is not a mistake. This time, Li Baiqing is not alone. It was also attacked with a powerful force, but it was still defeated. The Great Qin’s power was too strong.”

When I heard this, the fire did not put pressure on the anger. I looked at the sly general and asked, “All you said is true? The forces not only have a lot of war Sacred Beast, but the Soldiers also mastered it. Alchemy Power ?”

彪悍 The general answer is affirmative, “Yes! There is absolutely no falsehood.”

The people on the hall showed a surprised expression, because this thing was very surprising to them. How could a country with a wild world have Alchemy Sacred Beast, and sodiers also master Alchemy Power. Is this a general force?

I also heard that this power, called Great Qin’s, is only a new world, but it has become a local tyrant. Many forces are afraid of him.

There are even times when you have to unite countless forces to suppress him.

Everyone is curious about what kind of power is this Daqin? Why do you have such terrible strength? Now it does threaten the strength of Fiery Flame Kingdom.

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