At this time, the eyes of a pair of ice-cold eyes looked at the tree king, and the eight black balls floating in the back were shot at that moment.

The tree king felt a danger, and hurriedly retired, usually showing a defensive cover.


A loud noise was heard, and the eight black balls exploded directly. The force of terrifying’s destruction spread, the ground shattered, and a strong wind blew away, and countless trees swayed hard.

After everything subsided, a large pit of several kilometers appeared directly on the ground, which was a bit surprising.

The tree king stood on the edge of the big pit, not hurt but a little wolf.

The ice-cold watched him, and eight black balls appeared behind him, turning into a stream of light and shooting at the tree king.

The tree king can only choose to escape to one side. The eight balls follow the tree king, and then a series of explosions. Each black ball explodes and blows up a large pit on the ground, each about one kilometer. width.

At this time, the tree king had just escaped the explosion of eight black balls. After the death, eight black balls emerged at a time. The tree king could not continue to do so. He simply chose not to evade. There was a hint of twilight on his face.

I saw a lot of branches growing on his back. These branches grew on both sides, and then they radiated a strong green glow, forming a green defensive hood that exudes a strong strength.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

The eight black balls behind them were shot with a devastating force and quickly shot at the tree king.

The tree king did not have fear. He held the long knife and rushed straight to the annihilation.


The eight black balls had a huge explosion, and a terrible force of destruction spread out, the ground was constantly collapsing, and countless black rays were shot.


A figure rushed out of the center of the explosion and rushed over to the annihilation. The defensive hood that the tree king showed out was already broken, but he also succeeded in blocking the power of the explosion.

In the face of the annihilation, the tree king injects a large number of sacred trees into the knife, and the knife emits a strong light. The tree king holds a long knife and fiercely smashes, as if a mountain can be opened.

The scorpion stood still in the original place, one hand grasped the long knife, a powerful force of destruction was injected, the long knife braved countless ruined black arcs, a terrifying strength spread out, and the knives took a knife .


A loud noise came out, and two long knives slammed together with a strong strength. A terrible shock wave spread out in an instant, and all the squares of the square collapsed, and countless gravel collapsed.

The physical exertion of the two men also retreated more than a dozen meters and looked at each other.

The tree king broke out with the power of a powerful sacred tree, and poured into the ground. A huge wooden thorn was shot from the ground, with an amazing force, from all directions to the smashing, like Put everything through the general.


After the annihilation, the eight round balls floated out at one time, turning into countless black beams, with a terrible strength, and instantly spread to the surrounding, countless wooden thorns were shattered, and the ground shattered and appeared. A big pit.

Destroy a pair of bloody eyes and look at the tree king, a powerful force of destruction spread out, countless black thunderstorms, with an amazing strength to the tree king.


The branches of the tree king’s back shed a strong green light, and a powerful defensive hood was formed at one time, blocking the numerous lightnings that had been blasted.

The body of the scorpion appeared in front of the tree king at that moment, and lifted a long knife in his hand to force it out. A fierce black knife light smashed the king with the destruction of everything.

The tree king hurriedly injected a huge strength into the long knife and slammed it out. A green knife lighted out with the power of the powerful tree.


A loud noise came out, two strengths collided together, and a shock wave spread, and the tree king’s body was flung out.

At that moment, the eight black spheres behind the annihilation turned into a stream of light and shot at the tree king. Then all exploded, and a terrible force of destruction spread out and the earth shattered.

In the big pit, the tree king lay on the ground, his body was bloody, he climbed up from the ground, and his face was full of anger.


The body of the tree king emits a strong green light, and the power of a huge sacred tree emerges. The green light waves under his feet spread out quickly.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A large tree suddenly grows out of the ground, forming a huge sacred tree. From the bottom up, with a huge strength, Thunder is generally smashing into the smashing.

The face of the cockroach is slightly changed, and a black energy hood is applied at a time, and the energy hood spreads with the power of terrible destruction.


A huge sound came out, and two huge strengths collided together. This time the defensive hood shattered and the smashed body was shot and flew into the sky, just like shooting into the sky.

There was a dense forest on the ground, but it was formed at that moment, and I was a little surprised.

At this time, the tree king stood in the same place, deep in the woods, and his hands began to seal, and the power of a terrible sacred tree spread.


I saw those tall trees as if they were alive, and they were constantly changing. They turned into a ten-meter-high Treant. With this wooden gun, they gave off a huge sacred tree.

The number reached 100,000, and it was covered with the ground, forming an extremely large momentum.

The cockroaches in the sky, a stream of blood flowing from the corner of the mouth, looking at the numerous Treant appearing below, eight black balls appearing behind them.

The cockroach stretched out a hand, and eight round balls behind it shot into the sky, distributed in eight directions, forming a circle, emitting a strong black light.


A huge incomparable force of destruction emerged from the smashing body, injecting eight black spheres into the sky, and the eight black spheres radiated intense light and then turned into a ray of light. Come.

A black ball of one meter in size floats out in the sky, covered with a whole sky, and a vast force of destruction envelopes the world, making the world extremely dangerous and giving a sense of despair.

On the ground, the tree king raised a hand and pointed at the smother in the sky.

On the ground, tall Treant, injecting all the sacred trees into the rifle, and then rushing forward, and throwing the rifle in full force.

Bang bang bang bang…

A long gun shot with a terrible force, made a sound of sound, like a gun rain generally shot into the sky, as if to penetrate the entire sky, the sound is scary.

The eye-catching ice-cold looks at the ground and raises the hand.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

The black ball of light, all at the moment, took a stream of light and shot down, emitting a wreck of strength, forming a huge pressure.

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