
A loud rumbling sound rang, the falling black ball and the rising wooden gun hit at once, and a series of explosions occurred. A terrible shock wave spread with a strong strength.

Numerous glare shots, no things to see, explosions deafening, and Heaven and Earth are constantly shaking.

A gust of wind blew with a strong strength, countless trees were uprooted, and the stones were blown away, like a huge disaster.

After everything subsided, there were numerous large and small pits on the ground. I was dissatisfied with the a thousand kilometers, surrounded by gravel and wood, very messy. This scene is absolutely shocking.

There was a smothering of desperation in the big pit, which made the surroundings extremely dangerous and it felt very scary. Do not dare to step closer.

There is nothing in the sky, a pair of eyes looking at the ground below.

There were still more than a dozen Treants around the tree king on the ground. All the other Treants died, mainly because he blocked the blow, so he was not injured.

The tree king did not want to go on like this. One hand raised, a huge stretch broke out, and a green light hit the sky.


A heaven-shaking bang broke out, and a Saint Level spread out from the sky and pressed against countless creatures. A huge ancient tree with a huge strength slowly descended, and the green light emitted from the world penetrated into the world. In the middle, the world seems to be condensed, as if it were controlled by the sacred tree.

This is the thing of the previous saint blood, and now the king wants to borrow its strength and finally win the game.

The annihilation also understood the purpose of the tree king, and also intended to display all the strength.


A heaven-shaking loud bang broke out in one burst, and the body smashed out a myriad of black radiances. A vast force of destruction emerged from the smashing body, and the smashing body slowly blurred, as if blending into Heaven and Among the Earth.


A loud bang came out, the sky continued to collapse, and there were cracks in the road. A huge black hole slowly appeared in the sky, emitting a strength that destroyed the world.

The tree king controls the sacred tree in the sky and slams forward. The huge ancient tree radiates a strong green light and turns the world into green. The huge sacred tree is like a world. Generally gives a huge sense of oppression.

The black hole slowly moved forward, and the hole was constantly getting bigger. The terrifying power of destruction was like a flood, and the sky collapsed, and a black lightning flashed out. The light emitted was like the world. It turns black.


A rumbling sound of all directions sounds, black holes and holy trees collide, the holy tree emits a strong green light, as if a world is crushing everything, black holes spread out instantly, as if the source of destruction was turned on, Heaven and Earth instantly destroyed .


A scene of Heaven and Earth sounded like a burst of sound, and countless glare shimmered in Heaven and Earth. The world became white and couldn’t see anything. The huge explosion made people feel lost and the ground trembled fiercely.

A huge wave of incomparable air waves scattered around, the ground was picked up by layers, and countless trees and stones were blown out. This scene is terrible.

Even those who are watching in the distance have been greatly affected. A gust of wind is mixed with countless pieces of gravel and wood as raindrops. They are also hit by the defensive hood.

After everything subsided, a large pit of several kilometers appeared on the ground. A tree grew at the bottom of the pit. It glowed green at seven or eight meters, forming a GoddeSS hood.

On the other side, there was blood on his body, and his face looked pale and looked at the tree in front.

That tree is the king of trees. The tree king used this method and barely blocked the power of the terrible explosion, but the injury was also very serious, and it was quickly absorbing Power of Heaven and Earth to recover the injury.

There was a sneer on the face of the cockroach, holding a long knife and walking forward.


The tree saw the smashing in and out, exuding a powerful power, forming a green beam of light, and quickly shot the past.

Extinguishing a hand, a force of destruction emerged, forming a circular light shield that blocked countless green beams that had been shot.

Now the tree king has no strength, and the trick that is displayed is not very strong.

After the smashing of this shot, holding a long knife and going to the tree, the tree changed constantly, and finally changed back to the previous look, his face was a bit ugly. “I admit defeat, you don’t come over. “”

At this time, there is no strength in his body. It is not an opponent of annihilation. He can only choose to admit defeat. Otherwise, he may be humiliated by others and may even die.

Emperor Star owners are no wonder that they are valued by countless powerful people. It is really difficult to defeat them. Although the tree king does not want to admit it, he is still in the hands of the annihilation.

Kill coldly snorted, “What did you remember before?”

The tree king was a little embarrassed, and he didn’t know how to answer it. Before he was very confident that he could defeat the annihilation and get her, but he didn’t think he was defeated in the hands of annihilation. He also looked down on Heaven Awaken World’s people.

Seeing the embarrassing look of the tree king, the heart also breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of happiness to defeat such a powerful person.

Now she also understands that as the power of Holy Son, she is not so easy to deal with Supreme Emperor Star. Now she doesn’t have much strength, and the consumption is very big. If she just has some idea, she may not win the tree king. .

With this experience, in the future, facing Holy Son, she will have some confidence in her heart. A battle will also have some benefits for her.

There is nothing to say about the annihilation. The tree king comes from such a powerful Saint Level force. It is naturally impossible for her to kill him. Otherwise, it will bring great trouble to her family. Now the king of the tree is soft, which is the best result.

Countless people outside the secret world also shouted excitedly, because the annihilation defeated the legendary Holy Son, and now they also saw his strength, which is very terrifying, but still defeated.

This is the first time they saw Holy Son defeated in the hands of others, and the strength of the smashing is terrible.

Countless people are now yelling at her name, talking about her, loving her, admiring her, and the reputation of annihilation has reached its apex, which is several times higher than the reputation of Tianyue. Some people even feel that annihilation can overcome the sky. The more you become Lord of Gods.

The strong parties in the stands were also very appreciative of the performance of the annihilation, so that they could not help but show a surprised expression.

The people who destroy the powers also smile, and the performance of the annihilation makes them feel very proud and make their forces more prestigious.

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