Look back to the battlefield.

After the huge incomparable ancient trees came, they gave off a vast divine power, and there was a glimmer of crystal clear light. These rays of light floated into the body of the tree king, and the body of the tree king changed tremendously.

His body seems to start to grow flowers, the skin and the bark become the same as the bark, his hands and feet become a bit like branches, his body also grows a little green crystal stone leaves, which exudes a great saint .

The green light waves under his feet continued to spread, with an amazing strength, and numerous plants on the ground were sprouting, and the picture was amazing.

The shadows of the ancient trees dissipated, and the green of the tree king looked like a blade of the eye, and said with great pride, “This is the holy power of my family. You regret it now.”

The look of annihilation has become very serious. Now the tree king gives her a very dangerous feeling. She understands that the tree king has the ability to beat her, but the annihilation is not an ordinary person. She is the supreme Supreme Emperor Star owner. This succumbs to others.

I saw a strong smile on the face of the cockroach. “I have no regrets. Now I will see how strong your family’s power is.”


The annihilation broke out with a terrible power of destruction. The body ignited a black mist, and the surrounding light seemed to be swallowed in the darkness. The cockroach held the long knife and took a huge momentum to the tree. The past.

The tree king showed a sneer.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

The power of a sacred tree spreads out from the body of the tree king. A long gun with a length of more than ten meters, a thick arm and a green color emerges, and immediately shoots at the rushing rush, with a strong green glow.

In the face of the numerous wooden gun, the cockroach waved the long knife in his hand and pulled out a black knife light, fiercely slamming forward.


The long gun of the root was smashed by a black knife, and a loud noise was heard, and countless pieces of wood broke out.

The smashing body continues to fly quickly toward the tree king.

The face of the tree king has not changed, or with a sneer, the body emits countless green light, forming a huge blue-colored bird above his head, swaying his wings briskly, with an amazing strength to smash Flying past.

The cockroach lifted the long knife in his hand, and a huge strength was injected into it. The long knife exudes a strong black knives, reaching a height of six or seven meters.


With a knife falling down, a huge black knife light smashed forward with a terrible power of destruction, directly smashing the huge green bird into two halves and turning it into a numerous green light spot.

At this moment, the tree king extended a hand, a huge strength emerged from the arm, a huge tree-like arm emerged, with the power of the amazing sacred tree, the smashing out In the past, brought out a huge storm,

The smashing heart was shocked, the long knife was blocked in front of the body, and the body also released a defensive cover.


The huge tree hand hit the cockroach with a huge strength, and the smashing body was shot and flew out at that moment, such as heavy objects falling rapidly on the ground and hitting a big pit.

The tree king laughed, and a strong green light came out. Around his body, there was a palm-sized green bird. The number was about 10,000. He swayed his wings and continued to fly to the cockroach. .

There was a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of the mouth, half a squat on the ground, facing the numerous green birds that flew over, and smashed one hand and pressed it on the ground.


A huge force of destruction emerged, a huge black energy cover emerged, and then spread out with a powerful destruction of strength, all the surrounding stone and stone grounds were broken.


The green bird that only flew past was also blasted, and a loud bang was heard, and countless green spots spread out.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

Suddenly, at the foot of the cockroach, a green branch grows, and the feet of the cockroach are tied together, and the branches are continually mad and growing, and the number is increasing. The speed is very fast and the smashed body is entangled.

And the branches are still growing, as if they are to wrap the thick stalks, and each branch carries a Power of Seal.

The tree king showed a smile and continued to release the power of the sacred tree. A green branch of the tree continued to grow, and quickly shot toward the annihilation, continuing to wrap the body.

This is the Seal of the Holy Tree. The seal technique of their family has a strong Power of Seal. It is difficult for ordinary people to break free at once.

At this time, a ten-meter-high plant ball consisting of green branches appeared on the ground, and the most central mites of the plant ball were firmly tied. The powerful Power of Seal was eroding her body and let her The strength dissipates quickly.

At this time, everyone in the sky rushed to this place, only to see the tree king and a huge plant sphere.

They first fell on the tree king, feeling his strong saint atmosphere, and understood that he was the Holy Son who displayed the holy tree. The strength was terrible and terrifying.

In the green plant sphere, although they can’t see who it is, but by virtue of the demiliating atmosphere, it is guessed that it is a smashing, and the person who can fight such a terrible Holy Son, only the Emperor Star owner, how can the average person force Holy Son uses this kind of strength.

Now it is more advantageous to see the situation of the king of the tree. Destruction is an unfavorable situation, and the power of destruction is rapidly decreasing, as if it is to be sealed.

The tree king did not care much. He extended a hand directly, and the power of a larger sacred tree emerged. More green branches grew to wrap that sphere, and a more powerful Power of Seal exudes. .


A loud-shaking bang came out, and I saw a lot of black radiance from the green plants. A branch of the tree burst open, and a huge black beam rushed into the sky. All the branches broke and revealed the center. .

At this time, the body emits a strong black ray, and the terrifying scent of a strand is constantly spreading like the tide, and the temperature is falling.

The body of the cockroach is also changing. A pair of eyes turns into a heavy bloody, ice-cold is extremely extreme, and the long black hair grows long and falls to the thigh.

Behind the scenes, eight fist-sized black balls emerged. The surface of the black ball is covered with numerous runes. It looks very mysterious, and there are countless black lightnings around, and everything is in collapse.

Now this strength is the strength of the Emperor Star owner. It is definitely not weaker than the strength of the current tree king. Everyone is also a bit surprised.

The face of the tree king has also become serious. He has not thought that the smashing can still forcibly open the seal.

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