
A huge rumbling sound In the middle of a loud, secret white ball of light, with a strong white light, with a huge momentum, directly into a white light streaming into the sky.


A huge sound came out, and a white ball of light exploded. A white light wave spread out with a striking strength. A powerful momentum spread and countless white radiance.

The sky has a huge twenty-four round formation, one of which emits a white glow, like a circle filled with white.

There are already three circles in the sky that are filled with patterns, emitting different light.

Everyone looked at the sky with amazement, how quickly did ten people get the power of legacy? If the second time is the first time, everyone may believe it, but this is the third time.

It is impossible for ten people to get the legacy force together every time. It must be something unexpected, so it will cause the current situation.

Another possibility is that the person got all the legacy, so three Land of Legacy are so fast to complete the legacy.

If it is the first possibility, everyone can still accept it, but if you are two, it will be very scary. Who can get the full legacy of the three Lord Gods?

Originally, everyone in the mind can’t think of anyone who has this ability, because it is impossible, and the power of Lord God is in conflict with the power of Lord God.

Although everyone knows that Demon God Kerr has the ability to devour Ten Thousand Gods, the stone itself will test and test potential. Demon God Kerr is terrible, but he can get the full legacy of three Lord Gods. Some don’t believe it.


Everyone thinks of a person who is very terrifying, and only one person has such potential, otherwise everyone will not think of anyone else.

Did the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings really come to the secret? So how did he get in? I have passed so many strong people.

Now all this is speculation, and everyone can’t be sure that the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings came to the secret, maybe the one who won all the Lord God’s legacy is not the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings.

It is not clear whether the matter is true or false, but this will undoubtedly create a pressure. There may be a very terrible figure in the secret.

Even the two Emperor Star owners are no exception, and they feel the same pressure.

There is also a huge twenty-four round formation in the sky. Now three have been filled with light. Once twenty-four rounds are filled, the secret test will end early.

In the previous twenty-four rounds, it was not filled up so quickly, and even some of Lord God’s ten legacy were not obtained, so that twenty-four rounds could not be filled.

Everyone is also taking the time to do all kinds of things, and there is already a hint.

At this time, the top ten peerless Heaven’s Chosen, some people have entered the Lord God Land of Legacy, and got the legacy of Lord God.

However, because Lord God has only twenty-four, representing twenty-four attributes, if it is not one of the spirits of these twenty-four attributes, it is more difficult to obtain the legacy power of Lord God, and can not satisfy the different attributes of numerous gods. Demand.

In the secret, Zhao Wei, after harvesting a pile of treasures, left the Land of Legacy with three feet and returned to the secret.

Zhao Wei took the three-legged white scorpion again, because its volume is too large, and the momentum is too terrible. It can be sensed by others, which is not conducive to Zhao Fu’s action.

Next, Zhao Wei continued to rob the power of the numerous gods to neutralize Myriad Gods Power.


Another Lord God Land of Legacy, a man in a green long coat with a handsome face and a strong momentum, walked towards a Lord God stone statue.

This Lord God stone statue is an old man, about sixty years old, wearing a robes, holding this wooden stick, and the hair grows like a numerous leaf, carrying a powerful god spirit.


As the green man approached, the stone statue radiated a strong green light, and a piece of leaves floated out of the void, each with a hint of cold light, and it felt very sharp.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A piece of green leaves quickly flew over to the green man, and the number was so dense that it was full of clouds and the scene was terrible.

However, the green man did not have any fear. He stretched out a strong stretch of strength and formed a root tree root around him. The roots were straight and hard. A terrible breath.


A root of roots with terrible power, went out to the countless leaves, powerful power directly crushed by countless leaves, turned into countless green spots to dissipate.

The green man’s body quickly flew forward and entered the field of stone statues.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the stone statues emitted countless green ray, emitting a huge incomparable pressure, and the ground also showed a huge green formation, emitting a slight green light.

The green man who flies in the sky has changed his face, and the body has also been subjected to that huge pressure, and quickly falls to falling downwards.


A loud sound was issued, and the green man’s body fell to the ground, directly hitting the ground out of a large pit, and the numerous stone collapsed everywhere.

The green man climbed up from the ground and his face looked a little unsightly. He just seemed to underestimate the strength of the stone statue, so it was so embarrassing that this ancient Lord God was very powerful.

Climbing up from the ground, the green man resisted the huge pressure and continued to move forward step by step.

Finally came to the front of the stone statue, the stone statue looked down at the green man, the eyebrows emitted a strong green light, a powerful momentum broke out, a beam full of trees, with a strong strength shot into the green On the man’s body.

The green man stood in the same place, closed his eyes and absorbed the strength of this ancient tree Lord God, although in his capacity, the general power of the Great God spirit did not have any effect on him.

But this is one of the gods of the ancient Lord God, creating one of the gods of the age of the gods. His strength is still terrible. Even if the green man has the Saint Level blood, the power of the ancient tree Lord God is still very important to him. Big.

Feeling the strength of this ancient tree Lord God, the green man also put away the kind of care and contempt.

He came from a Saint Level power, in the world of Half Immortal, and began to show disdain and contempt for people or things in a lower world class, thinking that these people and things are too low-level and weak.


A huge rumbling sound rang at a time, the stone-like eyebrows emitted a stronger green light, and a powerful green beam continued to shoot on the green man.

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