The green man feels the power of the ancient tree gods infused into the body, and his mouth is filled with a confident smile. With his Saint Level blood and identity, he has the confidence to gain the full legacy of the ancient tree god.

The Green Man knows that there is a person who has the power of all of Lord God’s legacy. It is also true that he also entered the Land of Legacy and wanted to prove that he also has that potential.


A huge rumbling sound rang, the stone-like eyebrows emitted a stronger green light, and a powerful green light beam continued to shoot on the green man, and the more powerful legacy was injected into the green man’s body.

The strong strong man looked at the green man, his face was a bit strange, watching the ancient gods continue to infuse the green man’s body, and wonder if this person has the ability to get the full legacy of Lord God.

Before that, everyone also paid attention to this green man, because he was a few strong people hidden in the crowd, and everyone noticed that he was not ordinary.

Bang bang bang ……

A loud bang came out, and the stone-like eyebrows showed countless green light. A green beam with a strong strength fell on the green man’s body, and a huge ancient tree Lord God’s power injected into his body.

The strong can not help but have some nervousness and anticipation. This green man has the potential to get the full legacy of Lord God, and if there is, it will be a terrifying person.

The green man is very confident about this. He doesn’t believe in his blood and his terrible identity. A Lord God can’t get all the legacy.


A huge rumbling sound, once loudly, a green beam with a huge momentum, fell on the green man’s body, this is the legacy of the seven Lord God, and finally three.

The green man’s face with a confident smile, closed his eyes and absorbed the whole strength, he believed that he would not be weaker than that person.


The green light beam that was shot on the green man’s body gradually weakened, which made the green man’s face look awkward, opened his eyes and looked at the stone statue, and found that the ancient powers injected into the body were indeed reduced.

The green man did not believe it. Waiting for the green light beam that was shot directly disappeared, the green light emitted from the eyebrows disappeared, and the huge atmosphere of the stone statue was also weakened.

It really stopped!

With his blood and identity, and the huge destiny, he can only get the power of the seven ancient trees Lord God. The green man is very unconvinced, and that person can get the power of the Lord God legacy. Why can’t he.


The green man broke out a strong strength, a huge green breath emerged, forming a huge green vortex on the back, a strong suction force, sucking toward the stone statue.


A huge strength erupted from the body of the stone statue, forming a huge shock wave, spreading with the thunder of strength.

The green man felt this terrifying strength, and the body ice-cold felt a fear. He hurriedly launched a defense, blocked his hand in front of his body, and his arm emitted green light, forming a semicircular hood.


A dull voice was emitted, and the green energy cover was instantly crushed. The green man’s body was directly shot and flew out and spit on the ground to spit out a blood.

The green man is still a little behind, looking at the stone statue with a look of shock and fear. This stone statue is far from being as simple as imagined. The strength that has just emerged is like the strength of Immortal.

The strong is also an accident. The man and the green man are also dying to absorb the power of the Lord God stone statue, but the man is not angry at all, but the green man is attacked.

Fortunately, the Lord God stone statue did not use much strength, or it might directly kill the green man in place.

This is the terrible of the Lord God stone statue. If it can really be offended, they will not be so shocked when they see Zhao Zhao dare to absorb the Lord God stone statue.

The green man returned, his face became a bit ugly, and he only got seven legal powers. This is a miracle for others, but he did not get all the legacy power, which proves that he is not as good as that person.

Thinking of this, the green man is very angry in his heart, how can he be worse than a Heaven Awaken World’s person with his identity and blood.

Before he could despise Heaven Awaken World’s people and things, he did not expect that there would be a more terrible person than him.

What kind of person is that person, what is the identity, and by what can get all the power of Lord God legacy.

Now the green man is also very curious about the identity of that person.

The numerous strongman in the stands, some disappointment and relieved at the same time, disappointed that this person has no ability to obtain the full legacy of Lord God, and that person has consecutively obtained all the strengths of the three Lord Gods. There is no way to compare this. .

The reason for this sigh of relief is that although this green man can get the seven Lord God legacy, it is terrible, but not very terrifying, still acceptable, unlike the person who exceeded their imagination early.

The green man stood up from the ground and respected the stone statue. He did not dare to do such a thing, and then left the Land of Legacy directly.

“Little wine! Oh.”

A young girl is happy to hold a purple cat with a fat pig, and her relatives lick the face of the fat cat.

This girl is the future of God of Time, the other two God of Time, also revealed a smile, watching the fat cat.

Because this time the fat cat made great achievements, he found the entrance to the Lord God Land of Legacy.

One of the twenty-Lord Gods is Time Lord God, because the God of Time is very rare, which makes the entrance of God of Time extremely difficult to find, even the general God of Time can not find.

This obesity is better at finding things. After so long searching, I finally found the entrance to Lord God Land of Legacy.

This entrance is located in a hidden valley, and now several people are standing in the middle of the valley.

The fat cat is also very happy to hold his own master. It was a great disaster before it. He went to Holy Son to steal alcohol. The owner may have offended a terrible person. Now he is making up for it. come back.

When I said with a smile, “We went into time for Land of Legacy to be tested!”

The other two women, nodded with a smile, and they came to the secret for the purpose of time Lord God.

Then, when y flies to the front, one hand stretches out a huge amount of time and spreads out like a wave of light.

A golden noble bell, with a huge momentum, emerged from the void, emitting a golden light, emitting a time fluctuation.

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