In the previous pressure, and the formation did not appear, Zhao Wei did not go anywhere. The stone statue looked down at Zhao Wei, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through Zhao.

The numerous strong in the stands is also a bit strange, how the stone is not used for any test, they are the first time to see such a thing.

However, some people quickly discovered the reason, and it is probably the reason for the Sun God force, because it is the ancient Sun God force, the Lord God stone image retracted his Sun God power.

And that huge gold scorpion may have a great connection with the Sun Lord God, perhaps with the same blood, maybe not, and everyone is not sure what the connection is.


There was no accident. After the stone statue saw Zhao Wei, the eyebrows also emitted countless white light. A hot atmosphere spread out, and a blazing light beam, with a strong momentum, fell on Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Wei feels that a huge Spiritual God of Sun is pouring into the body. Zhao Wei quickly absorbs this Sun God force and integrates them into his own personality.

The gods continue to absorb Sun God’s power, and the strength increases rapidly.


The stone-like eyebrows emit a more intense white light, and a hotter strength spreads out. A blazing light with a powerful momentum quickly falls on Zhao Fu’s body, a larger Sun God. Into the body of Zhao Wei.

Everyone in the stands saw the scene in front of me, and the look became a bit serious. Doesn’t the Sun Stone image also inject the power of the ten legacy into the body of the person?


Innumerable glare of white light, radiating from the eyebrows, shining on the square, a more hot strength exudes, a blazing light with the more powerful Sun God’s power into the Zhao Fu’s body.

“Who is this person?”

Seeing this scene, everyone no longer doubts that the Sun Lord God stone image is estimated to give the ten legal powers to that person.

But what is the identity of that person, what terrible things are there, and why it is so valued by the Sun Stone.

More critical is not a stone statue. In the previous winds, the Lord God stone statue and the rain Lord God stone statue also valued Zhao Wei, and injected all the legacy power into Zhao Fu’s body.

One or two can still accept, but now there are three Lord God statues, they are really unacceptable.

That person is probably the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings, because apart from the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings, which shocked the world, no one would have the potential to have that person. .

Bang bang bang ……

A rumbling sound continually rang, and a blazing white beam with a huge Sun God force was continuously injected into Zhao Fu’s body. Zhao Fu’s body was infused with a powerful Sun God force.

Zhao Fu’s Eyes, skin, and hair appear white, and the body emits white light, which exudes a sense of Sun God’s power.

Nothing unexpected, Zhao Wei got the Sun Lord God body again. In this state, Sun God reached the strongest force, and all attacks contained Sun God power.

Feeling the Lord Lord God force in the body, now Zhao can feel like a real sun, shining on the earth.

Getting ten ancient Sun God forces also made Zhao Wei Myriad Gods Power even stronger.

However, because of the continuous devouring of the power of two Lord Gods, Zhao Wei Myriad Gods Power has become very unbalanced.

Fortunately, Zhao Wei had the power to rob more than two thousand gods. It has not been used yet. At this time, it is just used, neutralizing Myriad Gods Power and maintaining its balance.

Two thousand balls of light of different colors, flying out of the Zhao Fu’s Storage ring, floating around, emitting different colors and different divine powers, a huge divine power.

Then, all the divine balls are integrated into the body of Zhao Fu’s, standing in the same place with the eyes and absorbing the power of numerous power.

The numerous strong man in the stands was surprised. “Sure enough, that person has the ability to devour Ten Thousand Gods. It is not something that devours Myriad Gods Power. He robs the gods of the gods for absorption.”

In Land of Legacy, that kind of personal shielding is ineffective, and everyone is now watching Zhao Zhao swallowing so much power, all knowing what’s the matter.

Everyone couldn’t help but look at Demon Emperor God. It seems that this person is definitely related to Demon Emperor God, and it is definitely not a pawn of Demon Emperor God, because from now on, the potential of that person is no longer under Demon God Kerr.

Although Demon Emperor God is very powerful, it will never be such a chess piece.

With him constantly becoming stronger, sooner or later he has to fight with Demon God Kerr. Both of them also have such terrible abilities. In the end, only one person can win. It feels that two people are the common enemy.

Demon Emperor God The faces of everyone have become serious. Now they suddenly run out of such a powerful person, and they can’t help but worry.

What happens if that person meets their Imperial Prince?

Among the Land of Legacy, Zhao Wei took some time to devour the fusion of numerous power, Myriad Gods Power’s balance was restored, and Myriad Gods Power was stronger.

Growing up like this, Zhao Wei feels a little scared when he thinks about it.


A huge tweet rang through the sky, Zhao opened his eyes, and looked into the sky, saw a huge white crow, flew out of the sun, with a huge Sun God force, still There is a strong sense of oppression.

Zhao Xin was also a little surprised. Looking at the white crow, the original crow was just a bone. Now it not only grows meat, but also grows white feathers. The original strength is also golden, and now the body and strength are white.

Zhao Wei feels that the three-legged Baiwu has flesh and feathers, but the strength has not recovered much. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to recover.

However, it is also a very surprising thing that the three-legged white urchin has a body. It can make the three-legged white urs recover more quickly without wasting time to grow meat.

The three-legged Baiwu flew down from the sky and fell in front of Zhao Fu’s. Its body was also huge kilometer. Zhao Wei stood on the ground and could only look up, and could not see all.

After the three-legged white buds fell on the ground, they did not see some disappointment with the stone statue, but their eyes quickly fell on Zhao Fu’s body, which is now closest to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei looked at the three-legged white scorpion with a smile on his face and found that its strength was already terrible. If it returned to its heyday, it would be more terrifying.

This kind of strength is the strength of the ancient sun Lord God, and it is no longer its own ancient Sun Power.

Zhao Wei is satisfied with the fun of playing outside, and at this time, looking for various sun attribute treasures around him.

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