After a while, the numerous gods condensed a ball of divine power, and the hand was gently thrown, and the ball of light of different colors flew to Zhao.

Zhao Yi waved his hand and took the numerous power, and then left.

The numerous god on the ground is also relieved. Sure enough, the terrible person just snatches some power. After surrendering the power, there will be nothing. With the strong strength of that person, he will kill them. They have no What is the power to resist.

Zhao Weizheng is looking for a place to combine the numerous power of the robbery.


Zhao Wei is like what he feels, his expression is a meal, then he quickly flies to one side, and the three-legged Jin Wu in Zhao Yuling’s favor has become a little excited.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and a white ball of light appeared in the sky, emitting a glare of light, like a little sun shining in Heaven and Earth, a hot breath spread.

This is another entrance to the Lord God Land of Legacy. According to the exhaled breath, this Lord God should be considered a Sun Lord God.

Before participating in the test of the gods, Zhao Wei obtained the ancient Sun God force in the sun pool, and also acquired the Sun God body, so he has a strong sense of this Sun God force.

Now the ball of light exudes a strong light in the sky, and if one approaches, it will be burned with intense light.

The strength of the light is very strong. The ground turtle in front has cracked a crack in the ground. The flowers and trees all died in an instant, and the scene is a bit scary.

Zhao Wei came to this place, and no one has arrived yet. Zhao Wei thought about it and raised a golden energy cover.

This golden energy hood exudes the power of Sun God’s power. This is the Sun God force that Zhao Wei displayed.

Because originally Zhao Wei has a powerful ancient Sun God force, so the next is very easy, the hot light shines on the hood, the hood easily blocks the numerous light, and Zhao Fu’s body flies directly into the ball of Among the light.

As soon as the picture turned, Zhao Yi came to a place again.

This place is clear and clear, there is no cloud, a sun emits strong light to illuminate the earth, and there are large trees on the earth, the leaves are dark green, the surface is steaming hot, like a steamer.

On the same platform, there is a huge stone statue.

The stone statue is a high-kilometer, looks like a heroic young man, wearing a robes, a pair of wings on the back, a strong white light, and a huge Sun God atmosphere.

The spiritual pet sent a strong idea, and Zhao Yi thought about it and put the golden corpse out.


The huge bone Jinwu just came out, and when he was very happy, he made a huge tweet, and the voice was very loud.

The golden skeletal scorpion flies in the sky and likes the surrounding environment, because this space is full of strong Sun God power.

There are a few strong people in the stands, and their faces are hateful. When the sun pool changed, they had a look at the past, but unfortunately there was nothing to gain.

Now they saw Jin Wuji understand. Everything was caused by Zhao Wei. Some regretted why he was not careful at the time. Maybe he could catch Zhao Wei there, and then he could investigate his identity.

Then you can understand what identity Zhao Zhao is, and don’t guess it now.

It is also obvious that Zhao Wei is not simple, relying on the ability to devour Ten Thousand Gods strength enough to surprise them. If he is trained, although he is not as terrible as Demon God Kerr, he will grow up to be a very terrifying person. .

The appearance of the golden skeletal scorpion also attracted the attention of the stone statue, revealing a strange look.

Zhao Wei suspects that these stone statues have their own consciousness, and may contain a trace of the soul of the ancient Lord God.

In front of this one of the sun Lord God, I feel that it is also a three golden eagle, because the breath is very similar, and there is also a pair of wings behind him.

The golden scorpion flies in the sky, and the head looks at the stone statue. It looks very happy. Although it has no memory, it feels very kind to the stone statue.


The stone statue showed a smile, slowly raised his hand against the sun in the sky, a powerful Sun God force, and flew into the sky, making a huge rumbling sound.

I saw that the sun in the sky gave off a more intense white light, and I couldn’t see it with my eyes. A vast Sun Power shrouded Heaven and Earth.

The world has become a blazing white, and everything can’t be seen clearly. Zhao Wei can’t stand it anymore. He uses his arm to block the white light.

The golden skeletal scorpion became more happy, as if he understood the meaning of the stone statue, and made a huge scream, swaying his wings and flying toward the white sun in the sky.

I saw that the huge body of Jin Wuji was getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared, as if flying into the sun.

Then, the light from the sun dimmed, and there was no such heat around, and everything was restored to the way it was before.

Zhao Wei didn’t know what was going on. The idea entered the body of Jin Wuji and found that it was in the midst of a huge white ball of light. Jinwu bones absorbed the endless ancient Sun God force.

Seeing this scene, Zhao can’t help but reveal a smile. It is a great good thing for Jin Wushui to absorb such a powerful Sun God force. It is also very helpful to him.

Zhao Wei looked at the stone statue and planned to accept the test of the stone statue and gain the power of the Lord Lord God.

Although Zhao Wei has acquired the power of the ancient Sun God, it is obvious that the power of the ancient sun Lord God is much stronger than the ancient Sun God of the ordinary.


As Zhao Fu’s approached, the stone statues retracted their instincts and emitted countless white radiances. A huge ball of light emerged. There was no limit on how many, with a hot atmosphere, the scene was terrible.

Zhao Wei also exudes a Sun God force, a golden light radiating from the body of Zhao Wei, the golden light illuminates the Quartet.

Here is the Land of Legacy of the Sun Lord God. The use of Sun God has great benefits, making it easier to get the legacy of the Sun Lord God.

However, when Zhao Wei released the ancient Sun God force, the accident suddenly appeared.

I saw the stone statue looking at Zhao Wei, feeling the momentum of Zhao Fu’s body, his face suddenly slammed, and recovered the Sun God force, and the huge white ball of light also dissipated.

Zhao Yi, who wanted to fight, also had some accidents. Looking at the stone statue that recovered Sun God’s power, it was not clear what purpose it had, waiting in the same place, but nothing happened.

Then, Zhao Wei flew forward and did not receive any attack, and went directly to the sun stone statue.

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