More than a day passed, Zhao Wei directly unscrupulously blocked the gods’ power of the gods. The number of the gods was more than 4,000. It has already provided more than 4,000 divine power balls for Zhao Wei, and now it has been fully absorbed.

As Zhao Yu continued to rob the numerous divine power, the news spread, and the numerous gods knew that there was a terrible figure with a cloak, and the power of numerous gods was robbed everywhere.

Most people don’t know how terrible the person is, and those who have been robbed by that person, think of the terrifying strength that the person emits, and feel that the body is a little cold.

Such a terrible character can definitely rival the top ten peerless Heaven’s Chosen, and such people are generally high, disdain and their ordinary gods have anything to do, and this terrible figure is robbing them of their power.

This is very confusing, and I don’t know what he is doing to steal so much power.

However, it was learned that such a person who specifically bullied the ordinary gods and also robbed the gods of the numerous spirits, other people’s gods were also careful, try not to meet such a terrible figure.

Because of the things Zhao Fu’s do, it attracts more and more people’s attention.

Most people, even the ordinary people, only care about those who beat Lord God’s illusion, but little attention is paid to the ordinary gods. Zhao Wei is the first person to make them interested.

The strongman of the numerous stand seems to have guessed the purpose of Zhao Fu’s, and the power of so many gods must be important to him, which means that he has the ability to fuse numerous power, or something.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the powerful numerous can’t help but look at the people of Demon Emperor God.

The average person can not do so much to devour and fuse so much power, because there is a great conflict between divine power and divine power. The general god has several divine powers, which is already a limit.

It will never last for one person to have hundreds of thousands of divine powers, which has never appeared in the realm of the gods.

And Demon Emperor God now has such a terrible person, can swallow the power of countless gods, which makes them extremely shocked, how does Demon Emperor God’s Imperial Prince have such terrible ability?

And what is the identity of Imperial Prince, the reason for this ability, the numerous people are also very curious, but Kerr did not reveal any information, they can only secretly investigate.

Kerr is also using this ability, the growth of just ten years is so terrible, the potential is no longer under the Emperor Star owner, and everyone is still very envious.

Now looking at someone who can devour numerous power, everyone thinks of Demon Emperor God for the first time, because they also have the ability of Imperial Prince.

Although that person can only devour the power of others, and Kerr directly devours the divine power of other gods, the two are as powerful as Kerr, but they are very surprised.

Because this kind of ability is extremely rare, there are two now, watching the man with a cloak a mysterious look.

The strong strong doubts about the power of the person Demon Emperor God.

It is also possible that that person is the auxiliary piece that Demon Emperor God sent in. The purpose is to make Kerr the power of Lord’s God, so now he is engulfing the strength of other gods to enhance his power.

Watching him rob him so much power is integrated into the body, just think about how terrible it is, and there may be a big change afterwards.

Everyone looked at Demon Emperor God with a hint of vigilance.

They didn’t know that Demon Emperor God was equally shocked. They originally thought that only their own Imperial Prince had such terrible abilities, and now there is a second person.

Demon Emperor God is also not very clear why Kerr has such ability, and now they have some doubts, the two will have some connection.

However, relying on the current situation, it is sure that their Imperial Prince is more powerful. Although this person has this ability, he can never surpass their Imperial Prince. They have full confidence.

However, they all don’t know that Demon God Kerr can be today, all because of Zhao Wei.

At this time, Zhao Wei found another Lord God Land of Legacy.

There was a huge waterball in front of it, which radiated a strong radiance and shrouded Heaven and Earth with a huge momentum.

The sky is gloomy, with light rain, and the patter is constantly falling, as if it will never stop. The ground is spreading with a mist of water, covering some lines of sight, seemingly like a fantasy.

Now Zhao鈥檚 position is sunny, and there is a picture of light rain in front, like two different worlds.

This place has also gathered a lot of people. Zhao Wei has seen the number of people without robbing them of their power. Because there are too many people, Zhao Wei will lose one side.

At this point, some people tried to enter the waterball, but entered the range.

Originally, the gentle and weak rain will change into a fierce marble. Just one body is pierced by the marbles that have been turned into countless rains. The blood is very miserable.

However, this layer of hindrance has not had a great impact on Zhao Fu’s. Zhao Yi said with a drink, smiled and said, “Let’s go in!”

The wine allowed a smile.


a rumbling sound sounded, everyone still did not react, a black streamer with a strong momentum, rushed to the waterball.

The raindrops falling in the sky, at that moment with a strong strength, brushed and shot to Zhao Fei, skilled and difficult to count clearly.

Zhao Wei exudes a strong strength, and the body emerges with a black dragon pattern cover.


Numerous drops of water are on the black dragon pattern, making a sound, and the black dragon pattern shakes. The strength of these drops is still very strong.

However, these water droplets did not cause substantial damage to the black dragon pattern mask. Zhao Wei took the wine into the waterball smoothly, and Zhao Hao came to a space again.

Here, like the outside, the sky is covered with gray clouds, the rain is pouring down, the ground has a piece of water mist, the air is very humid, with plenty of water vapor, feeling that after a while, the clothes will be soaked.

On the platform, there is a high-meter statue of a woman wearing a palace dress. The face is beautiful, slim, with a feminine temperament, and the body exudes a strong strength.

Here is a rain Lord God Land of Legacy, you can get a powerful rain god power.

Now there is not only two people, Zhao Wei, but also a woman who is accepting the test of stone statues.

The woman is graceful, her face is good, fair skin, wearing a pale green dress, with a charming temperament, also with a strong momentum, but also a rain god.

At this time, the stone statue exudes a huge force of ancient rain gods, and a drop of rain turns into a flying knife, constantly shooting at that woman.

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