Zhao Fu’s words made the three of them stiff in place. If they move, they will not suspect that Zhao will kill them directly.

The clean water smiled out. “I am willing to surrender my power, and please let me and my sister.”

Zhao Wei lightly sighed and looked at the two remaining people.

Purple-clothed youth Face is ugly, although he does not want to succumb to others, but this person is too terrible, under the oppression of Zhao Fu’s, the purple-clothed youth can only honestly say, “I am willing to surrender.”

The strong young people saw that both of them were soft and did not take care of their faces. They also expressed their willingness to surrender their own divine power. They thought that Zhao Wei was so powerful. He was definitely not an opponent. He needed his brother to defeat Zhao Wei.

Others have seen three people who are so powerful and whose identities are not ordinary. They are honest and cohesive. Others are naturally more honest and dare not have any resistance.

So there was a strange scene. Hundreds of divine power stood in the sky and stood out. A handful of divine power gathered in the hands to form a divine power ball, emitting different light.

The people in the stands also showed very strange. They didn’t understand why Zhao Wei didn’t want anything else, that is, the power of robbing the numerous god.

Now they still don’t know what Zhao Wei wants to do with these divine powers, because if Zhao Wei does not appear in front of everyone, the picture about him is shielded, and everyone can’t know what Zhao Wei is doing.

Zhao Wei stood in the sky, revealing a smile, absorbing so much power should be able to neutralize Myriad Gods Power’s attribute, and will also make Myriad Gods Power improve.

Nowadays, there are all gods in this secret place. They don’t need Zhao Yu to look for it, and only need a few threats, they will get countless powers. This is a great opportunity for Zhao Wei.

Subsequently, each of the gods condensed out a divine power ball, the hand gently throws, one by one, the different power of the divine power ball, flew to Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Yi waved all his income into the Storage ring, and then with a smile, his body quickly flew to the side and disappeared.

When everyone saw Zhao Wei disappearing, they all breathed a sigh of relief. How come suddenly such a terrible person? It seems that there are a lot of strong people hiding this time, and there is no shortage of people who are peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

Zhao Wei returned to the place where he was, and also waited for the place, and took out the gods and threw them to her, said with a chuckle. “This thing is for you, it is a reward after you surrender to me.”

Ji Yun did not know what happened. At that time, Zhao Wei only said that there was a change in the front, saying that she would wait here, and then she would disappear into the sky.

It seems that Zhao Wei grabbed the thing that caused the change, but the wine allowed the information of the gods and the fruit, and the surprise of the face, did not expect that Zhao Wei would give such precious things to himself.

The wine was full of smiles and plunged into Zhao’s arms, holding Zhao Wei in his hands, happily said, “Adult! I like you more and more, why don’t you catch me earlier, then I will become an adult sooner? woman.”

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, “This thing is useless to me, and then you will eat the god of the gods and enhance your strength. I will also absorb the power of the numerous gods and Myriad Gods Power.”

The wine allowed a smile and nodded.

Then, Zhao Wei sat on one side and took out more than 300 divine power balls. An invisible strength let the three hundred divine power balls float in the air, and then merged into Zhao Fu’s body, and Zhao Fu’s body exudes countless gods.

Next to the wine, Yun also eats the Emperor’s Fruit. A huge power of the Emperor erupts, and the wine allows to quickly refine a strength.

The time lasted for a long time, Zhao Wei absorbed three hundred divine power balls, Myriad Gods Power was stronger, and the attribute was also quite neutral, not like the previous wind attribute.

The wine also refines the Emperor’s fruit on one side, and has the power of the Emperor. The hair and the eyelids are all with a hint of silver, the temperament becomes noble, the appearance is also beautiful, and the strength becomes very powerful.

Zhao Wei stood up from the ground.

Jiuyun asked Zhao Wei to smile and asked, “Adult! Are we going to continue to search for Lord God’s land and numerous gods?”

Zhao Wei replied, “Um!”

Now Zhao’s main purpose is to get this point, both to get points, to find God of Time, and to get numerous Power of Spiritual God.

Above a sky, the numerous gods are fighting, making a loud bang, a strong wave of stocks. It is not clear what they are fighting for.


But at this time, a huge momentum came suddenly, and the air around it seemed to solidify. The numerous fighting spirit, suddenly stunned in the heart, hurriedly looked up at the sky.

I saw a man with a cloak, full of mysterious and terrible, standing in the sky exudes a huge momentum.

There are hundreds of gods here, which is within the range that Zhao can bear. If there are too many gods, Zhao Wei will not be so unscrupulous.

a pair of eyes Looking at these people, I didn’t care about what they were fighting for. Zhao’s voice said with awesome and arrogant, “I will surrender your power and you will not die!”

Some people can still accept this, thinking that it is just losing some divine power, and other things and points are there.

But some people are not convinced, and cried with a look of anger. “Who are you Ah? Don’t think that you are better than me now, we will be afraid of you.”

Zhao Wei didn’t look at him. He waved a terrible lightning bolt and screamed at the people with amazing strength. He directly smashed those people into pieces and blood.

Suddenly scared by this scene, Zhao Wei was so terrible that he could only surrender his own power. After Zhao Hao got their power, he continued to turn into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.


Another group of more than 30 gods is about to fly to the lake ahead, but a huge momentum has come to the fore, and a figure with a strong strength is in front of them.

“Hand over your power!”

Many gods were inspired by the horrible momentum of Zhao Fu’s body. It was not clear what Zhao Wei stopped them, but when they heard this, they showed a very strange expression.

Everyone looked at each other and hurriedly nodded. Compared with their power, life is definitely the most important thing.


A huge rumbling sound rang again, and a group of gods were in the woods, scooping up the god spirit graSS on the ground, and suddenly felt a terrifying momentum coming, scared his face.

“Hand over your power!”

A full and majestic voice rang in the sky, resounding in all directions, and could not be rejected.

There are no accidents in the thousands of gods, and they immediately choose to surrender their power.

After Zhao Wei got the divine power, he did not say anything. He continued to turn into a stream of light and disappeared into the horizon, continuing to search for the next god gathering place.

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