Woman also exerts her own strength to resist, only to see her side gathering a myriad of water whip, these water whip are made up of water, each two fingers are thick, the number is hundreds, constantly screaming .

A pair of water knives continually shot at the woman, a root whip with a strong strength continually slammed, and the one that hit the flying knives into a numerous water splash, flying from the sky.

Zhao Wei looked at this battle and estimated that it still needs to last for a while, and he himself does not want to wait here.

Then he said to the wine, “Now you are looking for the treasure of numerous here, don’t have the same time as the last time.”

Ji Yun smiled and replied, “I know! You must be careful with the grown-up.”

Later, Ji Yun left Zhao Wei and looked for treasures around him. As Lord God’s Land of Legacy, there are also many good things here.

And Zhao Wei flew forward.

When Zhao Wei entered the scope of stone statue control, the stone statues scattered a huge amount of divine power, and the numerous rains that fell around them just formed a myriad of flying knives in a flash, and the speed quickly shot at Zhao.

Zhao Wei immediately turned Myriad Gods Power into the power of the rain god. A huge momentum spread out, reaching out, and countless black liquids emerged, forming a hundred-meter black water sword in the hands of Zhao Wei.


Zhao Wei grabbed the black water and used a wave of force. The 100-meter-long black water sword took out a terrifying sword and pulled out.


A loud bang was heard, and countless flying knives were shot at that moment and were smashed into countless splashes, falling from the sky.

Zhao Wei flew directly to the front and surpassed the charming woman.

The woman’s face changed. She didn’t think that Zhao Wei was a latecomer. She had such a strong strength and went beyond her.

Now she is waving a numerous water whip here, and she can’t move a few steps.

Zhao Wei did not have this woman, and quickly flew to the front of the stone statue. The stone statue exudes a huge pressure, emitting a strong water, and a huge square of the ground emerges.

At this moment, Zhao Wei felt a huge pressure, holding down his body and falling falling downwards.

Because of the last experience, this time Zhao Wei had prepared, Zhao Hao exudes a powerful momentum, resisting the pressure.


a loud sound is issued, Zhao Wei this time is on one knee half-squatting on the ground, the ground cracked, the stone crashed, this time Zhao Wei did not have the last time. Hit a large pit directly on the ground.

Falling on the ground, Zhao Wei also felt a strong pressure, his face was serious, and he did not care. He lifted the direct strength and resisted the pressure. He stood up from the ground and walked over to the front.

That woman simple Zhao Wei directly broke through to the final test, a look of horror, this feeling is too easy.

And she is struggling here, not at all.

However, she did not want to admit defeat, broke out a strong strength, surrounded by countless water, forming more water whip, and smacked around.


A loud bang came out, and a water knife that flew past was whipped into a myriad of water flowers by a water whip. The water whip continued to flutter and sway, and the momentum was fierce.

Woman With this strength, fly forward quickly.

At this time, Zhao Wei has already come to the front of the stone statue, where the power of countless rains, such as the tide, floods into Zhao Fu’s body.

That huge stone statue is like alive, bowing a pair of eyes looking at Zhao Wei, it seems to be looking at Zhao Wei, looks as if you have seen Zhao Wei.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the stone-like eyebrows emitted countless strong waters. A huge ancient rain god power, such as the tide, swept through.


A beam of water emerged from the stone eyebrows and shot into the body of Zhao Fu’s with a huge momentum. Zhao Zhen’s body shocked and felt the power of the ancient rain god, which was continuously injected into Zhao Fu’s body.

Zhao Wei also quickly absorbed a huge ancient rain god, and integrated them into the black godhead. The godhead launched a black rain in the Zhao Fu’s consciousness world, and a rain of Creative Concept spread. .


This time, I don’t need to force Zhao to force the power of Lord God. The stone statue exudes a stronger force of rain.

The water beam from the eyebrows became stronger and stronger, and the force of the ancient rain god, which was more and more huge, was constantly injected into Zhao Fu’s body, forming a very terrible momentum, which was shocking.


Still not listening to the stop, a more powerful rain god force from the stone statue, a more intense light in the eyebrows, a larger water beam hit Zhao Fu’s body.

Originally, the charming woman who is undergoing trials, with a look of horror, is not sure what is going on, how the stone statues are constantly injecting the power of an ancient rain god into Zhao Fu’s body.


A more massive momentum spread, the stone-like eyebrows radiated a more intense light, and a more intense aqua beam hit Zhao Fu’s body, and the constant force of the rain god was injected into Zhao Fu’s body.

Not only that woman was a little scared, but the numerous strong in the stands was equally astonished.

They can learn more about Zhao Fu’s. The same was true of Fengshen last time. The power of ten legacy was injected into Zhao Fu’s body, which made Zhao Wei get the most terrible power of Gu Feng.

However, the stone statue of the ancient rain god actually did the same. What special place did the man have, he actually received two ancient statues so valued.

The face of everyone in the stands has become a bit serious. The identity of this person is really more suspicious. Wouldn’t this person be the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings?

The King of Myriad Kings, but they were not sure if they had come, not to do a carpet search, and then they personally took the entrance to the secret.

If the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings came, they would have noticed it, but they really didn’t notice anything wrong this time.

Perhaps it is possible that the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings used something to hide his breath and secretly sneak into the secret. He also understood that once he entered the secret, they could not help him.

However, even such a numerous person can not confirm the identity of Zhao Fu’s, and this time there are several suspicious people in the trial.

Now everyone is looking serious and thinking about the next thing.

Bang bang bang ……

A loud bang came out, and the stone statue exudes a force of ancient rain gods, constantly injecting into Zhao Fu’s body. Under the infusion of the enormous ancient rain god, Zhao Fu’s body began to rain.

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