The appearance of a strong man also makes the original water and purple-clothed youth that are originally fighting to stop.

Purple-clothed youth frowning, and now there is such a strong competitor, then his chances of gaining the Emperor’s fruit are much lower, and he has no previous confidence.

The face of the clean water became serious, and without the smile of the previous one, he did not have full confidence to defeat the strong man.

The strong man looked at the two and said with a big laugh, “You continue to fight! I want this god.”

When the strong man finished speaking, he rushed over to the god tree.

Purple-clothed youth cried with a look of anger, “You dream!”

At the time of opening, the purple-clothed youth rushed to the Emperor’s tree with a strong momentum, and the things he saw could never be taken away.

The clean water is coldly snorted, bringing out a stream of light to the Imperial Tree.

If it is his brother, the clean water can only be concessed, because he is not such a terrible opponent, but now is only a strong man alone, clean water is not very afraid.

And there have been more than 300 gods gathered around, all of which are attracted by the ecstasy of the gods, and they are also excited about the gods and want to get the gods, but they can only wait for the opportunity, now rushing over Impossible to get.

All three rushed to the Emperor Tree.

The strong man was a little closer because of the distance, and the speed was a little faster. He flew to the side of the Emperor’s fruit and his face showed a ecstasy smile.

Everyone looked at the strong man who really wanted to grab the Emperor’s fruit. He finally couldn’t help it. He broke out with a powerful momentum and rushed to the Emperor’s fruit. If he didn’t do it at this time, he would not be able to grab the Emperor’s fruit.

The strong man smiled and smiled. When he stretched out his hand and wanted to grasp the Emperor’s fruit, a figure appeared next to the Emperor’s fruit, and a hand was extended to grab the Emperor’s fruit.


The strong man only felt an anger rushing into the brain, an angry cursed sound, bursting out a strong strength, punching with a striking strength, hitting the figure as if it were blowing the air.

Purple-clothed youth When I saw the Emperor’s fruit, I was robbed by that person. I also looked angry, and the strong strength was injected into the knife. I used a force, a huge knife with a terrible blade qi, and passed to the figure.

The water was in a tight heart, and he hurriedly shot, waving a white beam with a strong strength and rushing toward the figure.

The figure did not have any fear, but a scornful smile.


The strong man who punched the past was kicked out by the person directly, and the body quickly flew down like a ball, then stopped and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The knife light and white light attacked, and the figure of that person disappeared.

Purple-clothed youth felt a huge danger, and the body hurriedly retraced quickly, but a person appeared in front of him, punching with a terrifying strength and hitting the chest of the purple-clothed youth.

Kāchā !

The bones on the chest of the purple coat did not know how many pieces were broken, and the body was also blown out by a fist, and spit out a large mouth of blood.

The water was shocked and felt a fear, and the body quickly receded.

The figure disappeared once again, and the next second appeared behind the clean water. The clean water hurriedly turned to display the defense, and the body emitted countless white lights to form a white defensive cover.

Although there was a defensive hood, the clean water did not feel a trace of safety. I saw that the person’s mouth was rising, showing a scornful smile, then clenching his fist and punching himself with a striking strength.


The punch directly smashed the defensive hood and hit the body of clean water. The body of the clean water was forced to fly out, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his face became pale.

Just happened in an instant, the man suddenly appeared, instantly grabbed the Emperor’s fruit, and defeated the three strong, which scared the numerous rushing spirit, hurriedly stopped, looked at the man with horror .

The man stood on the void, with a black cloak, and the black cloak fluttered in the wind, and an extremely dangerous atmosphere emanated, and the surrounding atmosphere became very dignified.

Who is this person? How can someone have such a terrible strength, and it seems that they have never seen it before.

Zhao Wei glanced at the more than 300 gods around him, with a smile on his face, and his voice said with hegemony. “Hand over your divine power, I can let you go.”

This time, the purpose of coming here is not for the Emperor’s Fruit. This is the essence of the Emperor’s fruit, but for Zhao Wei, the attraction of the Emperor’s strength is not very big. Zhao Wei is useful for saint blood. people.

Zhao Fu’s purpose is to the power of the numerous gods, just absorbed too much of the power of God, and needs to engulf other gods.

This is also to make my Myriad Gods Power stronger, and also to find God of Time, but Zhao Wei looked around and did not find God of Time.

Now entering the secret, even if the identity leaks out, no one can do anything about Zhao Wei, so Zhao Wei does not have any taboos, otherwise it is impossible to make such a blatant thing.

When I heard Zhao Fu’s words, the numerous gods looked strange and couldn’t think of why Zhao Wei wanted their power.

However, I feel that Zhao Fu’s is terrible, and some people immediately agree to come down and hand over some of the power to get security, which is worth it.

However, some people think that there are so many people on their side, they don’t have to be afraid of Zhao Wei, and they want to snatch the gods and gods in Zhao’s hands.

A hazy young man shouted, “Don’t be afraid of him! We are so many people together, who is the god of the gods who grab it.”

When many people heard this, they couldn’t help but think of the greed in their hearts. With a huge momentum, they would have to rush to Zhao.

Zhao Yan’s mouth showed a sneer, and with one hand grabbing it, the violent Power of God Slayer turned into countless lightning bolts and rushed to the young man who had just shouted.

Numerous blood thunder and lightning rushed past, directly blasting the youth into countless pieces. He didn’t even have the chance to escape the secret world. Countless blood and meat were scattered, splashing the crowd next to him.

Pī li pā lā ……

Numerous blood-colored lightnings appeared around Zhao Wei, constantly flashing and colliding, making a loud noise, a terrifying God Slayer breath spread out, so that the numerous gods rushing past, like falling into the ice water, the body trembled.

Zhao Wei sneered with a sneer. “I am talking once, handing over your divine power, I can spare you a life.”

Many gods look at fear, thinking that they will only surrender a part of the power, which is nothing compared to life.

Clean water wants to leave with her sister at this time, heaven-shaking meets such a terrible person, it is a big mold.

The strong man and the purple-clothed youth also understand Zhao Fu’s terrifying strength and cold blood. They don’t doubt that they will be killed by Zhao Wei, so they want to leave quietly.

Zhao Wei directly called them three. “If you want to die, you will continue!”

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