Moreover, each time the Emperor Tree will only produce a god fruit, which makes it even more rare, and everyone wants it more.

Now there is a prohibition protection for the Emperor’s tree. Just like this before, there are many years of lifespan’s spirit tree in the secret world, which will be protected by the secret, mainly for the continuous development of the secret.

Otherwise, if the average person takes the fruit, he will definitely dig the tree back, because he can continue to grow the harvested fruit himself, and stay here for others.

Now the Emperor’s fruit is not mature yet, but it is almost mature, so the numerous god can only wait here.


The top of the tree, the god of the gods, emits a silver radiance. The four pictures continue in the air. The surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth are constantly gathering, and the prohibition of the sacred tree is getting smaller and smaller. Mature soon.

Everyone’s face showed a smile, a pair of eyes full of anticipation, but also watched around, the number of gods present has reached more than 50, and there is only one person in the gods, and then it will definitely be a fierce battle. .

At this time, the four court paintings in the air were returned to the Emperor’s fruit, and the prohibition of the Emperor’s tree was about to disappear.


A huge sound sounded, the prohibition of the Emperor’s tree disappeared, and the Emperor’s fruit radiated a more intense light, illuminating the entire sky. A huge Emperor’s power spread and spread, and the surrounding space suddenly sank.

At this moment, the gods who are surrounded by all, with a strong momentum, quickly rushed forward.

There is only one god and fruit, and only one person is present. The god king is so precious that no one wants to give up.


A huge rumbling sound rang, a purple stream of light flew by, a huge momentum spread, a figure appeared next to the Emperor tree, a young man with a arrogant face and a purple long coat.

The people were shocked. This god king was to be obtained by the young man. Everyone wanted to explode a stronger strength and quickly rushed to snatch it.

However, I felt the momentum of the purple long-sleeved youth. They immediately hesitated because the strength of the purple-clothed youth was terrible. They might not be the opponents of the purple-clothed youth.

Some people have stopped looking badly, but some people are still reluctant to go and snatch it. They think that so many people don’t have to be afraid, and they want to continue to snatch the king.

Purple-clothed youth A face of arrogance, the body ignited a noble purple atmosphere, take out a long knife, a huge strength into it, and forcefully wave around.


A huge purple knives, with huge blade qi and terrifying strength, flew around, very fast.

A dozen or so gods rushing past, I was shocked, felt a strong danger, and rushed to launch defense, but I was still directly slashed, and a stream of blood flowed out of my mouth.

Other rushing gods, seeing this scene immediately fell down, his face is a bit ugly.

Purple-clothed youth said contemptuously, “On this group of people, you dare to rob me of the gods, not self-reliant!”

The people around him felt the exhalation of him, and some people already recognized his identity and said, “He is the god of the gods!”

The power of the Emperor God is also very powerful in the realm of the gods. The purple-clothed youth in front of it is not the god of the emperor, but it should also be a very honorable person.

Now the purple-clothed youth strength is so powerful, and the identity is so honorable, which makes everyone hesitate and still not to continue to grab.

At this time, it is attracted by the light of the mature emperor’s fruit, and more gods quickly gather here.

Originally dozens of gods, the number immediately increased to hundreds, and the number is still increasing, which makes the purple-clothed youth not wasted time, if the number of gods is too much, he can not stand alone.

Seeing the purple-clothed youth reaching out, I was about to take off the god king fruit.


A white ray with a strong strength, extremely fast, across the air, shot to the purple-clothed youth.

Purple-clothed youth Face changed, immediately put out a defensive cover, blocking the beam of the shot, turned to see a white man, with a sweet girl appeared.

The girl saw the god of the god, and she looked at happily said, “Brother! The god of the gods must help me to grab it. If there is this god, my strength will take a big step forward.”

White net youth chuckled, “No problem!” Then a pair of eyes look to purple-clothed youth.

Some people around the world have recognized the white youth, because the white youth is not weak in the center of the gods. It is a god of purification, called clean water, and it is also a powerful force from the realm of the gods.

Now there is a terrible person, and everyone’s face is even more unsightly. Their chances of gaining the Emperor’s fruit are reduced once.

But now there are people who suppress the purple-clothed youth. They still have a trace of the possibility of getting the gods, which is so precious that they will not give up so easily.

A pair of eyes looking at the purple-clothed youth, with a confident smile on his face, “This friend, you didn’t listen to what my sister said? Trouble you to let it go.”

Purple-clothed youth Faces are exposed, directly reaching out to grasp the Emperor’s fruit, waiting for the gods to get their hands on the water.

Seeing his hands, the palm of the clean water exudes a strong white light, sticking out one hand and grabbing it. A white laser shoots out with a strong strength, and directly blows the purple-clothed youth out for dozens of meters.

Purple-clothed youth, screaming, “You are looking for death!”


Purple-clothed youth broke out with a strong momentum, holding a long knife in hand, rushing to the clean water, now only beat the clean water to get the gods, and the purple-clothed youth wants to beat the water pause.

The clean water looks with a smile, without a trace of fear, taking out the general long sword, with a white light, rushing past the purple-clothed youth.

When the crowd saw the two strong men fighting, their faces showed a smile, and their chances came. Everyone thought about going forward to grab the Emperor.


A yellow beam of light fell on it with a huge momentum, giving off a huge rumbling sound, and a strong wind blew around.

The person who came was a strong man, with short red hair and a terrible strength, which made people feel scared.

Seeing his appearance, everyone couldn’t help but exclaim. “He is a yang! His brother is Heaven’s Chosen who defeated Lord God’s illusion.”

Hearing is the person who is related to defeating Lord God’s illusion. The instinctive fear of the people has retreated a few steps, dare not move forward, and his face is a little bit nervous.

Those who can defeat Lord God’s illusion are undoubtedly the strongest of the twenty-four people in the realm of the gods. They can only look up to them, and they dare not have any offense, or they will be miserable.

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