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There are more and more people gathering here, because here is the Land of Legacy of Lord Lord God. Although it is not the only legacy force, it is also a great help to make them a peerless powerhouse.

Countless to hear this caution, will definitely come here, no one does not want to be a strong.


a rumbling sound rang, I saw that the huge cyan ball exudes a glare of blue light, bursting into a strong storm, spreading fiercely around, the stone was blown out, the trees were uprooted, and everyone defended The cover resists.

But even if someone resisted the defensive hood, they could not resist the raging wind and were blown out.

But in this squally wind, the body has a wind attribute, but it has great advantages. The body has certain resistance to the wind, and it has the ability to cause the wind to minimize its influence.

At this point, Lord God Land of Legacy has been opened and you only need to enter the ball to enter the Land of Legacy.

Some Fengshen had a huge storm and flew over to the ball, but the speed was very slow and the wind was very strong.

Some other relatively strong people, although not wind attribute, rely on a strong strength to block the fierce wind and fly to the cyan ball, the speed is also very slow.

Zhao Wei stood still, a pair of eyes looking at the blue ball, this cyan ball has such a huge wind, it should be the Land of Legacy of the wind Lord God, the wind attribute has great advantages.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Wei’s body also had a strength of wind attribute, and a black wind spread from the body.

There are a few people in the wine and the evil man, and their faces are very different. Originally, they don’t feel that Zhao Wei is a Fengshen. Now Zhao’s breath and strength are the same as Fengshen.

They don’t know that Zhao Wei temporarily converted Myriad Gods Power into a wind attribute. Myriad Gods Power itself is a kind of strength that has a combination of numerous power. Zhao Wei can temporarily transform one of the combined powers.

Zhao Wei looked at the wine permit next to him and asked, “Do you want to go in?”

Jiuyun smiled and nodded, “Think!”

The fierce man knows that Zhao can easily enter it. He looks forward and asks carefully. “Can that adult take us in? We definitely don’t bother.”


Zhao Wei glanced at them and did not reply, but a huge black wind wrapped everyone, with a strong strength, like a black beam, into the cyan ball into it.

The crowd was shocked and did not expect that someone would enter so soon.

And the man’s red dress woman is so powerful, but it seems to be mainly the man, as if it is his woman, then what is his identity, such a powerful red dress woman actually obeyed him.

Some people in the stands are also concerned about Zhao Qi, although Zhao Wei can shield his own picture, but can not hinder other people’s pictures.

So everyone can still see Zhao Wei.

Now Lord God Land of Legacy is present, naturally attracting everyone’s attention, they are very curious about Zhao Wei, the first person to enter the Lord God Land of Legacy, and the woman next to him, or the one who defeated the last Lord God’s illusion.

Zhao Yi everyone entered the sphere and came to a space.

Now Zhao Wei’s position is under a mountain, the sky is blue, surrounded by lush vegetation, flying butterflies, and there are wind attributes, the color is also blue, and there is a huge stone statue on the top of the mountain.

This stone statue is 10,000 meters high. It is carved into a young man, looks beautiful, smiles, wears a long coat, holds a folding fan, carries a very powerful wind attribute, and has a strong pressure.

Zhao Wei said, “Let’s go around and see if there are any opportunities. I have to go forward to get the power of ancient Lord God legacy.”

A few of the ferocious men have no idea what the power of Lord God legacy is, and they have no ability to enter here with their ability. It is impossible to get the power of Lord God legacy.

Nowadays, the Land of Legacy is also very large, and there are treasures with wind attribute everywhere. Their purpose is to obtain these things, which is also a lot of opportunities for them.

So the fierce man said with respect and gratitude, “Thank you for bringing us in, we will remember the help of adults.”

Zhao Wei did not care about these people, turned into a black wind and flew over to the stone statue, and the wine allowed a smile, and flew up to the sky to catch up with Zhao Wei.

For her, those treasures have not yet seen how Zhao Hao is getting the power of Lord God legacy.

The fierce man and a few people spread their faces and looked for other treasures.

Zhao Fu’s is very fast and will soon fly to the huge stone statue. This stone statue is the stone statue of the original Lord God. To get the power of Lord God legacy, you must come here.


As Zhao Fu’s approached, the huge stone statues exude a huge momentum, the body emits a lot of blue light, Heaven and Earth change, and the situation is surging.

Originally like a stone statue of a dead object, it seems to be alive, slightly bowed, a pair of eyes fell on Zhao Fu’s body.

Zhao Wei immediately felt a strong pressure, and the body seemed to be pulled into the darkness, and the heart could not help but produce a trace of fear.

This wind Lord God is very terrifying as an ancient existence, and strength may be far stronger than the ordinary Immortal.

However, Zhao Wei suppressed the fear of it, and released a more powerful black wind. He flew over to the stone statue. If he is afraid now, it is impossible to obtain the power of Lord God legacy.

Originally want to keep up with the wine, and feel this huge momentum, his face is a bit ugly, could not help but stop.


A huge roar sounded, I saw the cyan light emitted by the huge stone statue, turned into countless blue wind blades, covered with a whole piece of sky, with a strong strength, all shot to Zhao Wei, as if to put everything Both cut in general.

Zhao Xin was shocked. The body immediately broke out all the strengths. A huge black wind broke out from Zhao’s body. Zhao’s clothes swayed quickly and made a sound of dá dá dá.

The huge black wind began to spin, forming a huge black dragon wind, and a devastating strength spread.


A loud bang came out, and a blue-colored wind blade smashed in the black dragon wind, and the cyan wind blade directly helped to smash, turning into a myriad of blue scent and being caught in a black whirlwind, making a loud noise.


The stone statue stretched out a hand against Zhao Wei, a huge blue whirlwind emerged from the palm of his hand, fiercely shot to Zhao Yu, directly through the huge black whirlwind, will fly Zhao Hao all out, huge The black dragon winds dissipated. “, authorWords”: {“content”: “”}, “isBuy”: 1, “limitFree”: 0, “isPublication”: 0, “salesMode”: 1};

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