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Zhao Fu’s body stopped, a trace of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, his face became serious, but Zhao Wei did not use other strength.

To get the power of Lord God legacy, you must use the strength of the gods. If you use the strength of other races, it is impossible to obtain the legacy of the twenty-Lord God. At this point, Lord God rejects other races.

For example, when entering the secret, you must have a godhead, and no one with a godhead has no qualification to enter the secret.

Now use the power of God, if you use the power of Fengshen, it is easier to get the recognition of the stone statue, and thus get the power of Lord God legacy.


Zhao Wei issued all the strengths of the gods, and countless black gods shone open, covering Heaven and Earth, the air slammed, and the world seemed to turn black at this moment.

Ji Yunyun and a few evil men, seeing this scene, the heart is also very shocked, this is the first time I saw Zhao Wei Shi exhibited a terrible strength.

Zhao Wei reaches out and grabs, countless black winds gather in the palm of his hand, constantly condensing and compressing, forming a long gun composed of wind, exudes a huge sharp atmosphere.

The raised hand of the stone statue was once against Zhao.


A huge blue whirlwind shot from the palm of your hand, with a terrible wind force, shot very quickly to Zhao Wei, with a strong wind.

Zhao Wei did not have a trace of fear. He held the three-meter-long wind gun and rushed over to the huge blue whirlwind that was shot.

Seeing the huge blue whirlwind hitting Zhao Wei, the black air gun in the hands of Zhao Wei was spurting.


I saw that Zhao Yu’s hand was turned into a terrifying black storm, with a strength that penetrated everything, and flew forward, passing by, directly piercing a huge blue whirlwind, a huge blue whirlwind Dissipated.

Zhao Yuji quickly flew forward and came to the huge stone statue.

At that moment, a huge cyan formation emerged from the stone statue with a huge momentum.


Zhao Wei, who flies in the sky, only feels a huge to unimaginable strength, directly pressed into the formation of the ground, the ground cracked, and Zhao Yan spit out a blood in the big pit.

The huge strength was still pressing, and Zhao Hao had a huge black storm, resisting the huge strength and standing up from the ground.

This is Lord God formation, and the last test. With this test, Zhao Wei can get the power of Lord God.

In fact, if you can use other strengths, Zhao Wei will be more relaxed, such as the strength of Six Paths Demon Statue, the strength of Immortal Mode, the strength of Saint Level, Evil Demon AbySS al Flower’s strength and so on.

It is a pity that you can only use the strength of the godhead to participate in the trial as a protoss, otherwise it is impossible to get the power of Lord God legacy.

After Zhao Wei resisted the tremendous pressure and stood up, his body continued to emit black storms, and Zhao Wei continued to move forward.

As Zhao Fu’s walked in, the huge pressure was getting stronger and stronger, and Zhao Hao emitted more and more black storms, blowing some stone weeds out.

It took half an hour.

Zhao Wei finally came to the front of the stone statue, and a huge pressure dissipated. The black storm that Zhao Yu radiated stopped. At that moment, countless blue winds, such as the tide, poured into Zhao Fu’s body.

The huge stone statue bowed a pair of eyes. Looking at Zhao Wei, the eyebrows radiated countless cyan rays, and a huge far-reaching force of Gu Feng spread.


A blue light beam emerged from the stone eyebrows and shot into the body of Zhao Fu’s with a huge momentum. Zhao Zhen’s body shocked and felt the power of Gu Feng, with a smile on his face. This is Zhao.甫 want the strength.

Zhao Wei quickly absorbed a huge force of God, and integrated them into the black godhead. The godhead exudes a black wind in the Zhao Fu’s consciousness world.

The blue light beam from the stone eyebrows falls on the Zhao Fu’s body, and the constant master is far away from Gu Feng. After a while, the beam slowly weakens.

And Zhao Wei is not satisfied, only this point is far from Gu Feng’s power, raised the head a pair of eyes to look at the stone statue, shooting a black light.


A huge black atmosphere erupted, and an extravagant stretch over the Imperial Prince spread out. At this time, Zhao Wei began to use the strength of the Holy Blood.

I saw the black atmosphere that broke out, forming nine black dragons, surrounded by Zhao Wei, a momentum of the ninety-five extremes spread out.

The audience looked at Zhao Wei with some suspicions. My heart began to doubt what identity Zhao Zhao was. The nine black dragons already had a destiny, which made the black dragons full of this spirituality. This is only the way the Emperor destiny is highly condensed.

The man with the cloak in front of him is an Imperial Prince in the Heaven and Earth world?

What made them even more unexpected happened. I saw nine black dragons around Zhao Wei, and they snarled at the huge stone statue.


Zhao Wei’s body exudes a stronger black ray, turned into a black beam, with a huge terrifying momentum, quickly shot at the stone statue, directly hitting the eyebrows of the stone statue.

“Is this person crazy? I dare to force the power of ancient Lord God.”

Everyone looked at this scene with a look of surprise, and I really couldn’t think of anything like Zhao Wei dare to make it.

Yes, Zhao Wei is now an ancient legacy force that forcibly absorbs stone statues. Although the power of the legendary Gu Feng God’s legacy has been greatly helpful to the ordinary gods, it is not enough for Zhao Wei.


After the black beam hit the eyebrows of the stone statue, Zhao Wei immediately began to absorb the power of the god Gu Feng. A vast distance from the power of Gu Feng directly poured into the body of Zhao Fu’s body, a strong wind from the body of Zhao Wei Unexpectedly out of control.

The stone statue looks at Zhao Wei, and his eyes seem to penetrate the body of Zhao Fu’s.


I saw the stone image of the eyebrows emitting a stronger cyan glow, a larger cyan beam, with a huge strength shot to Zhao Wei, a more stable and far away Gu Feng’s power to inject Zhao Yi body.

The body of Zhao Wei was glaring with glare, and the nine black dragons turned into cyan, giving off a wind.

Everyone looked wrong, which made him successful? How does the stone statue react and give him a look of absorption? What is this?

Zhao Wei’s expression was also a glimpse, and he did not expect that such a thing would happen. It just seems to be more than one move. Even if he does not forcefully absorb the power of God, the stone statue will give a much greater power to God.

Under the infusion of the enormous power of Gu Feng, Zhao Wei feels that everything in the body is in the wind attribute. “, authorWords”: {“content”: “”}, “isBuy”: 1, “limitFree”: 0, “isPublication”: 0, “salesMode”: 1};

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