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After Zhao Hao got a few good things, he also met several people on a lawn, a total of three men and two women.

This group of people saw Zhao Wei and Ji Yun only two people, and they were unceremoniously surrounded by Zhao Wei.

At this time, a vulgar young man smiled and said loudly, “Now you two are more interesting, automatically admit defeat, and then hand over what you have gained.”

Ji Yun could not help but chuckled, watching these people who are automatically looking for death.

The fierce young man heard her laughter, felt despised, and said nothing nonsense, angry and shouted, “kill them!”

Several other people broke out their own strength and were thinking of Zhao and his two attacking.


Jiuyun directly broke out a powerful momentum, forming a strong shock wave, with a strong strength to attack around.


Five people surrounded by Zhao Wei, the body was hit by a powerful strength, the body flew out a dozen meters, a stream of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, a look of horror.

I did not expect that the wine would have such a strong strength.


There is a woman who looks in the ordinary and looks at the appearance of the wine. I think that the wine is like the last person who beat Lord God’s illusion, and scared to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy. “The grown-up is that I have an eye for the adults, but also the adults. I am once.”

Because there are so many people on the platform, these people are not in the front, just looking at the wine at a distance, it is not very clear what the wine is.

Others saw that the ordinary woman was lying on the ground, and her heart was puzzled. When she learned the identity of the wine, she was scared to kneel on the ground and asked for mercy. “We are wrong, please don’t kill us.”

Now they understand that they are just looking for death. The woman opposite, but the one who beats Lord God’s shadow, is enough to prove how terrible her strength is.

The wine allowed a smile and asked Zhao Wei, “Adult! How do you want to dispose of them?”

A few people who were kneeling on the ground felt a little scared when they heard this. The woman was so terrible that she was still under the man’s hand, and how strong the man with the cloak was.

The fierce young man was so scared that he was so cold that he hurriedly said to Zhao Wei, “The adults ask you to give us a chance, absolutely not the next time.”

Zhao Wei glanced at five people, and said in a plain tone, “Take out your power and let it go!”

A few people looked surprised, Zhao Wei did not want their things, did not let them admit defeat to get points, just to their power, it did not have any harm to them, a smile hurriedly promised.

For Zhao Wei, their strength is too weak, Zhao Zhao can not see the body, and the points are very rare.

In the original plan, Zhao Wei did not want to waste his strength to defeat these weak people. Instead, he chose some slightly stronger people. They would have a lot of points on them. Zhao Wei directly chose to start with them.

And their points are naturally obtained by defeating people who are weaker than them. Zhao Wei saved a step.

Now the secrets are full of gods and satisfy the needs of Zhao Fu’s. Zhao Fu’s Myriad Gods Power also needs to integrate many gods strength to become stronger.

Several people quickly condensed their own power ball, and then the hand lifted, several magical balls automatically flew to the front of Zhao Fu’s, Zhao Yi waved it into the Storage ring.

At this time, the fierce man with a smile, continued, “Adult! We also got a message that there is a Lord God Land of Legacy in front, and now many people have rushed over, we originally want to go, only But I met two adults.”

Zhao Yan’s expression showed a smile, “Where is that?”

Lord God’s Land of Legacy has twenty-four in the mystery, and it is not fixed there, but appears randomly, and each occurrence is different.

What’s even more exciting is that Lord God’s Land of Legacy is not just for one person’s legacy, but also for the legacy of many people, and the chances of getting legacy in other words.

Lord God’s Land of Legacy will disappear for a while after it has been given to legacy, but will continue to appear after a while, not disappearing after giving a legacy, but continuing to give legacy.

This really has to say that the secret way has cultivated a large number of strong people for the realm of the gods. The twenty-four Lord God and the gods are very far-sighted, leaving behind such a myth that the mystery has always helped.

However, it is also possible that they are trying their best to continue to nurture countless strong people and want to launch a second war on the mirror.

Because they were largely lost in the first war, the mirror still exudes the Great God, threatening the entire realm.

At this time, over the years, the realm of the gods has indeed developed very strong and prosperous, but I want to defeat the Tenthousand Gods mirror, and no one in the realm wants to launch a second war on the mirror. Now this kind of They are very satisfied with life.

Lord God’s Land of Legacy is also one of Zhao Fu’s purposes, so Zhao Wei will definitely take people with him.

The vicious young people saw Zhao Wei also go back, and the same surprise in his heart, Zhao Fu’s strength is so terrible, holding such a thigh, can almost walk in the secret, the benefits can not be imagined.

The fierce young man immediately said with a smile, “If you want to go as an adult, let us take you there!”

Zhao Yiyi did not want to hold it, nodded and agreed.

Later, Zhao Wei and Jiu Yun followed the five people and quickly flew over to the horizon and disappeared.

Three hours later, everyone came to a mountain.

This one is not very high, and there is nothing special, but the huge ball floating on the top is a kilometer, the color is cyan, with a strong cyan glow, and a strong wind.

The four weeks are now full of people, a pair of booth eyes looking at the blue ball, but no other movements.

Because Lord God’s Land of Legacy is now really open, this time not only can’t get into Land of Legacy, but it can also be life-threatening.

With the arrival of a group of Zhao Wei, they immediately attracted the attention of the numerous people, but they did not look at Zhao Wei, but looked at the drink of Zhao Wei.

At that time, the wine allowed a shot to defeat the last Lord God phantom, and many people also remembered the way the wine was allowed, so it attracted so much attention at this time.

Similarly, they feel a pressure, such a powerful person to come to them, then their chances of getting Lord God legacy must be much smaller.

As for the people around Jiyun, other people, including Zhao Wei, didn’t care. It felt like a group of people.

After Zhao Lan and his entourage came here, they waited around and did nothing else. “, authorWords”: {“content”: “”}, “isBuy”: 1, “limitFree”: 0, “isPublication”: 0, “salesMode”: 1};

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