At this point, Zhao Wei’s face was slightly pale, because the strength of the consumption was very much. Looking at the gold soles who were constantly coming in, Zhao Biao flinched back and continued to use the remaining strength and striking down the gold solitiers.

A few hours later, Zhao Wei striked down the gold solitiers, and the strength was almost consumed.

“Adult! You have nothing?”

Ye Lanxi looked at Zhao Wei’s pale face and asked Zhao Wei to go forward.

Zhao Wei replied, “There is nothing, just strength consumes too much, then I need to take a break to move on.”

Ye Lanxi nodded.

The two came to the ground, Zhao Wei disk sat on the ground, concentrated on the strength, Ye Lanxi exhibited a ten-meter defensive hood, a black magatama in all directions, protecting two people from Golden Power erosion.

Ye Lanxi took a smile and looked at Zhao Wei, who was sitting on the ground in front of her. Now they are two of them. With this hood, she is a little happy.

Usually there are too many women around Zhao Wei. She can only follow Zhao Wei and watch him silently. Now this is a good opportunity. Ye Lanxi sits in front of Zhao Wei and looks at Zhao Wei carefully. His face is faint. flush.

After a while, Zhao opened his eyes and saw Ye Lanxi a pair of eyes looking straight at himself, revealing a smile, “What happened?”

Ye Lanxi had a blushing face and shook her head with some embarrassment.

Zhao Wei did not care about chuckled, “Now my strength recovers, let’s move on!”

Ye Lanxi nodded shyly.

Later, the two continued to be a stream of light, came to the deepest part of the golden land, and saw a huge golden flower with a huge kilometer appearing in front of him.

This flower looks like a peony. The whole body is composed of gold. The branches are curved and curved. There are a lot of gold leaves. The quantity is very large. The volume is not very big. The flowers at the top are very large, like a huge canopy.

Each petal is golden, giving off a strong golden light, dyeing the sky in gold, giving a very noble feeling.

In front of it is the rarest of the eight largest floweres, the Exotic World Golden Flower, and the creator of the entire gold land.

Zhao Wei looked at this Exotic World Golden Flower, and his heart was a little shocked.

There are still a lot of distance between Zhao Wei and Exotic World Golden Flower, because the golden flower is too big to be seen in the distance.

Zhao Wei with a smile, everything is as expected, the entire place really has Exotic World Golden Flower, the next step is to see if you can take the gold flower, and can not hurt the gold flower, it feels a bit difficult, because really Too much.

However, even in the difficult, Zhao Wei also needs to try, because this one is Exotic World Golden Flower, but it has been flowering for many years.

However, several kinds of strange flowers planted by Zhao Wei, although they grow very fast, have never been flowered. If you take this flowering Exotic World Golden Flower back, you don’t need to cultivate it.

There are also gold solitiers that may also be related to Exotic World Golden Flower, perhaps with Exotic World Golden Flower and the ability to make that kind of gold soliters.

Those gold solediers Zhao Wei have just fought with them, their power is still very strong, and if they are cultivated, it will be a big boost.

Zhao Wei flew with Ye Lanxi.

But after a while, Ye Lanxi suddenly said, “Adult! You can’t fly in front, and you are in the field of Exotic World Golden Flower.”

Wen Yan said that Zhao Wei’s face was a glimpse. First, Ye Lanxi fell back to the ground, and the left eye’s glass eyes shone.

I saw the brighter golden light on the ground in front of me. It contained the most powerful force of yellow. There was also a golden ban in the sky. If you just flew in, you must be attacked fiercely.

In the face of this huge Exotic World Golden Flower, Zhao Wei did not care, carefully took out an ordinary sword, and then a strength to control it, let the sword fly forward.


A crisp sound came out, and the sword that flew past the past seemed to be blocked by an invisible force, and the sword was quickly knotted, but only a sword became a golden sword.

Zhao Wei also lost control of the sword, and the sword fell from the air to the ground.

The power of the field ahead is terrible.

Zhao Wei thought about it, but decided to go forward and was planning to use the Immortal Mode to resist the strength of that field.

Ye Lanxi showed a smile, “Adult! I have a way to solve the problem in the field, you still save your strength, maybe you will meet something.”

Zhao Wei had some accidents. It seems that he did not bring Ye Lanxi wrong. He asked her with a smile. “Do you have a way around?”

Ye Lanxi don’t mean to explain, “The kind of strength I got at the beginning, I don’t know much about the information, I don’t know what this ability is called, but that kind of strength can solve the immediate problem.”

Zhao Wei said with a smile, “It doesn’t matter!”

That kind of strength Zhao Wei did not figure out, so Ye Lanxi is not clear about his strength and ability, Zhao Wei can understand.

Ye Lanxi smiled and nodded lightly, and the three black magatama circles of the eyebrows slowly turned, emitting a slight black light, and Ye Lanxi began to print with both hands. A black ink-like thing emerged.

The ink-like things condense in front of Ye Lanxi, forming four black long sticks, each of which has two meters, with a dense mantra printed on it, giving off a dark atmosphere.

Ye Lanxi’s hands are still continually printed, and the strength of the four black sticks is getting more and more terrible, but Ye Lanxi bears the last one, and the four black sticks are controlled by an invisible force. The square forms a square.

Ye Lanxi is in the middle.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four black long sticks with an amazing strength were inserted on the ground, and a huge Dark Power broke out, and the surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth was constantly gathering.

I saw a black formation at the foot of Ye Lanxi, and a huge Dark Power spread out and dyed the ground black, like a dark road, constantly extending forward.

When the Dark Road stretched into the golden field, a golden strength blocked the dark road, but the Dark Road emitted a Dark Power, a black rune flashed, and the golden strength was dyed in gold. Then Dark Power continues to move forward.

Ye Lanxi showed a smile and turned to Zhao Wei. “Adult! Now, we can enter this field through this road, and don’t worry about the erosion of Golden Power.”

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