Zhao Wei chuckled, “Um! This time you have a lot of credit, I am rewarding you after leaving.”

Ye Lanxi smiled and smiled. “Adults are still not used! It is okay to do things for you.”

Zhao Wei said with a smile, “You don’t need to be polite with me.” While walking forward into the formation.

After entering that dark development, Zhao Wei immediately felt an invisible Dark Power, blocking the constantly flowing Golden Power.

Later, Zhao Lan followed Ye Lanxi along the dark path and kept moving forward.

The dark path continued to stretch, as if there was no end.

Zhao Lan and Ye Lanxi walking on the top, to the ease of comparison, did not meet anything, the powerful Golden Power, also resisted by the strength of this dark path.

After walking for about two hours, Zhao Wei and two people finally came under the Exotic World Golden Flower and watched the Exotic World Golden Flower up close.

The ground of the roots began to form a golden crystal stone. The width of the branches reached more than a thousand meters. From the bottom to the top, you couldn’t see the end, as if the flowers were leading to the sky.

Ye Lanxi’s eyebrows swayed and the three magatama circles slowly turned, looking at the huge gold Exotic World Golden Flower, his face became serious and immediately started talking, “Adult! This flower has its own consciousness, now it is already Look at you.”

Zhao Wei had some accidents. In addition to the several strange flowers that I met before, Evil Demon Flower Ancestor, others are plants like ordinary, there is no way to communicate, and there is no sense of their own.

Ye Lanxi said that the Exotic World Golden Flower is conscious, which means that it has its own soul and can communicate with it.

Zhao Weizheng wants to say when the Exotic World Golden Flower took the initiative to launch an attack.

I saw a huge golden ball, which appeared in the sky, the number of tens of thousands, each golden ball, ten meters in size, exudes a strong and powerful momentum, and then exudes a strong Golden light.


A loud voice rang, and the golden balls shot a powerful golden beam, with an amazing strength, and shot at Zhao Yufei.


Zhao Wei directly opened Immortal Mode, a huge momentum erupted from the body of Zhao Wei, raised a hand, the colorful rune circle flew into the air, emitting a strong colorful light, forming a huge Light shield.


A loud noise came out, and a golden stream of light continued to fall on the colored light shield. A terrible momentum spread, and the strength was very strong, and the colorful light shield trembled slightly.

Bang bang bang ……

The metal spheres burst out with a stronger strength, emitting a dazzling light, and a more powerful beam of light, shining toward Zhao, as if it could penetrate everything.


A loud sound rang out, and a powerful golden beam hit the colorful energy hood, and a terrible force spread out. The colorful defensive shells cracked countless chains.

Zhao Hao’s eyes were cold, and a huge Immortal Power was injected into the golden eyelids. The golden eyelids were dyed in seven colors.

Clang clang clang ……

A loud chain of sounds sounded, a colorful chain shot from the ground, and quickly shot at the golden ball, the golden ball wanted to dodge, but the chain was so skillful that it could not escape, one by one Numerous chains are bundled.


The Exotic World Golden Flower burst into a huge momentum, and numerous golden radiances emerged, forming eight gold-colored solitiers in armor and several kilometers high, with an extremely terrifying momentum.

After the emergence of eight high-million-gold gold solediers, they took the terrifying strength to Zhao Yu, and left the nearest gold sodiers, raising their weapons, as if they had to open all the general, and smashed the past to Zhao. With a powerful storm.

The colorful rune bristles spread out, and Zhao Lan squatted down. The colorful eyelids of the left eye swiftly turned. When the golden Soldiers attacked Zhao Fu’s, one hand pressed to the ground and a huge Immortal Power poured into the ground. .

Clang clang clang ……

A huge colorful chain, with a strong strength shot from the ground, fiercely shot to the gold solediers, the number of chains is not clear.

The eight high-million-gold gold sodiers were quickly tied up by chains, and the gold sodiers were struggling to struggle, but the chains were tied to them, making their struggles weak.


The Exotic World Golden Flower broke out again with a powerful rumbling sound, and the Power of Heaven and Earth continued to infuse it.

Zhao 甫 a pair of eyes Looking at the Exotic World Golden Flower, hands on the ground, a larger Immortal Power poured into the ground, the ground can not bear the cracks.


A loud bang came out, a huge colorful chain, shot from the ground, with fierce momentum, and terrible strength, shot at Exotic World Golden Flower.

Exotic World Golden Flower senses danger and emits a stronger golden glow, trying to withstand the numerous colorful chains that have been shot.

The golden light is indeed very powerful, resisting the one of the colorful chains that are blocked and unable to get close to it.


Zhao Wei coldly snorted, broke out all the strength, the body ignited a huge incomparable colorful mist, constantly swaying, a squally wind spread, the ground is constantly cracking.

Clang clang clang ……

More chains are shot from the ground and fiercely shot at Exotic World Golden Flower. The golden light can’t be resisted. It is directly penetrated by a colorful chain. A colorful chain will be the Exotic World Golden Flower. Tied up.

From the distance, the ground with all directions on the four sides shot a huge chain, and the huge flowers in the center were tied. The picture was extremely amazing.


The Exotic World Golden Flower exudes a stronger golden light, and a terrifying strength spreads out, and the Exotic World Golden Flower wants to break away from the myriad of chains.

Zhao Wei injected a stronger strength into the chain, and the root chain radiated a strong colorful light, and more forcefully bound the Exotic World Golden Flower, a force of suppression.

The strength of Exotic World Golden Flower slowly weakened, but not fast enough.


A huge black blood flame ignited, and a more violent wind blew away, using the strength of saint blood.

Numerous chains get the strength of saint blood, and the force of repression is even more terrible. It is strongly pushed to the gold of the world, and the light emitted by the Exotic World Golden Flower gradually weakens.

In the end, the huge Exotic World Golden Flower was suppressed, and all the strength was lost. The golden light emitted from the body also dissipated.

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