Zhao Yu stretched out a hand and touched the golden ball floating in the air. The golden ball came out with a ball, and Zhao Fu’s hand could reach into the goal, and there was no touch. It looks like hollow inside.

Then, Zhao Wei took back his hand and reached out and took Ye Lanxi’s hand and walked over to the golden ball.

Ye Lanxi was a bit shy and had a faint smile on her face.

The two immediately entered the golden ball, and when they saw it, two people appeared in one space.

Here is like the previous illusion, the ground is golden, the mountain is golden, the flowers and trees are golden, and the flowing Xiaoxi is also golden, emitting a slight golden light, completely a world composed of gold, full of a kind of extravagance.

This place is the land of gold.

In the first second of the world, Zhao Wei immediately felt a strong gold force, coming from all directions to himself. Zhao Wei immediately put out the defensive cover, wrapped the body of two people, and put the huge gold. Force to resist.

The gold force is also terrible. The hood and the ground contact are beginning to be golded. If you stay here, the hood will definitely become a gold.

It is not to say that there is such a place where it is easy to turn everything into gold. The ordinary people will really be happy to die.

However, even if they find it here, they will not be able to use it. In the end, they will become gold and stay here forever.

Zhao Lan released Ye Lanxi’s hand and turned to look at her seriously. “Follow me, then I found out what I told me the first time.”

Ye Lanxi smiled and nodded, three black magatama circles in the pale eyes of her eyebrows, slowly turning. Exudes a strange light.

Later, Zhao Lan took Ye Lanxi and flew straight forward.

It didn’t take long for a huge sound, one by ten meters of solitiers, wearing a pair of armor and holding uniform weapons. The body seemed to be made of gold, giving off a slight golden glow.

The momentum of each gold solediers is very strong, and the number of rows appears, the number of the numbers is not clear, and the picture is very shocking.

At this time, a gold soddiers ten meters high, raised the golden bow in their hands, took out a golden arrow in the arrow behind them, pulled the golden bow in the hand, and pointed a arrow at Zhao Wei.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

A loud sound broke through the air, and a golden arrow took a powerful stretch and shot at Zhao.

Ye Lanxi saw a root shot of the golden arrow, and there was some fear in his heart. If it was a general god, it would be shot by this root arrow.

Zhao Wei’s expression did not change around, his eyes looked at the front, and he said to Ye Lanxi, “You leave a little!”

Ye Lanxi clearly retreated to the back, and an energy hood emerged from the body to block the eroding gold force.

“Immortal Mode…Open!”

A sip of light, a huge momentum, broke out from Zhao’s body, Zhao Fu’s body ignited a colorful mist, a colorful rune circle also emerged.

At this time, countless golden arrows are extremely fast, with a huge arrow, already shot in front of Zhao Wei, seeing Zhao Yan’s body shot.


The colorful rune circle spread out and turned into a 20-meter colorful rune circle, then quickly rotated, and a huge strength exudes.


The golden arrows that were shot in the past were reversed by an invisible strength. The original orbit that deviated from the other direction, shot in the other direction, landed on the ground, making a loud noise, a rock crash, and the ground. It is a three-four-meter-long gold arrow.

The golden arrow shot did not cause any harm to Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei also turned into a colorful streamer in the next second and rushed forward.


A loud voice sounded, and a colorful streamer with a powerful momentum rushed into the countless gold Soldiers, and the gold solitiers were directly knocked out.

The streamer hit the center of the Soldiers group and stopped. Zhao Yijian took out the Emperor Killing Sword, a huge Immortal Power was injected into it, and the Emperor Killing Sword ignited a colorful mist, and a strong wind spread.


A colorful sword light fired a loud sound to the sky, and the surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth continued to gather together. A huge colorful sword formation emerged from the sky, and a huge sword intent shrouded Heaven and Earth. Make Heaven and Earth both ice-cold.

Countless ten meters high gold sodiers, turned to look at the center of Zhao Wei, lifted the heavy pace, continued to attack Zhao Yu.

And Zhao’s sword was lifted.

Bang bang bang ……

The colorful formation in the sky began to spin, and an extinct atmosphere spread. A huge colored sword light, with a terrifying strength, thundered and fallen from the sky.


A loud bang came out, and a colorful sword light fell. The terrible sword power shattered a group of gold solediers. Without any blocking power, countless broken gold shots spattered.

After a loud bang, only a piece of broken gold sodiers left on the ground. No gold sodiers stood in place, and the ground still had a terrible smell, which made people shudder.

Ye Lanxi looked at the scene and was a little surprised. So many gold solderiers just killed with a single stroke.

Looking at the colorful mist that stood in the air and ignited, like Zhao Wei of Immortal, Ye Lanxi is more admired in his heart.

At this time, Zhao Wei retracted the strength of Immortal Mode and shouted to Ye Lanxi. “What are you doing there? Keep up with me.”

Ye Lanxi smiled happily and flew over to Zhao.

Then, everyone flew all the way to the front, and also met a powerful gold solediers.

Zhao Wei and two people continue to deepen, the number of gold solderiers is also increasing, and strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The gold sodiers in front of Zhao Wei are now up to 100 meters, emitting a huge momentum, reaching tens of thousands.

Faced with these powerful gold sodiers, Zhao Wei is not as easy as before.


A sword swayed out, a huge sword light, flying dozens of hundred meters of gold Giant 斩, but othersoldiers, with a strong momentum, rushed to Zhao.

Bang bang bang ……

A sword light hits the sky, a sword formation appears with a terrifying strength, and then a huge sword light, pointing to the one hundred meters high gold sodiers.

The gold sodiers waved their weapons, with a strong strength, slammed into the past sword light, and the result was smashed by the terrible sword light.

But tens of thousands of gold soliters just died of 5 or 6 thousand gold sodiers.

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