The river god cold voice replied, “I know this, but I have already made a decision. Then you can follow my orders and you can’t try to persuade me. It decides that I will not change.”

Everyone can only listen to this and no longer persuade the river god.

The river god also issued a series of orders, and everyone received orders, and then turned and left the temple.

The woman watched the crowd leave and smiled and leaned over to the river god. “The man was the man of Myriad Gods Temple last night? What kind of person is that who can still accept us so beautiful?”

The river god now thinks and is angry. “He is the god of the Myriad Gods Temple. He is very arrogant, but the strength is terrible. At that time, I was controlled by him without any resistance. Then the bastard used that kind of inferior means. Deal with me.”

The woman was a little surprised and did not expect that the god of the Myriad Gods Temple came to their power.

Now all parties are full of curiosity and fear for this sudden emergence of God. What kind of person is he, the establishment of Myriad Gods Temple by one person alone, and the extremely rapid speed, continuously attacking the numerous gods, let Myriad Gods Temple has become one of the most powerful forces in the area.

From this point of view, the person is very terrible, very mysterious, no one knows his identity, only knows that it suddenly appears here.

Woman was also very curious about Zhao Wei, and said with a smile, “Hehe, you and me, tell me in detail what happened last night.”

The river’s face was reddish, and Um slammed, and said what happened last night.

After listening to the incident, the woman said with a smile, “This Myriad Gods Temple is quite attractive, and now I like him a little.”

River God glanced at her with a trace of anger. “What kind of man can like this, I hate people who die like this.”

Woman smiled and said, “I can’t see it! You seem to like him a lot.”

The river god lightly snorted, affirmatively said, “I didn’t!”

But when she finished, her face could not help but reddish.

Woman smiled and didn’t continue to ask, “I think that joining Myriad Gods Temple is indeed the best choice. Myriad Gods Temple God Lord’s is terrible. Myriad Gods Temple will become the most powerful force in the area sooner or later. .”

Wen Yan, the river god showed a smile, “I also have a hunch on this point, otherwise I will not be so easy to surrender to him.”

Woman continued to smile and said, “Heart God! When I waited for the river temple, I also brought me, I want to see him too, and we will serve him together.”

River God looked blushing at the woman.


The ugly fat man came down from the bed, put on his clothes, opened the door, and came outside, the sound of ice was coldly said, “Through my command, summon the generals of the parties City Lord.”

The guards took the lead and quickly left to convey the command of the ugly fat man.

Subsequently, the ugly fat man sat in the temple waiting for the arrival of all parties.

Waiting for everyone to arrive, the ugly fat man started talking, “Now I declare that the forces surrender to Myriad Gods Temple, in the future everyone belongs to Myriad Gods Temple.”

Everyone looked wrong and didn’t react. Because they didn’t even think that the ugly fat man would say this. Yesterday, the gift from Myriad Gods Temple was not directly lost. The person named Myriad Gods Temple rolled back.

“How did you change to Myriad Gods Temple today?”

Most people don’t have any opinions, and they don’t dare to have any opinions. The forces are ugly and fat. What decisions he makes, they must abide by them.

And the ugly fat man is also very ferocious. If you don’t listen to his orders, it is very likely that he will be boiled into a meat sauce, and then he will feed those wolf poisonous flowers. Usually no one dares to oppose him.

“I disagree!”

A woman with a hot body, wearing a red dress and a good face, walked in with a person, very rude.

Numerous generals will come to see people, and they will not dare to say anything, but will honestly retreat to one side.

Because it came to people, it was the wife of the ugly fat man, and also the daughter of a god who was next to a big force. That power is the force that the ugly fat man is now attached to.

The ugly fat man is now under the control of Zhao Wei, frowning, because of the memory of getting ugly fat, Zhao Wei also understands the identity of the person in front of him.

The woman, a pair of beautiful and disgusted looking at the ugly fat man, said with a arrogant tone, “If I really don’t come, your ugly pig is really the owner of the power. You don’t know that this power is early.” Belongs to God of Earth? As the daughter of God of Earth, I am the master of this power.”

“And since you gave orders to surrender Myriad Gods Temple, this is betraying God of Earth, now I am rolling down my head, I can spare you a pig.”

A group of people behind her, cold face, looking at the ugly fat man, not a bit polite.

Others are also honestly staying on the side and dare not say anything.

Zhao Wei, who controls the ugly fat man, can’t help but feel some anger when he talks to the woman. “If I say no?”

Woman cold, “This is your own death. When I married you, it was for your godhead. Now I have to look at the stands in advance.”

The woman stretched out his hand, and the palm of his hand came up with the imprint of a flower. A strength rushed over to the ugly fat man. This is the strength that can control the ugly fat soul. Without such a mark, the woman does not dare to think like that before.

Strength rushed to the ugly fat man, but the ugly fat man did not have anything. This made the woman look awkward and hurriedly tried several times. Several strengths poured out, which was useless to the ugly fat man.

Woman showed a blank expression.

Because the soul of the ugly fat man has long since disappeared, and now it is Zhao Wei who controls the body.

The ugly fat man showed a hint of laughter.

Woman was shocked and hurriedly started talking to the person behind him. “Fast protection escapes from here.”

A group of people behind her also understood that something was wrong and immediately protected the woman from leaving.

The ugly fat man stretched out a hand directly, and a huge strength rushed out, grabbing the heads of those people and holding them in their hands.


A person’s head burst open, bloody brains splashed, splashed all around, and a bloody spread.

Others are scared to say nothing.

Woman is contaminated with a lot of blood and looks scared. “You can’t kill me. My mother is God of Earth.”

The ugly fat man sneered and said, “I won’t kill you, wait for your power to be destroyed, I want your mother, and your sisters to serve me in front of you, and then teach you well.”

Woman’s face became ugly, but she thought of something. “You are not that ugly pig. You can’t say such a ugly pig. Who are you? You have already controlled the ugly pig.”

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