This night, the gods controlled by Zhao Wei reached 12. When they saw that the horizon was already dawning, they stopped their actions.

During this time, the plan was relatively smooth and no one noticed anything.

The gods near these gods are the weakest, and closest to Myriad Gods Temple, after controlling them, they can directly integrate into Myriad Gods Temple, greatly increasing the strength of Myriad Gods Temple.

As for some gods, not some distance, or some strength, Zhao can not control them, they can only give up.

After returning to Myriad Gods Temple, Zhao Wei waited.

The forces were as usual, nothing changed, and the eyes turned to the power of Sheepp-headed God.

Looking at the sky is already bright, Sheepp-headed God has gathered important figures from all sides to come to the temple.

Everyone came here, and there were some doubts, not knowing what happened.

Sheep-headed God sits up, looking devout, started talking, “I have already felt the great call of Myriad Gods Temple God Lord’s, I think he should be the Lord of my faith, and even your master.”

I heard that everyone was surprised. Yesterday, Sheep-headed God was very afraid of Myriad Gods Temple. I was worried that Myriad Gods Temple would attack them. How did it change overnight? Also a devout look at Myriad Gods Temple.

Sheep-headed God continued, “The purpose of calling you this time is to tell you that now I intend to surrender to Myriad Gods Temple and become one of the gods of Myriad Gods Temple, always loyal to my great God, in his Under the glory, we will have a better life.”

When everyone heard this, there was no surprise, because Sheep-headed God said that he wanted to believe in the Lord of Myriad Gods Temple. They naturally thought that Sheep-headed God would surrender to Myriad Gods Temple.

It’s just that Sheep-headed God looks like it’s like shooting Myriad Gods Temple God Lord’s, but he is a god of high honor. Anyone must respect him and believe in him. How can this be? Is this the god they believe in?

At this point, Sheep-headed God was incomparably nervous because he had sensed that Zhao Fu’s consciousness had entered his body if he did not give orders to surrender to Myriad Gods Temple.

Then his body will immediately lose control, and Zhao will come to control, and by then he will die very badly.

At the same time, Sheep-headed God thought that he had already surrendered to Zhao Wei, and naturally he must perform well. Facing such a terrible person as Zhao Wei, even if he is a god, he must be flattered.

At this time, a young man couldn’t help but remind him, “Respected gods, you must understand that surrendering to others, but also means that you have to take orders from others, and your status and power will be reduced.”

Sheep-headed God heard this, cold voice scolded, “Subject to the great Myriad Gods Temple God, that is the supreme honor, his appearance is to lead the gods, do you think I should not surrender to him? Should he listen to him? What power status is important?”

The young man who spoke heard this sentence and hurriedly squatted on the ground. “Respected gods, I have no opinions, and I am willing to loyal to the great Myriad Gods Temple.”

The people around me also understand that Sheep-headed God is determined to surrender to Myriad Gods Temple regardless of any obstacles.

Sheep-headed God is the head of the power. Since he chooses to surrender, they have no ability to stop it. They can only squat down and start talking in unison. “We are willing to loyal to the great Myriad Gods Temple!”

Hearing words, Sheep-headed God showed a satisfactory smile, issued various orders, collected various substances, told the numerous people not to panic, let Soldiers strengthen management vigilance, and prepare for surrendering Myriad Gods Temple.

The people followed the orders of Sheep-headed God and turned and left.

“You did a good job!” Zhao Fu’s voice was remembered in the mind of Sheep-headed God.

Sheep-headed God said with some surprises, “That is a must, it is my honor to be loyal to God.”

Zhao Wei was chuckled, and the thoughts withdrew from the body of Sheep-headed God. At this time, Sheep-headed God was relieved.


The river god of the river temple looked at the sky, and also called the City Lord, and some generals.

A slim, seemingly lively woman came first, and her relationship was very good with the river god.

Looking at the face of the river god, the red halo has not receded, and the smile is on the arm of the river god. “Is the river god adult last night to ask the handsome man to serve you? Today looks really beautiful, very attractive. .”

The river god whitened the woman, “I am not such a woman!”

The woman got to the face of the river god, with a hint of teasing. “What is the blush of your face? And there is also a man’s smell on your body. I didn’t believe anything last night. I don’t believe it.” ”

He Shen’s mind couldn’t help Zhao Zhao to tease her picture, and said with shame and anger, “I didn’t have anything to do with the bastard. Ok, don’t make trouble, someone will come soon.”

Woman smiled a little, last night, the river god really happened to something with a man, watching the river god look blushing, things are not ordinary things, and who is that person? Can make a god so.

Later, the people of all parties came to the temple.

The woman also loosened the arm of the river god and retreated to the side. Their relationship was very good, but as a god, they must be majestic and not too close.

When the river god saw the numerous people coming, he also announced that “now I decided to surrender to Myriad Gods Temple and become the god of Myriad Gods Temple, and the forces are all handed over to Myriad Gods Temple.”

The people present were in a state of utter disappointment, and they did not expect the river god to say this.

Myriad Gods Temple said before that the spirits of the parties were invited to join the Myriad Gods Temple. The minds of the people thought that the gods were self-descending and power, and they were bound to join such a force. Almost no god is so stupid.

But now they actually listen to the gods they believe in saying such things, they simply can’t think of it.

It seems that yesterday, the river god did not have this meaning at all, how to make such a big decision overnight.

In this regard, everyone looked confused.

Next to the woman, she began to look confused. She didn’t understand why the river god gave such an order. But when she thought of the river god, she suddenly understood what it was. The bastard in the river god mouth should be the person of the temple. I didn’t know what to use last night. The river god surrendered to Myriad Gods Temple.

A middle-aged man with a beard asked, “Why do the gods of the river God join the Myriad Gods Temple? Are we not good now? If you join Myriad Gods Temple, there is no river god in the future.”

Next to an old man, he also advised, “Hey God! There is not much benefit in doing this. Please think a lot, don’t rush to make a decision. There is no chance of remorse.”

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