“hahaha, who am I? Then who do you think I am?”

Zhao Wei no longer hides his tone, a pair of eyes looking at the woman, with a madness and domineering.

In the face of Zhao Qiang’s powerful momentum, his face was pale, his mind was thinking quickly, and suddenly understood what, coldly said, “You are a person of Myriad Gods Temple, so you control the ugly pig to join Myriad Gods Temple.”

Zhao said with a big laugh, “Yes! I am not only the person of Myriad Gods Temple, but also the god of Myriad Gods Temple.”

The woman sneered at Zhao Wei and shouted at the person next to him. “You heard no, he is not the ugly pig, the god of Myriad Gods Temple, you still killed him.”

The people around him looked at Zhao Wei and hesitated, thinking about whether he should listen to the woman.

Woman continued to cried. “He has already controlled the ugly pig. The ugly pig has not been saved. You killed him and I am rewarded in the future.”

When I heard this, some people couldn’t help but want to start, because Zhao Wei controlled their gods, they are already their enemy.


A terrifying momentum erupted from the ugly fat man, flooding like a flood, drowning everything around him, the surrounding air seemed to solidify, and the people present fell into the abyss, giving the fear of the soul.

“Your Majesty! To surrender to me.”

Zhao Wei is full of hegemony, no one can refuse to sound, the people around are afraid to kneel on the ground, the body is shaking.

In the face of this strength, they have no courage to resist.

Woman also felt fear, squatting on the ground, her body trembled and pleading, “Don’t kill me, now I can serve you well.”

Zhao Wei controlled the ugly fat body, walked down from above, provoked the woman’s chin, with a domineering voice, “I said that I will not kill you, will experience you and your mother, and those The sister’s service, and I am not this fat man, it is best to talk a little.”

Woman is afraid of tears, hurriedly said, “Yes, yes, I know, God Lord must serve you well.”

Zhao Wei sneered, a huge Evil Demon Qi, poured into the woman’s body, and controlled the woman’s body.

Then, Zhao Wei turned to those who were lying on the ground, and waved a stream of light into their bodies. “Now listen to my command, don’t let it go.”

“Yes! We understand”

Those people immediately replied, did not dare to hesitate, and even dared not refuse Zhao.

Wen Yan, Zhao Yan’s mouth rose, showing a smile.

“God Lord! Before I came, I had sent someone to tell my mother, maybe she was coming, sorry for God! I didn’t think it would be like this. If I knew that I would surrender to God, it is now good. Serving the Lord God, will not ask the mother to come.”

Woman feels that one has already controlled the body, and she looks a little scared and nervous. She is afraid that her mother suddenly feels here, and Zhao will kill her first.

Zhao Wei did not care, laughing and saying, “She is from the Luo Luo network, and it is exactly what I want.”


As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying imperial power burst out of the sky, forming a terrible majesty that enveloped the entire area.

Zhao Yan’s face was full of arrogance, picking up the woman on the ground and walking outside the temple.

Standing in the sky, a woman wearing a yellow dress, she is very mature, her chest is very large, her skin is like jade, her appearance is very beautiful, with a loving temperament.

The beautiful woman looked at Zhao’s daughter and walked out to see her blood and fear. She also understood what cold voice asked. “What did you do to my daughter?”

Zhao Xiao replied with a smile, “Mother-in-law! Linger, can’t you see it is good? Don’t believe you ask Linger.”

The woman named De Ling, with a stiff smile.

The beautiful woman coldly snorted, and did not continue to ask this matter, and asked the purpose, “good girl! I heard that you want to betray me, go to the one Myriad Gods Temple?”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “Yes! Mother-in-law, I think you might join Myriad Gods Temple. If you and my daughters serve me well, then I can give you a good position.”

Some women do not understand Zhao Fu’s words, a pair of eyes carefully looked at Zhao Wei, started talking, “You are not a wolf, you should be Myriad Gods Temple people?”

Zhao Wei replied with a chuckle. “There is nothing wrong, and it is still the Lord of God. What is the mother-in-law thinking about, I am willing to come and serve me.”

The beautiful woman has an anger on her face. “You are looking for death!”


When the beautiful woman waved her hand, a huge yellow strength spread out, forming a row of six meters long and shaped like a diamond. With a terrible force, she shot at Zhao.

Zhao Wei did not care, because now is not the body, but the body of obese men, and can only use Evil Demon AbySS al Flower’s strength.


A huge black evil stretch broke out from the body, and the ground immediately grew a huge pale and root, with a terrible strength, hitting the diamond-shaped stone that came.


The diamond-shaped stones that flew past were directly knocked out by countless pale roots. The beautiful woman’s face changed, and a hand extended, facing the countless roots, a terrifying strength emerged.

I saw that one hand, emitting a strong yellow light, a yellow light wave, with a terrible gravity, quickly spread out to the front,


The countless pale roots that stretched out were directly crushed by the light of the light, and countless fragments flew like a piece of wood rain.


Zhao Fu’s body disappeared in place, appeared behind the beautiful woman, a fist condensed the strength of the whole god, so that the fist emits a black flame, and the void seems to be twisted.

The beautiful woman was shocked and hurriedly wanted to turn around and resist, and the body also released a defensive cover.


Zhao Yu’s fist with a terrifying power, like destroy everything, blasted on the defensive hood, the defensive hood quickly falling stone, heavy hit on the ground, the ground directly cracked and collapsed, hit a A crater of tens of meters.

The defensive hood in the big pit has been broken. The beautiful woman is lying on the ground, and there is a trace of blood flowing from the corner of her mouth. Looking at Zhao Wei with anger, she wants to crush Zhao into the paste.


A huge amount of divine power broke out from the beautiful woman, and her body exudes a strong light, forming a terrible storm.

Zhao Yu’s eyes turned into a bloody rose, and a hand extended to the beautiful woman, big shouts, “Feng!”


A huge and evil strength emerged from the hands of Zhao Wei. Thousands of pale roots, such as flying from the ground, such as huge tides, used the past to the beautiful woman, directly drowning the beautiful woman.

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