This temple also has a team of Soldiers guarding the outside of the temple, which also increases the difficulty of the matter, and the gods and the guards must work together.

Because it is necessary to work with the guards, the gods who absorb Faith Power will also perceive that once the gods are aware of the reaction, Zhao will be discovered and the plan will fail.

After thinking about it, I came to a hidden corner, and my eyes turned into a bloody rose at one time, emitting the enchanting light. A fascinating temper came out with the body, making Zhao Wei the whole person very scary.

Half a squat, Zhao Wei put a hand on the ground, a powerful Power of Evil Demon poured into the ground, a black formation from the body of Zhao Wei, emitting a slight black light, with a strong evil breath.

Zhao Wei closed his eyes, and an invisible strength spread out. Everything in the tens of thousands of meters was in Zhao’s perception. No matter who or what creature, even a mosquito, he did not escape Zhao. Fu’s perception.

Now Zhao Wei is using Evil Demon AbySS al Flower’s kind of strength. Through this kind of perception, Zhao Wei also understands all the information of the temple. For example, the place where the gods are located, the distribution of the guards.

This god is still very careful, in addition to the guards guarded by the face, some hidden places also have soleriers alert.

However, at this time, all of them were seen by Zhao Wei, and those lost their functions.

Zhao Wei pressed his hand on the ground, and once he pressed hard, a huge Power of Evil Demon emerged from the ground and slowly satisfied the past from the underground. He would not cover the underground of the temple.

At this time, Zhao Wei, with his eyes closed, showed a smile. Now that they didn’t notice something wrong, there would be no chance.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

Countless pale roots didn’t seem to stretch out slowly, but they stretched out from the ground very quickly. They didn’t give the soliters and the gods a little reaction time. They wrapped them all together, like a root. .

A huge Power of Evil Demon poured into their bodies, and the ordinary guards naturally did not have any resistance to strength.

That god broke out with a strong momentum, and the body’s godhead continued to vibrate, emitting a strong radiance, trying to withstand the influx of Power of Evil Demon.

Zhao Wei coldly snorted, in a force on the ground, a huge Power of Evil Demon flooded into the ground, more pale roots shot from the ground, wrapped in the body of the gods, a larger Power of Evil Demon influx The body of the gods.

The body of the gods slammed and could not withstand the influx of Power of Evil Demon. As the Power of Evil Demon rushed in, the gods lost control of the body.

Zhao Yu opened his eyes and showed a smile. He stood up from the ground and walked over to the temple.

After entering the temple, I looked at the god wrapped in countless pale roots and waved back my countless pale roots back to the ground. The river god on the carpet is exposed.

Heshen also restored part of his control of the body, opened his eyes, and looked at Zhao Wei with a ugly face.

Zhao Xiao smiled and hurled her chin. “I am the god of Myriad Gods Temple. Now you can choose to voluntarily surrender to me? Or is it forced to surrender to me?”

The river god angrily said, “There is no other choice?”

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, “You are all in my hands. What choice do you want?”

The river god fell into thinking, and then made a decision, “OK! I can surrender to you, and bring your hand.”

Zhao Wei could not help but smiled, a Six Desires Demon Qi poured into the body of the river god, a hot heat spread in the body, the river god face became red, and some shyly glared at Zhao Wei.

“Do you still want to take my hand away?” Zhao Yan’s face with a hint of evil charm, reaching out and touching the face of the river god.

The river god couldn’t help but reveal some expressions of enjoyment. She was embarrassed to speak, because she really enjoyed this feeling now, and she didn’t know what strength Zhao Xiao used in the bastard.

“give me!”

The river god looked shameful, and his eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, which was uncontrollable and seductive.

Zhao Wei chuckled and sealed her body’s Six Desires Demon Qi.

The river god also returned to normal. Thinking of the request, the river god felt a sense of shame, and looked at Zhao Wei with anger, and he could not say anything.

Zhao Wei said with a smile, “Is it true to join Myriad Gods Temple tomorrow?”

The river god lightly snorted, did not answer Zhao Fu’s words.

Zhao Xiao smiles down and is about to reach out at once.

The river god immediately said with some fear, “I know, I will join Myriad Gods Temple tomorrow.”

Zhao Yan’s face once appeared a smile, and the body disappeared in the same place once and came to the next spiritual power.

This power is a flower god, but what is a bit strange is that this flower god is not a woman, but an obese man, and looks unremarkable.

Because his body is a kind of wolf poison flower, a kind of lily, the color is black, but very bloated, looks ugly, smells bad, with an extremely poisonous.

After Zhao Wei came to his power, he found that he was sleeping on a bed with two handsome men.

There aren’t many guards around, as if this power is attached to a powerful force, and it seems that there is no fear that anyone will attack him. This power is also a force that does not give Myriad Gods Temple face.

Zhao Wei did not hesitate. He felt that there was no danger around him. He extended a hand and pressed it on the ground. A huge Power of Evil Demon emerged.

A pale root shot from the ground and quickly shot at the three of the bed.

The strength of the ugly fat man was not weak. The first time he found the danger. Looking at the countless pale roots that had been shot, the ugly fat man kicked the handsome man next to him and slammed into the countless pale roots.

Zhao Yu’s eyes were with a cold, exuding an enchantment to wrap the room, and a larger Power of Evil Demon poured into the ground.

I saw the handsome man who had rooted in the parcel. More roots suddenly came out, and the ugly fat man broke out directly. But the root is flooded like a tide.

Soon the ugly fat man was tied up by a pale root, losing the power of resistance, and Zhao’s consciousness also entered the body of the fat man.

The ugly fat man looked at Zhao Wei with a look of fear, and cried, “Who are you? Don’t kill me!”

Zhao Wei coldly snorted, did not convince him of his thoughts, because today he is very rude to Myriad Gods Temple.

Countless black Power of Evil Demon, directly devour the soul of the ugly fat man, Zhao Wei occupied his body, but also got some memories of the fat, cursory glance a few eyes, did not care too much.

After leaving the order to let the ugly fat man join Myriad Gods Temple, Zhao Wei disappeared in one place and continued to control other gods.

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