But now how to behave so friendly, human and animal harmless, almost like a gentle sheep?

Maybe Myriad Gods Temple is really a little scared of them, so it becomes honest.

Now that I heard that Myriad Gods Temple will not expand and is willing to get along with the parties, the numerous forces are also relieved, and they do not want to be threatened by a force.

The vigilance against Myriad Gods Temple was also slightly relaxed, and of course they were not so stupid, and they were completely wary of Myriad Gods Temple.

In the face of the various gifts sent by Myriad Gods Temple, most of the small forces of the numerous do not dare to accept, because Myriad Gods Temple is also a relatively large force, they do not want to offend, so they accepted.

In addition to some small forces with strong backing, these small forces rely on strong forces to support them, not afraid of Myriad Gods Temple.

As for the big forces around us, the attitude is also friendly and full of malice. They are more powerful and don’t have to worry about the dangers of Myriad Gods Temple.

There are even a few forces that don’t appreciate it, don’t give gifts for the past, and look at the war against Myriad Gods Temple.

These Zhao Wei did not respond, because they did not attack it for the time being, but now Zhao Xin’s mind is also placed on other plans, that is, the plan to quietly sneak into the power of the gods to control the gods.

The sun was coming out, the time came to the night, the night was moving, and Zhao Wei began to act.

Around the numerous small forces, Zhao Wei has also investigated clearly, so I can start with them.

The first object Zhao Yi started was the little god power closest to Myriad Gods Temple. It was a Beast God. The power was similar to that of the previous Jade Stone GoddeSS, with a few hundred thousand troops and millions of Population.

With Zhao Fu’s cultivation base now, it is hard to find someone who sneaked into his power.

At this time, the gods are generally not already asleep, just sitting under the statue and absorbing the gathered Faith Power.

Zhao Wei sneaked into the power of this god. The god was already asleep in the bed. There were Soldiers guarding the outside, very strict, and it was the most difficult place to sneak into.

But they did not cause any obstacles to Zhao Wei.

At this time, Zhao Wei hides in a corner, his eyes have turned into a bloody rose, his eyes are slightly, and a black Evil Demon Qi emerges silently from the ground, pouring into them quickly. Feet, then flocked to the body through their feet.

at once!

All the soleliers guarding the outside, the eyes turned black, giving off an evil and strange atmosphere, then the eyes became normal, and the breath disappeared.

Zhao Wei did not have any scruples. He walked straight out of the corner and went outside the door of the room. The mind carefully penetrated into it. A Sheep-headed Man and a white wool god were lying on the bed.

A stretch of condensed in the eyes, a fascinating ray of light emerged from the eyes.

A pale root, quietly extending from the ground, slowly stretched out to the gods on the bed.

Now Zhao’s heart is also a little nervous. Before that, he only experimented with five gods. He did not show it to other gods. Everything is temporarily unknown, maybe there are some accidents, or it is a place that is not thoughtful.

Numerous pale roots slowly reached the bed, and suddenly the pale roots became fast, wrapping the Sheep-headed God, not giving Sheep-headed God a little reaction time, a huge Power of Evil Demon pouring in, constantly eroding body.

After a while, Zhao Wei recovered countless pale roots.

The Sheep-headed Spiritual God body has been controlled by the Power of Evil Demon. Zhao Yi and his thoughts flew past and entered the body of Sheep-headed God, and immediately gained control of the body of Sheep-headed God, as if there was more than one body.

In addition to this kind of control method, in fact, Zhao Wei can also use his own ideas to emerge, with those Evil Demon Qi can be manipulated.

The advantage of this manipulation is like controlling an avatar. This avatar is dead or not, but it will not hurt Zhao Wei’s body.

And this kind of avatar is not limited, as long as you want to control how much you can control, Evil Demon AbySS al Flower’s ability is so terrible, of course, only the flower ancestors have such ability, others won Evil Demon AbySS al Flower Have this ability.

“who are you?”

Sheep-headed Spiritual God’s body makes a terrifying sound, which is the sound of the Sheep-headed Spiritual God.

Zhao Wei is called with a smile, “The Lord of Myriad Gods Temple!”

Sheep-headed Spiritual God slammed into the heart and became very scared, because his body was inexplicably controlled by the Myriad Gods Temple, and Myriad Gods Temple heard that he was a very violent and violent person, angering himself. People will kill.

Zhao Wei felt his fear and his face was full of smiles. “Now you have only two ways to choose. The first is to surrender to Myriad Gods Temple. The second is to erase your soul and turn your body into jealousy. Then control your body and join Myriad Gods Temple.”

Faced with these two choices, Sheep-headed Spiritual God is not stupid. Anyway, it is to surrender and become very simple. “God Lord! I am willing to surrender to you, please don’t kill me.”

Zhao Yi’s smile was retired, and Sheep-headed God gained control of the body.

Sheep-headed Spiritual God breathed a sigh of relief, but dared to make something, because those Evil Demon Qi had turned into powerful restraints throughout his body, and once he dared to do anything, he would die.

Zhao Wei came in from the door and Sheepp-headed God came down from the bed and fell to the ground. “See the gods!”

Wen Yan said, Zhao Xiao said with a smile, “Do not vent this beforehand. You will make a voluntary participation in Myriad Gods Temple tomorrow, remember not to reveal any horses.”

Sheep-headed God did not dare to refuse, obeying, “Yes!”

Zhao Wei took a smile and said nothing, and the body disappeared silently and silently.

Sheep-headed Spiritual God looked at Zhao Wei’s departure and completely relaxed. He was shocked and thought, “Is this the terrible strength of Myriad Gods Temple? It is not a fake, one person can rule so many gods.”

After Zhao Yi left the force of Sheepp-headed God, he quickly came to a force.

The god of this power is a river god. The temple is near a big river. When Zhao Wei sneaked in there, the god was not sleeping, but in the temple, with his legs crossed and his eyes closed, absorbing the surrounding Faith. Power.

The god is a woman, her body is graceful, her skin is tender, she wears a palace dress, a long, light blue hair, and her appearance is very young. She should be a new god.

Zhao Wei is also more careful to see this, because this kind of cultivation state will be more alert. If you are not careful, you will be discovered. Once Zhao Wei is discovered, all parties are vigilant, and Zhao Fu’s plan is unlikely to succeed.

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