Over the past week or so, Myriad Gods Temple has been developing steadily during this time. Nothing has been done, the situation around it has gradually stabilized, and the hostility of Myriad Gods Temple has not been as strong as before.

At this time, five GoddeSS are lying on the ground, Zhao Wei stood on one side, his eyes turned into a bloody rose, exuding the charm of evil charm.

The ground numerous black scent, constantly pouring into the body of the five GoddeSS, and the five GoddeSS body emits a variety of light, resisting the intrusion of that black breath.

Now Zhao Wei is testing to see if Evil Demon Flower can control five GoddeSS. If you can control five gods, then Zhao can quietly sneak into some weak forces, control the gods and let them join Myriad Gods Temple.

The black atmosphere continues to invade, and the five GoddeSS are constantly resisting, so it is not easy to control the gods.

Zhao Wei is more careful to control the Power of Evil Demon into the body of the gods without a sound, but the gods in the body of God will radiate the light, making it impossible for Zhao to control the gods.

Zhao Yu and his sister, a larger Evil Demon Qi, emerged with a powerful momentum and flocked to the bodies of the five gods.

The five gods exude a stronger light and resist the invasion of those Evil Demon Qi.

The powerful Evil Demon Qi constantly rushed to the five gods. Although the light was resisting, there was still a trace of Evil Demon Qi pouring into the five gods and began to control the five gods.

However, this speed is a bit slow, and the intrusive Evil Demon Qi is still too small to control five gods in a flash.

After thinking about it, Zhao Wei’s huge Power of Evil Demon was injected into the eyes, and the two blood-colored eyes of the rose scented the evil spirit.


A pale root of pale string size began to grow on the ground, with an evil atmosphere, reaching out to the five gods lying on the ground.

Five gods radiate the light against the pale roots that stretched out, but it is obvious that these gods can’t resist, and countless roots reach out to the five gods, and then wrap their bodies in a densely packed appearance.

A huge Power of Evil Demon rushed into the spirits of the gods, and the gods radiated a strong radiance, and could not withstand the Power of Evil Demon.

The Power of Evil Demon constantly rushes into the body of the gods, controls every part of the body, then wraps the godhead, invades the brain, and controls the soul of the gods.

Zhao Wei showed a smile, a wave of the pale roots wrapped in the GoddeSS body retracted underground, revealing the body of five GoddeSS.

Now look at the body of the five GoddeSS, everything is normal, nothing special.

But Zhao Wei suddenly started talking, “Get up!”

I saw five GoddeSS hearing the sound of Zhao Fu’s, and he stood up from the ground, his movements were a bit stiff, his expression was sluggish, and if he was manipulated.

Zhao Wei began to use Power of Evil Demon to control them, and they quickly returned to normal, the movements were no longer stiff, and the look returned to normal, and there was no difference as usual.

Later, Zhao Wei took control of them for a while, showing a satisfied smile, then stopped the control and dispersed the Power of Evil Demon, so that the five GoddeSS returned to normal.

After the five GoddeSS recovered, they couldn’t help but feel a bit afraid. Although Zhao Wei controlled them, their consciousness was very clear. In the face of that kind of manipulation, they did not have any resistance.

It can be said that now that Zhao Wei does not like them, he can completely turn them into five skeletons, and the combat effectiveness has not weakened in all aspects.

Now I understand Zhao Fu’s a terrible ability. They are even more surprised by Zhao Wei. At the same time, they are even more puzzled. What kind of person is Zhao Wei? With his ability to display his skills, his identity is definitely terrible. Maybe. There is also a weak reputation among Divine Spirit World.

Zhao Wei looked at the five GoddeSS and looked at him. He smiled and asked, “What happened?”

Jade Stone GoddeSS said with a chuckle, “Nothing! It means you are getting more and more simple, and are you hiding a lot of things? Now we can be considered the one you trust the most, don’t you tell us?”

Golden Stone GoddeSS also said with a smile, “Yes! God, you tell us the true identity, we really want to know, think about you must not be ordinary, the identity will be amazing.”

Bronze GoddeSS said with a blush of cheeks on his cheeks. “Now we all feel lucky to meet you, and we are completely convinced to surrender to you. Even the body is willing to give you. Do you want to hide so much from us?”

Iron Stone GoddeSS and Silverstone girls are also a pair of eyes, looking forward to watching Zhao Wei, they really want to know what kind of big person Zhao Zhao will be.

Zhao Wei chuckled, “Okay! I can tell you now, I am not a Divine Spirit World person, but a king of Heaven Awaken World. As for the rest, you will know slowly.”

Five GoddeSS had some surprises. I didn’t expect Zhao Wei to come from Heaven Awaken World. At the beginning, they felt that there was a god in the body of Zhao Wei. It was natural that Zhao Wei was a Divine Spirit World person.

When I heard that Zhao Wei was still an emperor, there was nothing unexpected about this GoddeSS, because from Zhao Fu’s management method, it would definitely be a powerful force.

Under the leadership of Zhao Fu’s, that force will certainly become very powerful. Now there is a terrible force behind the Myriad Gods Temple, which gives them a lot of peace of mind.

In the end, Zhao Wei finally told them their true identity. This also shows that Zhao Wei has already trusted them. This makes them happy. However, they also know that Zhao Wei’s real horror has long been a shock to Heaven Awaken World’s characters.

Bronze GoddeSS suddenly thought of something, with a hint of flattering, “God Lord! Since you are an emperor, there should be a lot of scorpions? When can you be lucky?”

The other four women, when they heard this, couldn’t help but breathe a little, their faces faintly faint, and looked at Zhao Wei with a fascinating look.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “Wait a minute! Now, according to my orders, you will first release the news that Myriad Gods Temple will no longer expand to the outside world, and sincerely invite all the gods to join.”

“And now I have also picked out various gifts and sent them to the surrounding forces to express the goodwill of Myriad Gods Temple, further weakening their vigilance against Myriad Gods Temple.”

Five GoddeSS have already guessed what Zhao Wei is going to do, smiled and said, and then left together.

Subsequently, the news released by Myriad Gods Temple was quickly spread, and various gifts were sent to the large and small numerous forces.

In this regard, the numerous forces did not think of it, but instead looked strange, because the previous Myriad Gods Temple can be very aggressive and fierce, not surrender to die, and then swallowed 13 spiritual forces, such as beasts.

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