Zhao Wei looked at the numerous beauty brought by Jade Stone GoddeSS. The four women standing in front were the most beautiful.

A hot body, the skin is wheat-colored, looks very attractive, a seemingly quiet, fair skin, a graceful body, with a simple temperament, a slim figure, looks very gentle.

Jade Stone GoddeSS said with a smile, “Now people can help you pick it up! How is it very good?”

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded.

The numerous woman saw that Zhao Wei was satisfied with them, and also showed a happy smile. They also turned to Zhao Xi, and said in unison, “See God!”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “You are all up!”

The numerous women stood up from the ground with a smile and looked at the legendary Lord God in front of them. The heart still jumped very fast.

Zhao Wei took out Myriad Gods Spear. Since these women were chosen as sacrifices, it is impossible to be a nominal sacrifice. They should also have a strength as a sacrifice.

With a long gun, Zhao Wei gave them a slight thorn, Myriad Gods Spear exudes a strong white gold glow, and a huge strength floods into the woman’s body.

Those women naturally understand that this is the strength that Zhao Wei has given them. It is also a great opportunity. The heart is excited to absorb that strength, and that strength covers their body and makes them change.

After a while, Zhao Wei was also surprised. The numerous woman absorbed the strength of Myriad Gods Spear. A pair of booth eyes turned into white gold, and it radiated Ten Thousand Gods, and its appearance was more beautiful than before.

The most interesting thing is that there is a mark on the bottom of their throat. The upper body is a human body. The lower body is a snake. It is not very big. It is bigger than a coin. The color is also white gold with a hint of mystery and mystery.

Isn’t this the kind of monster that was previously found in the forbidden land?

Thinking of this, Zhao Wei almost forgot the original ability of Myriad Gods Spear, that is, the Myriad Gods Spear is the previous stone gun, there is a ability to mutate people, it will make people ugly, the lower body will become a snake tail, but It also has the ability to hypnotize with sound.

Now Zhao Wei gives the numerous woman a sacrifice of sacrifice. Not only does the appearance become more beautiful, but the strength is strengthened. The body only pays a mark and does not make them change.

I don’t know if the ability to hypnotize with sound has been inherited. That kind of strength is still very terrible. I used Zhao Fu’s various strength bleSS ing, and I almost fell asleep. .

If this is used against the enemy, it will naturally have a huge effect. Think about it, Zhao Wei is not easy to resist, can other Soldiers resist? That is almost impossible.

This can be the killing strike of Myriad Gods Temple, the one that will win the final victory once it appears.

Zhao Wei was not happy too early, but first confirmed, “Now you get Myriad Gods Power, do you feel any other changes? Or do you have the ability?”

That gentle temperament woman, smiling started talking, “God Lord! We have the ability to get the most beautiful voice, which makes people fall into a drowsy state.”

Zhao Xin’s heart was put down, showing a smile on his face. That kind of ability was inherited, and it was started talking. “Now show me the ability to show me.”

It is said that the numerous woman corrects the body and posture, opens his mouth and gives a beautiful and beautiful voice, and carries a sacred and solemn song, completely without the feeling of evil before.

at once!

Zhao Wei feels a little fuzzy, and a sleepy influx into the brain, lying on the ground and sleeping.

In the face of this song, Zhao Wei is already prepared, the body’s saint blood flows throughout the body, a stretch spreads out, Zhao Wei immediately recovers, and that kind of sleepiness disappears.

Next to the God of Jade Stone, the eyes are slightly stunned, but also feel very sleepy, but she sent out a divine power, and quickly wake up, some surprised to see Zhao Wei, “What is this ability? Feeling some Terrible, if my strength is weaker, I may have just slept.”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “This is a kind of ability of the stone gun. Originally it is not like this. Now it has been optimized.”

God of Jade Stone snorted, his face still looked at the numerous woman with some surprise.

Many women face the eyes of both, but also a smile, they understand that not only got a kind of Myriad Gods Power, but also got a terrible ability.

Zhao Wei took a smile and said, “When you record the songs you have made, in the future, it will be the hymn of Myriad Gods Temple.”


Many women said in unison.

Zhao Fu’s eyes fell on the four women in front and said with a smile, “In the future Myriad Gods Temple is managed by all four of you.”

The four women surprised and smiled and gave Zhao a bow. “Thank you for the Lord’s Lord, we will not disappoint God.”

Subsequently, Zhao Wei let them go first.

After they left, Zhao Wei said with a smile to Jade Stone GoddeSS next to him. “Now you still need to trouble you. At one time, you will pick out some qualified people. This is for both men and women.”

Wendeng, Jade Stone GoddeSS also said with some surprises, “Is there still a lot of sacrifices like that?”

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded. “With the size of the Myriad Gods Temple and the power of the legacy, you can still have 10,000 sacrifices. If they go to the battlefield, they will have a very amazing effect.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS chuckled. “Then I will go pick people.”

Zhao Wei responded, Jade Stone GoddeSS turned and left, and after another day, the 10,000 people were also selected, including men and women, all in their twenties.

Now they are standing under a platform, Zhao Wei holding Myriad Gods Spear, standing on the platform.

“See God Lord!”

All of the tens of thousands of people were whispering, respectful, and shouted in unison.

Zhao Yan showed a smile, raised the rifle in his hand, and injected a huge strength into it.


Myriad Gods Spear exudes a strong radiance, enveloping the people of countless people under the platform, and a huge strength constantly pouring into their bodies.

They also felt a strong strength pouring into the body, and the look was excited. They also knew Zhao Fu’s purpose, and Zhao Fu’s reused, the position in the future must be very high.

The huge strength was constantly infused into their bodies. After a while, Zhao Wei took back Myriad Gods Spear and countless people under the platform completed the transformation.

The eyelids turned into white gold, and Myriad Gods Power was emitted, and a mark appeared beneath the throat.

Now with this Myriad Gods Temple ritual, Myriad Gods Temple has a powerful killing strike and will not be afraid to deal with it. Once the Myriad Gods Temple sings, the world is their hell.

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