There are even some soldiers angry or angry yelled.

“I believe in the kind God, my God will never give orders to cruel and extermination of humanity, and this order will not be observed.”

“Yes! Even if you kill the men and women who are tied up, those old people and children will kill. I can’t stand it, and I can’t do this kind of thing.”

“The god of Myriad Gods Temple should be a person full of love, so that it can be recognized by more people, and it will be loved by more people. These people will surrender to Myriad Gods Temple through long time.”

“This is really cruel. You see that little girl doesn’t know anything, and doesn’t understand anything. If you look like a fear, it’s going to go down. It’s really not a human being.”

“You want me to do this, I want to withdraw from the army, originally I joined the army to keep the Wei family, not to kill innocent people.”

“I am the same. I used to be loyal to my god. Now I am a member of Myriad Gods Temple. I don’t want to be a soldier. I go home and farm.”


Hearing these people’s voices, Zhao Wei also expected, because this power is not the force that Zhao Wei established, but the forces that combined the five forces.

Not even many people know his existence, but surrender with the original gods. Among these people, there will be some opponents, and they are not very obedient.

Zhao Qin in Daqin is everything that dominates. As long as Zhao Wei orders, no matter what will be resolutely executed, there will be no opinions and hesitation, because he is Zhao Qi’s personally established.

The Yellow Spring Country of the Yin world, although Zhao Wei did not manage, but it was also established by Zhao Wei, from a small force to the current Yellow Spring Country.

Although it is a gloomy country, Great Qin’s penetration is also very deep. They look up to the awe of Zhao Fu’s existence and have no opinion on Zhao Fu’s order.

Now that I heard these objections, Zhao Wei’s face was calm and slowly started talking. “You don’t want people to come out!”

When they heard that Zhao Wei was not angry, those people were relieved. Now they raise objections and may be severely punished by Zhao Fu’s, who is the owner of Myriad Gods Temple.

At this time, some people did not want to kill innocent people, and made such cruel things, they came out from the square.

Others saw someone coming out and followed.

Some of them understand that the Lord of Myriad Gods Temple is too ferocious. If you are a soldier, the end will definitely not be too good, so you don’t want to be a soldier. Anyway, other gods will come over and you will surrender. The gods need Faith and will not kill them.

In the end, there were about a hundred thousand people who came out from the huge square and gathered together, intending to take off their military uniform and go home.

Zhao Wei turned to look at the group of generals behind him, calmed started talking, “Do you have any opinions on me now?”

Most of those generals are talented people who are promoted by Zhao Wei. In the face of the current status given by Zhao Wei, there are also fancy to them, and now those solderiers are his soliters, and they have no reason to object.

However, there are some people who are not used to Zhao Hao, a method of doing things. Now it is so cruel, who knows what a terrible look will be in the future Myriad Gods Temple.

This is also different from their beliefs. Although they may be canceled by Zhao Wei, they still stand up.

“God Lord! You can’t accept it like this, and you won’t make this kind of extinction. Although some of them are rebel, their families are innocent, please let them go.”

“If you don’t want to, we can’t work for you. We believe in the opposite of this and are willing to resign from the current position.”

Zhao Wei did not say anything, took out the Emperor Killing Sword, all the strength was injected into the Emperor Killing Sword, and a strong sword qi broke out from it, forming a fierce sword qi storm, surrounded by a sharp.

Everyone felt this strength, the body could not help but tremble, felt a fear, and did not respond, Zhao Yiyi sword swung out.


A huge sword light, with a wreck of strength, and a fierce sword wind, swiftly rushed to the huge hundred soldiers who came out.

Pū pū pū ……

The solitiers haven’t reacted yet, and the body is smashed into pieces by the huge sword light. The blood is splashing around and the corpses are dancing.

Other solitiers who gathered farther, saw this scene, looked fearful, turned and ran, but the next moment was also smashed by sword light, the terrifying sword light flashed past, no one jumped.

Blood and minced meat flew into the sky, then sprinkled on the ground, as a bloody rain, the ground was covered with red, and a thick and bloody smell came out.

Zhao Wei’s eyes turned to the few generals who had just stood up. The generals did not react. I never thought that Zhao Wei was so cold-blooded and ferocious, and directly killed the hundred people.

At this time, Zhao Yikong, a huge sword Qi Slash out, the several generals into a few pieces, blood splattered, splashed other generals.


No matter the countlesssoldiers under the stage, there are the generals on the stage, the body is stiff in place, with a look of fear, not afraid to move, the scene is in a dead silence, no one makes a sound.

No one thought that Zhao Wei directly killed the hunting thousand people, and there were several generals. Those people were formerly Soldiers of Myriad Gods Temple. Those generals were also those who Zhao Zhao personally promoted.

Now he did not say anything, and did not give those people the opportunity to speak, all directly killing.

In the face of such people, no one is not afraid, just like being in the dark, and Zhao Wei is the source of darkness.

“Who do you still have opinions?”

The ice-cold sound is loud in the ears of countless people, like the ice stings ears.

None of the people present dared to make a sound, and the scene was still dead.

Zhao Wei is now in a state of anger. There are not so many people who dare to comment on him and stand up against him. Although these are people of Myriad Gods Temple, those who do not obey his orders will die.

This is not to establish a free and open justice country, but to build an Empire, as the Lord of Empire, Zhao Wei is the master of everything, any must obey, if not, it is not an Empire.

Now facing this scene of Myriad Gods Temple, it must be ruled by more bloody and cruel violence to make Myriad Gods Temple the way it wants, so Zhao Wei will not hesitate and will oppose everything. The people killed, one did not let go.

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