Next, Zhao Wei also convened all the generals, appointed some capable generals, let them begin to drill soliters, let the war begin as soon as possible, open up the territory for Myriad Gods Temple, and plunder more resources and Population.

These military Zhao Yi also intend to train into the appearance of the Daqin Soldiers. They do not have any kindness to the enemy, or even have any feelings. They must obey orders and admire the war of killing.

In the land pointed by Zhao Yujian, they must be fearless, brave and straightforward.

No matter men, women, old people, children, people who want to kill will not stay, even livestock can not let go, even if facing the king of the high, and the gods should raise the knife in their hands.

This is the first time that Zhao Wei needs to start to practice them. In Daqin Zhao, there will be white, he will train the Soldiers into what Zhao Wei wants, and Daqin Soldiers can have such a military spirit, and also experienced numerous and large wars. Growed out.

At the time, Great Qin Village was just a small village, and all the way to the conquest was the current Great Qin Empire.

Now these gods souliers lack war, lack of killing, and the generals will not train thesoldiers into what Zhao Wei wants, so Zhao Wei needs to practice them first.

On a large open space, a group of gods sodiers gathered here, orderly arranged into a square array, and Zhao Wei stood on the platform, standing behind the numerous selected generals.

First of all, Zhao Wei first did it, let them adapt to bloody, and now there is a beast in front of the numerous soldiers, including wild boar, cow, deer, horse and the like.

“Now, at the fastest speed, use the weapons in your hands to cut the animals in front of them into meat sauce.” Zhao Wei stood on the platform, looking at the solitiers in front, and the voice was also some ice-cold started talking.

Many soldiers looked at the animals in front of them, and there was no hesitation, because if these animals did not dare to kill, they would not be sodriers, but Zhao Wei let them smash the creatures in front of them into bolognese. .

Rooaaar ……

A scream screamed, and thesoldiers raised their hands with knives, swords, axes, rifles, and spears to attack the beasts in front of them.

Some are slashing a knife and cutting the beasts. The beasts are cut off from the wounds. The blood is constantly splashing. Some of them use weapons to stab the beasts. The blood splatters out and the beasts scream.

Those screams are full of pain, despair, and nerves. Killing a beast is not the same as slaughtering a group of beasts. The screams are loud and screaming, and the rich blood smells pungent, which makes people feel a little cold.

They usually kill the beast at most, but not now.

All the beasts also died, the ground was quickly stained with blood, the bodies were broken into pieces, the meat and internal organs were unclear, and the bloody picture stung the eyes of the Soldiers.

Somesoldiers can’t stand the nausea-like expression in the bloody scene, and some people can’t help but vomit.

Zhao Wei stood looking forward.

The numerous generals stood behind Zhao Wei, and some of the obvious Zhao Fu’s meant to make the bloody and irritating, so that the solediers became numb, and he would not hesitate to kill everything, and would obey all orders.

Using this method to cultivate soliters is to use the Soldiers as a killing machine. It seems that the other party is not a good character.

Although they think so now, but now Zhao Wei is the owner of Myriad Gods Temple, they naturally dare not say anything, and now these solderiers also belong to Zhao Fu’s soldiers, what he wants.

At this time, Zhao Wei spoke up, and the voice could not be heard by all of them. “The person next to the person dragged the vomiting person out and smoked the ten army whip.”

Everyone present was a bit surprised. I didn’t expect Zhao Wei to suddenly make such an order, but they still obeyed the order and dragged those who vomited out.

Those who vomited regretted their fears. They knew that they would hold back. Now they asked Zhao Wei to give them a chance, but Zhao Wei ignored it.

Thosesoldiers whipped a whip and slammed on thosesoldiers, directly smashing the skins of those solters, and the blood flowed out.

Somesoldiers couldn’t stand it and made a scream.

Later, Zhao Wei let all thesoldiers go back and stand in the square.

After this time, the numerous soldiers were also a little nervous, and they also had a fear of Zhao Wei, because it was already clear who Zhao was a person.

Zhao Wei stood in the same place, and said nothing, the sandiers also continued to stand in the blood of the corpse, deeply affected by the bloody smell.

Some can’t help but vomit out at one time.

Zhao Wei sounded ice-cold’s started talking, “Take those out and drag the twenty whip.”

Next to the Soldiers, they quickly towed them out, and a whip and a whip whipped on those people, and those people made a scream.

The atmosphere at the scene was not only tense, but also a little more restrained, and did not dare to make any sound.

The generals who stood behind Zhao Wei were nervous in their hearts and feared Zhao Wei.

The time lasted for a few hours, and Zhao Wei gave orders at an opening and brought more than 100,000 people.

These people are male and female, old and young, and now the body is tied up by ropes, and they are connected in a row. They are all impossible to surrender to Myriad Gods Temple, mostly from God of Golden Stone, because Zhao Wei puts original God. Of Golden Stone killed.

Now they are in front of the numerous soldiers, fear of a face, a bad hunch in their hearts, some crying for mercy, some angry curses, some not humble and stand in the same place, a arrogant.

“Now, one by one, you will pierce the weapons in your hands into their bodies.” Zhao Fu’s voice was released once.

The numerous soldiers face the embarrassed, looking at the hands of the people who are tied up, there is no resistance at all, is to kill them, including the elderly, sixty or seventy years old with a white hair, and 5 or 6 years old childish Childlike child.

When you start to face people, somesoldiers really don’t want to go, and they can’t bear it.

The gods they follow are mostly not evil spirits, and they have never done this before, and the general gods are not willing to do it because the massacre affects Popular Support and causes the loss of Faith Power.

Zhao Wei frowned, coldly said, “This is the order!”

Upon hearing this, some of the Soldiers obeyed the command, coldly holding a face with a sword, and walking to those people, a sword piercing the bodies of those people.

Blood splashes, those who hate or resentful look at the solitiers who killed them, and those who are screaming.

Other Soldiers saw someone coming forward and followed them up, piercing the bodies of those people with their weapons.

However, some people still can’t go and kill those old people, children, women, and they are not moving.

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