“No matter who you are before, no matter where you are from, now I want to know that I am your master, and you must surrender to me, originally I don’t want to do this, but you dare to violate my orders, then don’t Blame me.”

Zhao Wei sounded with anger, and everyone still dared not make a sound, and his heart was full of fear.

Pause for a moment!

Zhao Xiaoyi, the eyes of the army, looked at the army in front of a coldly said. “Now, you know who you are going to surrender, who is it to kill?”

“I am obeying the Lord God! I swear allegiance to God Lord!”

The solitiers present, as well as the generals behind Zhao Wei, all know that they are kneeling on the ground and are yelled together.

The sound is very shocking, there is a kind of surrender to the highest power, with a domineering conquest of the Quartet, and an ice-cold murderous aura.

Their looks are full of awe, as in the fear of their gods.

Because Divine Spirit World is originally only a god, no country sect other forces, these people will generally obey the gods, loyal to the gods, and loyal to the gods, so Zhao Wei just talked so many people opposed.

This makes Zhao Wei lose the majesty as the master of power. If those people don’t kill, in the future, Zhao Wei should rule Myriad Gods Temple. When this is opened, anyone can stand up against Zhao Wei. What should Zhao Zhao do?

You should use bloody means to change their minds and clear understanding who to listen to.

Otherwise, in the future Myriad Gods Temple will be a huge hidden danger, because these Soldiers will not obey themselves, only loyal to those divine powers, if there is a god rebellion, then they will join them, to backlash Zhao Wei.

This kind of thing Zhao Yu could not let them happen, which is why Zhao Wei personally controlled the military power.

Now seeing the picture of this deputy, the anger of Zhao Yi has also disappeared a lot, and the coldness of his face eased.

In a started talking, “Get up! Since you surrender to me, then I will not treat you badly, and now everyone rewards 10 military.”

Everyone couldn’t help but smile. They didn’t do anything, they got 10 military power, and 10 military power had to work hard on the battlefield to get it.

“Thank you for the Lord!”

A lot of soldiers, a happy face, yelled, and also recognized Zhao Wei.

People are like this, let them fear first, and let them give them some benefits, they will be more loyal to you.

Zhao Wei is not talking about anything. The next Soldiers will be drilled and given to the generals.

Then they will slowly change and become the same sodiers of the Daqin Soldiers, fighting for the four sides. Absolute obedience to Zhao Fu’s order will not defy.

As for those who brought up and did not surrender, Zhao Wei was not interested in the management, because the purpose has also been reached.

Casually killed some people who resisted stubbornness. Others saw that Zhao Fu’s was terrible, scared and soft, and had already surrendered to the ground and did not dare to say anything.

Back to Myriad Gods Temple, Zhao Wei also carried out the first major reforms, first increasing the preferential treatment and status of Soldiers, so that the people were more motivated to join the army, and Zhao Wei also wanted a lot of troops.

In addition, Zhao Wei also needs to strengthen the ideological control of the people. These people, like those of the Soldiers, will only obey the gods, serve the gods, and support the gods.

For the people, Zhao Wei’s method is much softer, and he has not killed anyone, and his means are not bloody and cruel.

Because as an outsider of Zhao Wei, although he became the master of Myriad Gods Temple and their lord, they could not surrender to you at a glance. If those who did not surrender were killed, there would be not many people.

The first thing that Zhao Wei did is the most important thing, that is, the revised Holy Bible.

Every god has a Holy Bible. Everyone believes in a god and is familiar with the corresponding Holy Bible.

The role of Holy Bible is to deepen Faith and make those people more believe in the gods, so that more Faith Power can be provided. As long as Faith Power is more, the gods will be stronger.

There is also the spread of Faith.

The gods conquer a region, the people do not know what the gods are, and do not know what to do. At this time, Holy Bible will tell the people how to do it, how to believe in new gods, and let them know what gods are surrendering.

Here, Zhao Wei did not burn all the Holy Bible. If it was the ordinary Monarch, it would definitely burn down these books that were not conducive to the rule. It would also list these books as banned books and would not allow anyone to read them.

Strengthen the control of the people, let them surrender to the kingship, not theocracy, to prevent the emergence of rebel.

Zhao Wei also thought about doing this, but soon gave up, because now it is not a country, but Myriad Gods Temple, a force composed of numerous gods.

The gods need Faith, that is their foundation. You don’t give them Faith. How can the gods surrender to you? The Holy Bible is the most important thing about Faith, and it can’t be burned.

Zhao Wei also thinks that those gods are powerful, so Faith Power is also needed, and the Holy Bible cannot be destroyed.

However, the Holy Bible is another thing that shakes the rule. With the Holy Bible, people can only support the gods, instead of supporting Zhao Wei, and they will not obey Zhao Wei. The two sides are in conflict.

But Zhao Wei has a good solution, so it is to revisit the Holy Bible, unify those Holy Bibles and change them to Ten Thousand Gods Holy Bible.

The above content, the core of the front is Ten Thousand Gods surrendered to Myriad Gods Temple, Myriad Gods Temple is the control of the existence of the gods, and Myriad Gods Temple is also composed of numerous gods, no matter what gods, are the gods of Myriad Gods Temple, believe in the gods Also believe in Myriad Gods Temple.

The latter part is to write the Saint Realm of each god unchanged.

In this way, the mind is unified and the split is prevented. No matter what Faith’s gods are, the people of Faith Myriad Gods Temple, Myriad Gods Temple rules everything.

As long as the status of Myriad Gods Temple is Highest Level, then Zhao Fu’s status is also Highest Level, and those people will support him and support him, and he is also above the gods.

Some are similar to the God of Creation, which rules the numerous gods. Although the people believe in other gods, they are more loyal to God of Creation.

This strengthens the control of the mind, and can also provide Faith Power to the numerous gods, which can be said to be two birds with one stone.

Otherwise, if you destroy Saint Level, you will encounter various obstacles, first of all from the gods, then from all kinds of people and sodiers, it is very difficult to implement, unless you want to take bloody suppression.

Zhao Wei is also somewhat reluctant to do it, unless it is forced to do so.

In addition to these, Zhao Wei has also done a lot of reforms.

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