In addition, their own Myriad Gods Power, also has resistance to a variety of other powers, those divine power will weaken Myriad Gods Power, which will be a great advantage, to some extent weaken the enemy’s strength.

The role of Myriad Gods Power is not only that, it has one of the most terrible abilities, it is to devour other powers, which becomes very terrifying.

If it can swallow the power, you fight with him, the power will be swallowed by him, and the final loss will definitely be you, unless there is a strong strength to crush the other side, otherwise it will most likely face this kind of enemy that will swallow the strength. lose.

And this kind of power to devour is not to devour a god, but to devour all the gods, and can restrain all the gods.

Now the strength of Myriad Gods Power itself, plus Myriad Gods Power’s immunity to all kinds of power, plus the devour of Myriad Gods Power’s various powers, the three together will make a god become a terrible opponent.

However, because Myriad Gods Temple has only five gods and five gods are not as strong, these three strengths are weaker, but if the gods of Myriad Gods Temple increase, these three strengths will become stronger.

At that time, they not only have the terrible Myriad Gods Power, but also immunize all the power, letting you attack, the effect is very weak, the most terrible power of swallowing, you can instantly suck an adult.

Such a great army can definitely fight all directions and sweep everything, becoming the most terrible army in Divine Spirit World.

Zhao Wei felt their strength, his face was smiling, and his heart was full of surprises.

Unfortunately, Myriad Gods Temple has just been built, and the gods soleiers are only 4million, Myriad Gods Power is still weak, and now the strength, a slightly larger force can kill Myriad Gods Temple.

The current Myriad Gods Temple will take some time to grow to become a powerful force.

Zhao Wei ordered another thousand Myriad Gods Temple soldiers to display another terrible ability. Look at the Soldiers attribute and ask for a few to come. Zhao Hao called a thousand, naturally and purposeful. The purpose is to display that terrible ability. .

As the soleliers of Myriad Gods Temple, there is not only the restraint and resistance of the ordinary gods, but also the ability to deal with the gods.

This is also a capability that Myriad Gods Spear comes with.

Myriad Gods Spear has been the legacy of Myriad Gods Temple, and it is also the existence of Ten Thousand Gods. Naturally, it has the ability to deal with various gods, so that Ten Thousand Gods can be shocked, and they surrender to Myriad Gods Spear. Do not dare to have any resistance.

And this ability must be terrifying to the extreme, or it can’t shake Ten Thousand Gods, that ability is the ability of God Slayer to kill all kinds of gods.

What God of the Sun, the God of Demons, the god of the stars, the god of plants, the god of the river, the god of flowers, the God of Evil Ghosts, the god of beasts, the god of evil spirits, the god of ghosts…

“The god of disobedience, kill without mercy!”

Myriad Gods Spear is a kind of power that inherits the Power of God Slayer contained in the goddess of Zhao. It specializes in restraining various gods, which is the strength of God Slayer.

Now as the army of Myriad Gods Temple, there must naturally be this kind of strength, for the Myriad Gods Temple to crusade against various rebellious gods.

Zhao Yu ordered it, and thousands of Soldiers led a burst of silvery white. This kind of atmosphere condensed together, surrounded by white gold particles, blending together to form a white gold rifle.

It’s a dozen meters long, with a strong Power of God Slayer, it’s cool and looks like Myriad Gods Spear.

Zhao Wei showed a smile and said to the next Jade Stone GoddeSS, “Go up and try this God Slaying Spear.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS nodded seriously and didn’t underestimate, because the condensed God Slaying Spear, which had already evoked a strong Power of God Slayer, made her feel a little dangerous.

In front of the Soldiers, Jade Stone GoddeSS held out a hand and a god emerged to form a jade shield.

Soldiers under the Zhao Fu’s command, controlled God Slaying Spear, aimed at Jade Stone GoddeSS.


The silver-white God Slaying Spear, which is more than a dozen meters long, flew out with a terrible force, dragging out a silver-white streamer, giving off a huge momentum with a fatal danger.

Jade Stone GoddeSS’s face changed slightly. Before the God Slayer came in, the hair was erected and the body was slightly cold.


The pike with a terrible Power of God Slayer shot on the jade shield, a terrifying strength hitting the jade shield, and the jade shield cracked a few cracks.

And the long shot of the gun gave off a bright white gold light, with a strong strength, continued to hit the jade shield, issued a strong wave of fluctuations.

Kāchā kāchā ……

A clear sound was heard, and the cracks on the jade shield were also more. Jade Stone GoddeSS had a slight eye, and a stronger strength was injected into the jade shield, and the jade shield stopped breaking.

The white gold pike also lost strength at this time, turning into countless spots to dissipate.

Jade Stone GoddeSS has a serious face, although it seems that she is easy to block God Slaying Spear, but this is still a God Slaying Spear, so it is easy to block.

But this does not mean that God Slaying Spear is weak. She has already felt the horrible before this God Slayer. It is specially prepared for God Slayer and has great restraint on Power of Spiritual God.

If it is a few thousand soldiers who condense God Slaying Spear, if the gods are not careful, they may be spiked by God Slaying Spear.

This is the real strength of God Slaying Spear. Jade Stone GoddeSS looks serious to Zhao Wei. How can he count himself as a solitier, but he has such terrible killing effect on himself? The kind of sodiers that the person cultivated is simply God. The Slayer soldier, that person is really too dangerous.

Zhao Wei noticed the look of Jade Stone GoddeSS and turned to look at her.

Jade Stone GoddeSS also immediately showed a smile, no seriousness before, and my heart was more jealous.

However, she also understands that as long as she listens to Zhao Wei, do not think about rebellion, then she will not have anything, or one of the most powerful people in Myriad Gods Temple, don’t worry, these Soldiers will be themselves Hands-on.

Zhao Wei asked with a smile, “How about this God Slaying Spear strength?”

Jade Stone GoddeSS smiled and replied, “Very strong! It is very harmful to the gods. If there are more soleders, I can’t stop it.”

Zhao Wei’s face showed a satisfied smile. First, let a thousandsoldiers retreat, then summon five women, and there are four hundred Ten Thousand Gods.

Now, as the owner of Myriad Gods Temple, Zhao Wei naturally wants to see his own sandiers, and also holds all the military power in his own hands.

Although there are only 4 millionsoldiers now, more and more gods in the future, they will become veterans, and strengthen Zhao Wei’s control over the army.

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