Five GoddeSS also nodded with a clear understanding.

Zhao Wei first let them go down and deal with the things they just told. Five GoddeSS turned and were about to leave.

Zhao Wei stopped the Golden Stone GoddeSS.

Golden Stone GoddeSS’s face was a glimpse, and the other four GoddeSS were somewhat concerned. I don’t know why Zhao Wei left Golden Stone GoddeSS alone.

Although the four of them did not want to admit it, Zhao Wei was the owner of Myriad Gods Temple. They were also very concerned about Zhao Qi, and they also wanted to get Zhao Fu’s fancy and gain more power.

Myriad Gods Temple has a bright future, and the future will surely become a terrible force, and they will become supreme powers.

They are very confident about this, because now the legacy attribute of Myriad Gods Temple, the more gods are added, the more terrifying the strength will be, and the growth rate will be beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

They are also curious at the same time. Who is Zhao Wei? Why is there such a terrible strength, and the godhead is so special, and can absorb the legacy of different gods. Without his ability, it is impossible to establish Myriad Gods Temple.

The other four GoddeSS, though somewhat concerned, didn’t ask much, leaving Myriad Gods Temple to handle those things.

Golden Stone GoddeSS also understands that she is different from the other four GoddeSS. She is a god that she later became, or absorbed her husband’s godhead, and her husband was killed by Zhao Wei.

At this time, she also had Zhao Ban left the kind of Six Desires Demon Qi’s ban, so she did not dare to resist Zhao Wei.

Now Golden Stone GoddeSS understands that Zhao Wei is somewhat uneasy about her, because she is now one of the five lords, and in the future, not only will the strength become terrible, but also the enormous power.

Golden Stone GoddeSS squatted on the ground and said seriously, “God Lord! I will be loyal to Myriad Gods Temple, I will never betray, and my son will not revenge, willing to surrender to the feet of God.”

Zhao Wei chuckled, “You quite understand!”

Golden Stone GoddeSS showed a smile and looked at Zhao Wei. “God Lord is so good to me. I should be loyal to God. If God Lord is willing, I think I can serve God now.”

At this time, Golden Stone GoddeSS is really complicated. Her relationship with her husband is not bad. She is a little uncomfortable when her husband dies.

But Zhao Wei, the man who killed her man, did not kill her and tortured her. She was already very fortunate. She did not expect that Zhao Wei not only made her a new generation of gods, but also gave her more powerful strength and power.

Zhao Wei is so good to her, she hates it and can’t hate it. At the same time, her body is influenced by Six Desires Demon Qi. Some of her hearts also want to get Zhao Fu’s favor.

Zhao Yan came to her in a smile, reaching out to evoke her chin, and Golden Stone GoddeSS also looked charming and looked at Zhao Wei with both eyes.

Zhao Xiao said with a smile, “Since you understand it, you don’t need to say anything more. You should go ahead and deal with things! Now there will be a lot of mergers, especially your power.”

Golden Stone GoddeSS was a little disappointed and shook her head and stood up and left.

Zhao Wei also re-insert Myriad Gods Spear back into the platform. The four-week statues radiate a slight light, and the light condenses on the platform, constantly cultivating Myriad Gods Spear, in the future. More, the strength of Myriad Gods Spear will be stronger.

After the establishment of Myriad Gods Temple, there are indeed many things to deal with, because the various things are different, and the most need of a new force is cohesion and identity. If there is nothing, the power is likely to collapse.

Zhao Wei came to the Jade Temple. There is no place to go now, and Myriad Gods Palace is under construction. It will be where Zhao Wei is and the power center of Myriad Gods Temple.

After the past day, five GoddeSSs have also notified the news to every part of the power. Now five forces have merged into Myriad Gods Temple, and all the names of the power disappeared, and only Myriad Gods Temple.

Now everyone understands that the strength that makes their souls devout is the strength of Myriad Gods Temple, and the invisible between Myriad Gods Temple increases the cohesiveness of the numerous people.

Knowing this news, the numerous people have no opinion, because this is not something they can decide. Their original power master has become a member of Myriad Gods Temple, and the status of rights has not changed much.

I also know that there is a god, he is the master of Myriad Gods Temple, and the numerous gods must listen to him.

Zhao Wei also ordered the celebration of Myriad Gods Temple to further strengthen the integration of forces.

On this day, Myriad Gods Temple became very lively, with a ribbon hanging on the street, hanging lanterns, and a piece of paper on the wall, filled with laughter and joy.

After the celebration, Zhao Wei will come to handle the political affairs.

First of all, the strength of Myriad Gods Temple, Myriad Gods Temple has the original five spiritual powers, and the power is not very strong.

There are only 20 controlled areas, more than 180 in the city, about 60 million in Population, and about 4million in Soldiers.

Although this strength is added together, it can rival the strength of a small country, but in the eyes of Zhao Fu’s, it is still very weak.

With such strength, it takes a lot of time to develop and grow. The most important one is the strength of the Soldiers. Zhao Wei needs them to go to conquest all directions.

Zhao Wei summoned thousands of Soldiers to the front.

Many soldiers also understand that Zhao Wei is the owner of Myriad Gods Temple, the person with the highest power of the whole power, even if the gods must obey him, so he is very respectful to Zhao.

Zhao Yi’s eyes fell on them and sensed the strength of their body.

People living in Divine Spirit World can be counted as Protoss, influenced by various gods, such as the demon, the demon, the God of Light, the God of DarkneSS, the god of the sea, the god of mountains and so on.

It is also divided into different protoss, as the progenitor attribute of the protoss is bleSS ing, the attribute will be better than the Human Race.

The soliters here, also known as the gods souliers, contain the power of the body, in which the power is also divided into many kinds, powerful and weak, which is related to the gods they belong to.

If the gods are strong, the power to give thesoldiers will be stronger, and the soleliers will overcome the othersoldiers by virtue of this advantage.

Of course, the gods of the souliers also need to cultivate, the gods only give a high-order strength, not to give the power, can improve the cultivation base of several orders.

Now the sodiers in front of Zhao Wei, the body is influenced by Myriad Gods Spear, and also Myriad Gods Power, although only the weak five gods of the fusion of Myriad Gods Power, but now has shown extraordinary.

Because the five gods are all biased toward the metal, the strength of the gods souliers is now biased toward the metal, with a sharp breath, and the attack power will be higher.

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