After glanced at them, Zhao Wei came to the face of the woman’s body, reaching out and pressing on her head, a strength was sent from the hand, infiltrated into the woman’s body, and some things were sensed.

Now Zhao Wei is checking whether there is a god in the body of God, and there is no soul left in the godhead.

This kind of existence of the gods is very difficult to die. Unless it is directly smashed into slag and the gods are destroyed, the gods cannot be resurrected, or the gods may be resurrected once.

Because they will integrate some souls into the godhead, as long as the gods are not destroyed, they will not die. Even if they are seriously injured, or even the body has died, they can enter a state of slumber, use time to slowly recover, and thus resurrect.

Zhao Wei checked this GoddeSS corpse and found that although GoddeSS died, the body is in the shape of a godhead, and there is a soul in the godhead.

That is to say, this GoddeSS does not really die, only need to provide a huge strength now will be revived.

Zhao Wei went to the side of the male god’s body and examined his body. The same is true.

In order to prevent any accidents, Zhao Wei used the seal strength to seal the two gods and then put them into the ring.

Finally, Zhao Yu came to a temple, in a cave.

Zhao Wei entered the cave and came to the front of a rugged temple. The temple was built using a large piece of stone. There are two stone statues at the door. The carvings are two tigers, which look very ferocious.

The door of the temple is also banned, and it feels thick, but the strength is weaker than the stone door.

Zhao Wei stood in front of Shimen, and a powerful strength was injected into the Emperor Killing Sword. The Emperor Killing Sword exudes a strong sword light. A huge sword qi emerged and set off a huge sword wind.


A sword swayed out, a huge sword light, with the strength of everything, squatting on the stone door, the stone door directly shattered, turned into countless gravel collapsed.

Zhao Wei walked into it. It was a passage. It was 20 meters wide and 700 meters high. The front was dark and I didn’t know what was there.

Keep moving along the path.

Áooooo ……

A sound of tiger cubs came out from the front, and then a group of black tigers rushed out fiercely and quickly.

These black tigers have black fur, green eyes, and two long teeth in their mouths. After they rushed out, a pair of eyes looked fiercely at Zhao Wei, and the body quickly rushed over to Zhao.

Zhao Wei’s eyes are a bit contemptuous, because the strength of these black tigers is not as strong as that of a temple, and Zhao Wei has thrown a few sword lights, and the numerous black tiger is striking down.

Left a dead body and blood, Zhao Wei continued to move forward.

Finally came to a large hole, which is several kilometers wide and hundreds of meters high, surrounded by a black rock wall with a platform in the middle of the hole, lying on a woman.

This woman is hot, has a pair of tiger-spotted claws, and a tiger tail, beautiful face, wearing a beast skin armor, with a fierce temperament, with a strong spirit of spirit.

In front of the woman is a Beast God, and is still a tiger GoddeSS.

Zhao Wei went straight and began to think that it was a god body, but did not expect that the woman opened the eyes eyes, stood up from the platform, with a anger, looked at Zhao Wei, some wanted to do it. Attacking Zhao Wei, but felt the terrible momentum of Zhao Fu’s body stopped.

“I don’t want to be an enemy of you, there is nothing good here, please ask me to leave quickly.”

Zhao Wei showed a smile, started talking, “I don’t want anything, as long as you are one, now you leave with me!”

Tiger God Goddess angrily said, “I will not give you, and will not leave with you.”

Zhao Wei chuckled, asked, “Are you sure?”

The Tiger GoddSS replied directly to the cold voice, “Yes! I know that you are strong, but I will not succumb to you so easily.”


Zhao Fu’s body disappeared in place, the next second appeared in front of the Tiger GoddSS, the tiger GodddeSS was shocked, and did not react, Zhao Yi took a heavy punch and directly hit the tiger’s GoddeSS belly .

The body of the Tiger GoddSS flew out for dozens of meters, fell to the ground, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Zhao Wei said with a sneer, “With your strength, it is impossible to resist me, or surrender to me early.”

The Tigers GoddSS coldly snorted, a strong momentum, a black mist from the body ignited, forming a huge black tiger, with a terrible pressure, so scared.

With this terrifying momentum, the Tiger GoddSS quickly came out to Zhao.

Zhao Yujian did not use, clenched his fists, a huge Saint strength broke out, a black mist wrapped his fist, behind him a domineering black dragon, with a strong momentum.

The Tiger GoddSS quickly rushed to Zhao Wei, palms like claws, and forced Zhao Zhao to grab the past. The black tiger behind him immediately snarled, with a striking strength, rushed to Zhao.

Zhao Yan’s mouth rose, with a hint of sneer, punching hard.


Behind the black dragon, with a terrifying strength, and a powerful momentum, rushed to the Tiger GoddSS.


The black tiger and the black dragon collided together, and a huge explosion occurred. A black shock wave spread and the ground collapsed.

Zhao Wei stood there in the same place, but the Tiger GoddSS flew out and spit out a large amount of blood at one time, as if the bones had broken a few, and there was no strength to climb.

Seeing that she lost the battle strength, Zhao Wei took a smile and walked over to the Tiger GoddSS.

The tiger god GoddeSS looked angry and climbed up from the ground, but could not climb at all.

Zhao Wei walked up to her side, and a ban broke into her body, slammed her strength, and then picked up her body and walked outward.

The Tiger GoddSS struggled while cursing Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei ignored her and took her back to Daqin. She quickly built two temples.

A temple is for the woman, a temple for the tiger GoddeSS, and also ordered people to engrave their statues according to their appearance.

Zhao Wei did not cultivate the idea of ​​male gods. The male gods obtained in the second temple, if there is no GoddeSS, may still keep him open the door of the gods. Now there is a tiger GoddeSS, and he is not needed.

The temple was built, and Zhao Wei first tamed the tiger GoddeSS, letting her obey, as the Great Qin’s god, and then dealing with another GoddeSS.

Like this kind of body-death god, you need something that contains a huge life strength, or a huge Faith injection.

These two things, Zhao Wei, were given to her to successfully resurrect her.

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