After successfully reviving this GoddeSS, she saw Zhao Wei also vigilant, and asked why she is here, who is Zhao Wei, and her husband is there.

Zhao Wei simply told her that she broke the relics, and she was a Human World’s king, and her husband was in her own hands. She had to take orders from herself, or she would kill her and her husband.

The GoddeSS soon surrendered and asked Zhao to let her look at his husband. Zhao also agreed, and released the husband’s coffin.

GoddeSS also felt a smile when she saw her husband.

Zhao Wei also asked some of her things and got some information about her. The GoddeSS is a star GoddeSS with a star’s strength, and her husband is also a god of stars.

Then, Zhao Wei also left, because now the Tiger Goddess and the GodddeSS, also need to restore strength to open the door of the gods.

After four or five days, under the huge Faith given by Daqin, the two GoddeSS and the previous GoddeSS God of Ghost Gate also restored some strength and could open the door of the gods.

Zhao Wei can’t help but be happy. This moment has been waiting for a long time, and now it is finally reached.

Convene twenty-four GoddeSS.

Water God, Bright GoddeSS, Elf GoddeSS, Dark GoddeSS, God of Fallen Angel, demon GoddeSS, GoddeSS of Agriculture, Devil, Nether Spirit GoddeSS, Snake GoddSS, Evil Ghost GoddeSS, Wild God…

Twenty-four GoddeSS came to a huge platform that was tens of meters wide, twenty-four in shape, and nine meters high. The whole was paved with metallic black ore.

This kind of ore itself is also a kind of material that can be used to build equipment. Zhao Wei specially sought for the strengthening of the door of the gods.

Now the platform is also engraved with a huge form, the color is white, it looks very mysterious and complicated.

This formation is Zhao Wei’s method according to Di Xi, which is the golden dragon in the body.

Twenty-four GoddeSS are now standing on one side, on the far side of the middle, standing on the ghost, because in the numerous GoddeSS, her power is the most powerful one, even stronger than the God of Fallen Angel Arasina. So this form is hosted by her.

Zhao Wei stood next to her, started talking, “Get started!”

Ghosts nodded seriously, looking at the huge white formation on the ground, and then slowly closing the booth eyes.

Other GoddeSS also slowly closed their eyes.

I saw that their bodies radiated a slight radiance, and the colors were different. There were yellow, blue, black, and white…

They slowly spread their hands, and a huge god spirit spread out. The god strength began to infuse that white formation, and the white formation absorbed the power of the numerous GoddeSS, and it also gave off a strong white light.

Bang bang bang

One GoddSS opened the eyes eyes, and a god of light shot, a powerful force of the gods broke out from their bodies and turned into a huge beam of light, with an amazing strength, rushed into the sky.

Twenty-four light beams of different colors are formed, leading from the ground to the sky, and a huge infinite spirit of the gods spreads like tides.

Around the Power of Heaven and Earth, the crazy gathering, the surging, a terrifying wave spread,

In the nearby numerous people, under the undulations, I felt that the body was a little cold, and I also looked in this direction.

Aoki Y and Jiu Xiaoyun are now in a restaurant in Great Qin Imperial Capital, and they have a pair of delicious, originally two of them who usually fight with their mouths.

Suddenly, I felt this terrible fluctuation. Not only did I look at the face, I came outside the window and looked at the discovery of the fluctuations.

Aoki Y’s face is a bit serious. “This big Qin is really not simple. Before that, it caused such a big fluctuation. Now it has caused such a big movement. What are they hiding?”

Jiu Xiaoyun walked up to her side and her face was a bit serious. “Before we learned about Great Qin’s, it was just the surface of Great Qin’s. It really contains something that we don’t know.”

“But in the current situation, Daqinyuan is more mysterious and powerful than we think. We should report this matter to our top management now, so that they should pay more attention to Daqin.”

Aoki Y also responded.

His eyes are turning to the gods.

I saw Power of Heaven and Earth constantly pouring into twenty-four beams of light. The twenty-four beams of light burst into a terrible strength, and they rushed upwards. A very huge god of strength, like a flood of clouds. .

On the ground, a formation of yours radiates a strong radiance, forming a white form formed by light.

This formation rises along the pillar of light, and then the body is in the sky. The surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth constantly flows into that formation, and the formation also emits intense light and waves, which are integrated into the void.

Now that the formation is connected to Divine Spirit World, Zhao can use this form to go directly into Divine Spirit World.

Twenty-four GoddeSS also retracted their strength, the beam of light dissipated, the surrounding vision dissipated, and Heaven and Earth returned to normal.

The devil said with a smile, “The public! Now the door of the gods has been opened.”

Zhao Wei was also a little happy, with a smile on his face, Um screamed, and then let the natural GoddeSS go to rest first, and he began to prepare for Divine Spirit World.

During the period when Zhao Wei left, the internal affairs was handed over to Li Si, and the military was handed over to Baiqi.

Many women are also very dissatisfied with Zhao Wei’s going to Divine Spirit World, because Zhao Wei doesn’t know how long it will take, but they also understand that they can’t stop it. They can only let Zhao Wei stay with them for a night, so they will be lucky. Fan.

The next day, Zhao Wei prepared all kinds of things and went to the black platform. This time, the main purpose is two. The first one is to find the time attribute item, and the second is to see if the Protoss Emperor Star can be awakened.

Now Zhao Wei is left, Water Race, Protoss, Spirit Race, the three major races of Emperor Star are not awakened, if the Protoss Emperor Star awakens, then Zhao Wei has seven Emperor Star, when the blood and destiny will improve.

Water Race and Spirit Race Zhao Wei doesn’t know how to wake up the Emperor Star. The Protoss Zhao Wei is a clue. The core thing is the mind of the mind. This trip to Divine Spirit World is likely to awaken the Protoss Emperor Star.

Of course, things are not so absolute, and there may be no awakening. The most important purpose of this time is to find something that contains time attributes.

After determining these two goals, Zhao Wei checked the prepared things again and then started the one.

I saw the surrounding Power of Heaven and Earth gathering, the formation radiated a strong radiance, turned into a ray of light beam rushed into the sky, and Zhao Fu’s body followed the beam to the sky, and then disappeared.

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