Zhao Wei sees that Squid God has lost interest in conquering, because it is so fierce and without wisdom, even if it does not serve much.


A powerful momentum broke out from Zhao’s body, and Zhao Wei did not keep his hands and used his true strength.

The Squid God was boasting numerous blood, surrounded by ghostly humanoid illusions, screaming and screaming, followed Squid God to Zhao, and the picture felt a little horrified.

All of Zhao’s strength was injected into the sword. The sword emitted countless sword lights, and an amazing sword wind spread out with an extremely dangerous feeling.


Zhao Yiyijian swung out, a huge black sword light, with the strength of everything, and smashed to Squid God.

Then Squid God rushed over to Zhao Hao with countless ghosts.


The two sides collided together and issued a loud sound. I saw that countless ghosts were smashed by sword light. The body of the huge Squid God was also smashed out, and there was a huge wound on the body. The blood spewed out.

Suffering such a serious injury, Squid God barely stood up, his body was bloody, and the injury began to recover slowly.

Zhao Wei appeared in front of it at this time, Squid God shot his tentacles, bringing a fierce force. Shot Zhao Zhao to the past.


Zhao Wei disdained sneered, a sword smashed out at once, cut the numerous tentacles, and flew Squid God out.

Next, Zhao Wei showed up a few tricks to kill your Squid God, a sword slash open body, and took out a crystal-sized finger stone crystal, which is the Squid God’s godhead.

Godhead is a very precious treasure. Although this Squid God is not very strong, its godhead has many functions, such as making all kinds of devastating weapons, or engulfing Zhao.

Now in Zhao Fu’s mind, there is a godhead, or a dark godhead, which devoured the deity of the demon god. After continuous development, it has condensed this godhead, and it is likely to be the most important thing to awaken the Emperor Star. Object.

This godhead is temporarily collected first, and then it is processed later. There is the body of Squid God. Zhao Wei also waved his hand into the storage ring. After going back, he can make the cook a big meal, as a god-level squid taste. It should be good.

To solve this temple, Zhao Wei came to Chaos World again because there are also two temples.

Coming to the first shrine, in a valley, made of white stone bricks, the appearance is also very dilapidated, some places collapsed, surrounded by weeds, and some insects are among them.

Zhao Wei came here and sensed the spirit of the gods here. It was Heaven Awaken World’s breath, showing a smile.

In the past, Zhao Wei still had some concerns. It would be the god in Chaos World. Although it is also a god, it does not belong to a world. The strength is not the same, so it cannot be used as a god to open the door of the gods.

Come here, originally with the insects inside, feel the Zhao Fu’s breath, scared to immediately flee to the side, because Zhao Fu’s breath is too terrifying.

Zhao Wei entered the temple, and a stone door stopped in front of him.

This stone gate is ten meters high. A handsome man is engraved on the left side. A beautiful woman is engraved on the right side, with a strong spirit of the gods, and this door has a protection ban. To enter it, the prohibition must be destroyed.

Zhao Wei stepped back 5 or 6 step and took out Emperor Killing Sword. A terrible strength was injected into the sword. The sword emitted a strong sword light, and a terrible sword force spread.


Zhao Yiyi swayed out, and a huge sword force with an amazing strength squatted on the stone door and made a loud noise.

The Shimen sent out a powerful momentum, emitting a strong radiance, resisting the terrible sword power, and the terrible sword force slowly weakened by the light, but the light emitted by the stone door was weak. less.


Zhao Wei was again a sword, and a terrifying sword force with an amazing momentum, squatting on the stone door, the stone door radiated a strong light to resist the sword.

In the end, the sword power was resisted by the strong light, and the light was also dim.

Bang bang bang ……

Zhao Wei constantly waved his sword, and the horrible swordsmanship continued to smash out, with a sharp momentum, constantly licking the stone door.

The radiance of the Shimen, constantly resisting the sword, the light is dimming.


A loud sound was issued, and a powerful sword light slammed on the stone door, and the stone door was directly shot out of numerous pieces.

Finally, this protection ban was broken, and Zhao Wei directly entered the interior of the temple.

It is not dark, it is very beautiful, the ground is smooth stone bricks, the walls have a mural, and the top also has some carvings, inlaid with several gems, emitting light to illuminate the surroundings.

Zhao Wei looked at his eyes and did not care about it. He continued to walk inside the temple.

At this time, there were countlesssoldiers from the inside. The dark red armor worn by these Soldiers was expressionless, with a strong momentum and no words. The Soldiers attacked Zhao Wei directly.

There is no change in Zhao Yan’s face, because these Soldiers are very weak, and they are swept away with a sword, and a fierce sword arc flashes past.

Pū pū pū ……

The countlesssoldiers whose heads rushed past were smashed, blood sprang up, and countless headless bodies were unable to fall to the ground.

Zhao Wei striking down these soldiers and moving on.

After a while, another stone gate was in front of it. This stone gate is the same as the previous stone gate, but the guardian prohibition is more powerful.

Zhao Wei did not say anything, raising his hand is a sword slash in the past, and the stone door also radiated a strong light to resist.

Bang bang bang ……

Zhao Wei constantly waved the sword in his hand and brought out a terrible sword light on the stone door, making a loud noise, and a strong wind spread.


A loud noise came out, and the stone gate was opened by a sword slash and turned into countless gravel. The picture inside also appeared in Zhao Yan’s eyes, which is a rotunda.

Zhao Wei walked into it, and the surrounding walls also painted beautiful murals, but there was nothing. There was only one high-meter-meter platform with two red wood plaques on it, with a strong spiritual atmosphere. .

Looking at the two coffins, Zhao Wei did not care. With a wave of hand, an invisible strength waved out and opened the two spirits, but nothing happened and nothing happened.

Zhao Wei walked over and found that there was a man and a woman lying down, the handsome man of the man, the beauty of the woman, and the two people carved on the stone gate. Although they are exuding the spirit of the gods, there is no life fluctuation. It should be dead. Drop it.

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