At this time, Ancient Stem Inner Territory also paid attention to this place. In fact, since the Wind God Empire came, they have not been troubled, and they no longer provide help to Monster Horn and Daqin, and the attention is also less.

But now the situation here has made no one think that the original three forces plus an alliance have already made the situation in this place tense and depressed, and now there is another Fiery Flame Kingdom.

At this time, this situation is almost difficult to see, because there are so many huge forces in one place, the killing between the parties is even more fierce, and the world around them can only be amazed.

Among them, the most dazzling nature is not the Qin Dynasty. From the time it rushed out of Human World, it directly countered the three worlds continent, to the opposite Monster Horn Empire, the more terrible Wind God Empire, and the three big forces forced The alliance formed and now Fiery Flame Kingdom joins.

Daqin is now not only attacked by two forces, but also faces the threat of two other large forces. It is really amazing that Daqin can resist such great pressure.

Because the situation here is too complicated, Ancient Stem Inner Territory has no idea what to support, and it is likely to waste material and resources.

However, there are also several forces that throw olive branches to Daqin. If Daqin is willing to return to them and become their dependent countries, they will go to help Daqin.

In the face of this situation, Daqin is in great need of help, otherwise it may really die. At this time, it is most appropriate to accept Daqin.

As for the Fiery Flame Kingdom, they don’t have any fear, because they are also the Inner Territory Empire, which is the duplicate Wind God Empire, which makes them a little jealous, but now the first Fengshen itself is difficult to protect, and the second Fengshen is not terrible.

The coming forces, Bear Mountain Kingdom, Ancient Sword Sect are Great Qin’s enemies, as well as Azure Wood Kingdom, Ancient God Sect, Wine Cloud Kingdom, Icefield Kingdom.

Last but not least, the original Eight Yuan Dragon Sect took the lead and became the Kingdom of the Ancient Stem Domain.

Some people may be unfamiliar with this power. His Young Sect Master is Longyang, the one with seven stunning princesses, but after the relics, his seven stunning princesses became Zhao Fu’s things. Longyang seems to have escaped to Eight Yuan Dragon Sect.

Originally, they already have six worlds, and their roots are very deep. They have made rapid progress in these years, and they have captured four worlds and become Kingdom-level forces.

The Longyang also re-founded eight stunning princesses, and became the sacred work of Eight Yuan Dragon Sect. He also defeated Ancient Stem Rankings sixth in the previous session and became the sixth of Heaven Stem Rankings’s Heaven’s Chosen. People admire worship.

After these years, Longyang has become calm and cold. He has also made great efforts today because he will never forget the picture of his seven beloved women and other men.

Longyang vowed to find that person, to squander his soul, to extract the soul and continue to torture, otherwise it will never eliminate this tone.

In addition to him, Third Prince Xiong Xiao of Bear Mountain Kingdom has also arrived, and he has become the heir to the behemoth of Bear Mountain Kingdom.

At the same time, there are also some acquaintances, such as Bing Qixue, Aoki Y, Jiu Xiaoyun, Gu Qingyue.

Finally, there is a young man named sword cry, with a sharp sword qi, is not afraid to approach, he is the new Heaven Sword Sect’s new Heaven’s Chosen, I heard that talent and strength are higher than the original Ancient Sword.

Ancient Sword is the most terrible Heaven’s Chosen of Ancient Sword Sect. It is very famous in Ancient Stem Domain, but it was abolished by Zhao Wei.

Now the first force of Ancient Stem Domain, Dao Cultivation Sect, has been closed since the last sensation caused by Zhao Wei at the Emperor Path Institute, making the ancient Sword Sect power and reputation soaring and becoming the most influential of the Ancient Stem Domain. The power of force.

After several years of rapid development, even in terms of strength, it has already been comparable to Dao Cultivation Sect.

It is also a test for the forces of all parties to send them. If they can, they will not be able to conquer Daqin. If they can, then their position in the power will not be shaken, and Daqin will directly hand them over.

At the same time let them gogatee, also show their sincerity, if Daqin is interested, they should promise, if they do not agree, they may also add a fire to Daqin to accelerate the death of Daqin.

When they arrived, Zhao Wei also personally hosted them, sitting on the main hall and saying with a smile, “I don’t know what happened to Daqin?”

Several people did not salute, standing on the main hall.

Among them, Xiong Xiao and Longyang were somewhat dissatisfied. Zhao Wei sat on the throne and talked to them. In their view, Daqin did not have their intervention to die sooner or later. Zhao Wei should be more respectful to them and come to personally entertain them.

However, this time they understood that they were coming to conquer Daqin, and they did not show up.

Sword cry a pair of eyes Looking at Zhao Wei, ice-cold started talking, “I don’t want any nonsense, you should have no hope in the situation of Daqin now, my Ancient Sword Sect has now become the first force of Ancient Stem. , Shun Shun Ancient Sword Sect No one dares to move you here, it is also the best choice for you Daqin.”

This word cry is the first to say such a thing, so that several other people are not good at opening, because their power is also somewhat taboo, Ancient Sword Sect, and now Ancient Sword Sect is too strong.

Zhao Wei is somewhat dissatisfied with his attitude. No one in Daqin dares to speak to him, and he is also a king of nine worlds.

There are also ancient Sword Sect and Zhao Wei who have great hatred. How can Zhao Wei promise him, with a hint of cool color, “Now Daqin has not surrendered to anyone’s thoughts. If you are all for this purpose, then please come back!”

Sword cry a pair of eyes ice-cold Looking at Zhao Wei, “Are you sure? Don’t regret it later, now Ancient Sword Sect is the most powerful strength, other forces can not compare with Ancient Sword Sect.”

This caused dissatisfaction to other people, because the word cry clearly expressed disdain for their power.

Aoki Ylightly snorted, “You Ancient Sword Sect is a big sigh. If it is not Dao Cultivation Sect, I don’t know why, but it will be your turn. It will be your turn to be an ancient Sword Sect, and your Ancient Sword Sect is strong now, can you still be hostile to Ancient? Stem Domain All Kingdom level power?”

Xiong Xiao also said with a hint of anger, “Sword cry! You can be too arrogant, Ancient Sword was not so arrogant at first, be careful not to end with the same as Ancient Sword, as if your mysterious Imperial Prince had nothing to do. solve.”

Longyang is also sneered, with a hint of sarcasm, “Ancient Sword Sect is very strong? It seems that many people were taken away by the mysterious Imperial Prince, as if Mrs. Sect Master was taken away, now who knows if it is in the mysterious Imperial Prince is under the breath.”


Hearing this, it has always been a shame of Ancient Sword Sect, and there is a strong anger in the heart of the word cry, which directly erupts a strong sword qi, if the wind blows to the four sides.

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