After a while, Zhao Yu sprinkled countless flower seeds, about 10 billion seeds, each one and the size of the soybeans, distinct, no contact, floating around the Evil Demon AbySS al Flower, wrapped in a mist Evil Demon AbySS al Flower is also like covering the entire sky.

Evil Demon AbySS al Flower constantly absorbs the magic of the surrounding, exudes a strong magic light, and the seeds slowly absorb the strength of the magic light, slowly beginning to change.

Zhao Wei was satisfied with the smile, and the next step was waiting.

In fact, if it is not the Evil Demon AbySS al Flower strength that Zhao Wei masters, it is too weak to summon the Evil Demon AbySS al Flower, which is 10,000 meters high. Zhao Wei can cultivate more evil flower seeds.

At that time, Evil Demon Flower Ancestor cultivated hundreds of trillion 4th Order evil flower seeds in one breath and implanted them into the body of countless world 4th Order soldiers, plus Eble Flower Temptation World’s bleSS ing, which 4th Order soldiers broke out like never before. Terrifying strength, and finally set off a terrifying catastrophe.

It is impossible for Zhao Wei to have that kind of strength. Otherwise, it is possible to unify the surrounding areas. There is no problem in sweeping the Outer Territory Middle Territory.

Now Zhao Wei only wants to have his tenth of strength then it will be alright, which is enough to make Daqin Outer Territory dominate, and not afraid of any Kingdom power.

These are also the seeds of ordinary flowers, absorbing Evil Demon AbySS al Flower’s strength, will slowly turn into 1st Order evil flower seed, want more advanced evil flower seed, but also need to cultivate longer time.

Dealing with this matter, Zhao Wei returned to the flower field and called Arthur Tina, real clothes, and Gorfi.

“People! What’s the matter?” Arthur Tina looked puzzled at Zhao’s started talking.

The same is true of the real clothes and Gorfi. I don’t know what Zhao Wei asked them to do in the flower field.

And this is the time, World Cleansing Butterfly is the cute big bug, and one of the relatives next to Zhao Wei is carrying Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “I want to see the legacy beast in your hands. What is it like now, you are now released and shown to me.”

Arthur Tina heard the words, nodded, waved, and the three streams of light flew into the sky and turned into three figures.

The first figure exudes a strong blue light, with a powerful dragon, which is a long 100-meter dragon, a scale of blue jade, a pair of metal texture dragons, with a majestic and noble.

The second figure is a deer, which is also a hundred meters in size. There are nine colors in the fur. The antlers are like crystals. With an Immortal Spirit Qi, it is also awesome.

The third figure is a large snake with eight snake heads. It is also 100 meters in size, with a white scale, a pair of black snakes, with evil cruelty and a fierce momentum.

The first is Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon, the second is Nine Immortal Enchanting Deer, and the third is Yamata no Orochi.

It seems to be developing well, the body is 100 meters in size, and the strength is also very strong. Only the big bugs around Zhao Wei are only three meters in size, and the momentum is also general.

Zhao Wei has not been in charge of it, and now it is being used by Asani and Flower Fairy as pets.

Now the big worm looks at the three huge figures in the sky, and there is no fear of it. A booth eyes curiously looks at the three behemoths.

Zhao Wei smiled and patted his head. “How come you are not as strong as they are? You know what to eat all day, you see how fat you are.”

The big bug is still happy with his head and Zhao Wei, a bit of heartless look.

Zhao Wei actually knows that World Cleansing Butterfly is far from being as simple as it is. First of all, it is a beast that is stronger than the legacy of the beast, and eats a lot of elixir every day.

Flower Fairy also said that some Power of Flower Immortal was injected into World Cleansing Butterfly.

This is enough to show that the big bug is very powerful, but it shows that there is no harm, and I still love to sell it.

At the same time, Zhao Wei did not know what would happen to the evolutionary path after the big bug.

Zhao Wei looked at Arthur Tina and started talking. “I want to mobilize the power of the whole Daqin to cultivate these beasts and make them the beasts of Great Qin’s town.”

Arthur Tina chuckled, “This is no problem, it is also very helpful to Xiaoqing, and it will be very happy.”

The real clothes smiled and nodded. “I don’t have any opinions.”

Gorfi reveals a smile, his legacy beast as the beast of Great Qin’s town, which will help more people, but also guard the Great Qin Empire, let the role of the legacy of the animal to the maximum, is better than in his hands.

This is in line with his character and is consistent with the teachings of his Vatican, so there is no opinion.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “These legacy beasts will still be with you, fight with you, I will not take them away, but now I will just say it to you.”

Arthur Tina and the three men understood that they should smile.

Then, three people left, and Zhao Wei also conveyed the order and sent all the things that cultivated the legacy beasts to the hands of three people.

In addition to these legacy beasts, Daqin has eight terrifying creatures, eight Sea Beast Kings.

There are no wars now, and they are back in the waters of Fish Scale World.

Zhao Wei summoned them together. Now they are as big as 15,000 kilometers. The strength is much stronger than before. But in the face of the billions of wars that are still moving, their effects are also weakening.

These eight Sea Beast Kings were the beasts of the Daqin in the past, and they were also listed as the beasts of the town by Zhao Wei.

Although Daqin also cultivated them vigorously, they have reached this level and have become difficult to upgrade.

Zhao Wei summoned them up, just want to continue to enhance their strength, because at this moment Lingji has integrated the 80% of the world consciousness, and can also mobilize the core of the world’s Origin.

The core of Origin is that the world’s core strength, originally ordinary origin strength is several times stronger. If you integrate the core force of Origin into Sea Beast King, you can also make Sea Beast King have a part of the boundary of the beast.

Then the strength of Sea Beast King will become stronger, and on the battlefield, the power of terrifying will break out.

Eight Sea Beast Kings are also a surprise, they always want to quickly improve the strength, but they have no ability.

Zhao Wei put eight Sea Beast King into the ring of the pet, brought it to the Heaven Sealing Earth SuppreSSing Formation, and handed eight Sea Beast Kings to Lingji, letting her use the core of the world’s Origin to let the eight Sea Beast King take off. change.

To solve this problem, Zhao Yan’s face also showed a smile. Now Daqin can have all kinds of means, but it is still in the process of cultivation. What is needed is time.

If these methods are used to the effect, Zhao Wei is now fully emboldened, and the Alchemy World and Fiery Flame Army should be dealt with when Daqin is fully counterattacked.

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