Sword cry a pair of eyes ice-cold Looking at a few people, with a strong murderous aura, “Some of you are looking for death!”

A few people also broke out a strong momentum, set off a gust of wind, blowing around, no fear of watching the word cry.

Xiong Xiao coldly said, “Do you think we will shoot you one?”

The two sides took advantage of the huge momentum and made the air dignified a bit, which made people fear.

Sword cry ice-cold Looking at a few people in front, reaching out holding the hilt tied at the waist, watching the battle is about to happen.


A huge imperial momentum, a flood generally flooded from above, drowning a few people below, the face of the people all changed, feeling the body fell into the ice water, feeling a fear, have looked at the throne Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei now also has a look of anger, because a few people in front of him did not put him in the eyes, started talking, “If you want to fight, now immediately leave Daqin.”

If you don’t think that they are all Kingdom-level forces behind them, now Zhao Wei is going to teach them.

Sword cry A few people also realized that it is still in the Great Qin’s court, and in other forces, it also converges and dissipates the momentum.

However, they have had some surprises this time. I have heard that the Emperor of the Great Qin is very strong. I have never seen it once. Now I feel it myself. It feels really strong. The people present are not his. opponent.

At the same time, Zhao Wei also gave Longyang and Bing Qixue a sense of familiarity, as if they had seen it there.

Sword cry Some people don’t like to stay here now, started talking, “The last thing to say is that Ancient Sword Sect is your best choice. If you want to be clear, you can always find Ancient Sword Sect.”

After that, the word cry didn’t return, so he turned and left.

Looking at the word cry and leaving, a few people have a smile on their faces. In the current situation, Ancient Sword Sect is the most favorable competitor.

Xiong Xiao said to Zhao Wei with a smile. “My Bear Mountain Kingdom will definitely not be treated lower than Ancient Sword Sect. Please consider it.”

Longyang is also started talking, “We have only upgraded to Kingdom now, we need you, so the conditions are the most equal, and their forces are only when your power is an accessory.”

Zhao Wei frowned, and his tone was somewhat rude. “I have said that Daqin is unlikely to surrender any forces. If your purpose is this, please come back!”

Xiong Xiao’s face also showed a sigh of anger, and he did not say anything. He turned and left, and he could not continue to be tempted here.

Longyang took a serious look at Zhao Wei and did not say anything to leave.

Now there are Bing Qixue, Aoki Y, Jiu Xiaoyun, Gu Qingyue.

Bing Qixue politely said with a gentle smile, “I don’t know if you have a trip to Ancient Stem Inner Territory, I feel you are familiar.”

It is impossible for Zhao Wei to admit that it is enough to face some of the nearby forces. If the identity leaks out, the people of Inner Territory Kingdom will attack, and they will not be able to resist it.

Then I went back to the road. “You may feel wrong. I have been dealing with politics in Daqin. What time is it?”

Bing Qixue said with apologetic smile, “I am from Icefield Kingdom. This time, I also sincerely want to invite Daqin to join Icefield Kingdom. The conditions given by other forces are the same as those of Icefield Kingdom. Please also consider it and let you go ahead. ”

At this time, Aoki Y raised his head. With a trace of pride, “My father said that as long as you join Azure Wood Kingdom, I will marry you, now I am interested in you, you have to pursue me, maybe I will promise you.”

Zhao Wei said unceremoniously, “Sorry! There is no interest.”

Wen Yan, Aoki Ysomewhat angry, stunned Zhao Yi and left.

Jiu Xiaoyun smiled and said, “I know that Daqin will not like the little girl. In fact, I am also very interested in His Majesty. It seems that there is a kind of breath that appeals to me. Should you be interested in me?”

Zhao Wei looked at Jiu Xiaoyun’s charming face, seductive figure, and did not lie, nodded.

Jiu Xiaoyun’s face smiles a little deeper. “If you are interested in me, then I will marry you, you will also become a Hummer. After that, you can consider whether to join Wine Cloud Kingdom. You are also Great Qin’s Emperor. There will be no change in rights, and we will help you with Wine Cloud Kingdom. How do you feel?”

Zhao Wei did not directly agree, although she said so well, not only can get beautiful people, but also get help from Wine Cloud Kingdom, but there is no white benefit in the world.

However, Wine Cloud Kingdom is one of the most sincere ones, Ancient Sword Sect and Bear Mountain Dynasty, and Eight Yuan Dragon Sect directly let Da Qin surrender, Azure Wood Dynasty and Icefield Kingdom just let Daqin join.

Although Wine Cloud Kingdom also said that they joined them, but did not ask Daqin how to help, but can help, and the princess first married.

After thinking about it, Zhao Wei was also politely rejected. If he promised her, Daqin in the future would not be Daqin.

Jiu Xiaoyun chuckled, too much disappointment, “So what changes your mind, you can come to me directly, welcome your Majesty at any time.”

After this sentence is finished, Jiu Xiaoyun also left.

Finally, there is one Gu Qingyue left.

Zhao Wei looked at her and smiled. “Do you also say that if I join Ancient God Sect, you will marry me, and if I ask if I am interested in you, I will answer a little.”

Gu Qingyue has a blank look at Zhao Wei. “I am not the kind of woman you think, I am not interested in you, and my man must be Heaven’s Chosen who will shake the world in the future. Although you are strong, some are too ordinary. ”

“This time I want you to join the Ancient God Sect. If you like, you will agree, don’t want to.”

Zhao Wei’s face is a bit awkward, and now the appearance has changed, that is, the previous kind of ordinary ordinary.

When he heard Gu Qingyue, Zhao Wei also refused directly.

Gu Qingyue did not say anything and left the palace directly.

Li Si said with some worries, “Your Majesty! At this time, the Great Kingdoms came in and tried to conquer Daqin. Now they all refused them. Then, will they do anything bad for Daqin?”

“They are the forces of Inner Territory Kingdom. They are very powerful. If they join in, Daqin will become more dangerous.”

Zhao Wei also nodded solemnly, which is what he has been worried about.

Now Daqin needs time. If time is enough for all kinds of means to develop, Zhao Wei does not have to fear Fiery Flame Kingdom and Monster Horn Empire. Even if the Inner Territory Great Kingdoms want to do something, they will think about it.

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