Zhao Wei also took people to prepare. Now Daqin has the door to war. He can go directly to the Chaos battlefield through the door of war, and no longer rely on that crack, so the crack has been sealed by Daqin, and Also in the territory of Qin.

If a large number of worms come in, the first Qin can’t be saved. The first one to destroy is him.

Zhao Wei also came to Chaos World for the first time.

Arasina had some surprises. I didn’t think that at this time, Zhao Wei would bring so many people to Chaos World. It seems that there is nothing happening in Chaos World.

Zhao Wei simply told her about the current situation of Great Qin’s.

Arasina’s face was also a bit serious, and he asked, “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s too dangerous, it’s easy to lose control, and Daqin really may be destroyed.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei seriously nodded, started talking, “I have made a decision, now just to prepare, if it is really that step, Daqin has no choice but to use this method.”

Arasina saw Zhao Wei’s decision and did not continue. Instead, he asked, “What do you want to do with so many people now?”

Zhao Wei explained, “Now I am going to build a v-shaped passage that can bring in the outside insects and go directly into that crack, which should avoid the destruction of Qin.”

“If there is no such passage, the worms will rush in and spread out directly, causing heavy losses to the Qin area, and they will not necessarily enter the crack. That channel also serves as a guide.”

“And you can also set a door outside the mouth. If you don’t want the bugs to come in, you can close the door and try to make these bugs within the controllable range. If you really want to get out of control, Daqin will be the first to suffer. .”

Arasina listened to Zhao Fu’s words and showed a smile. “Speak to the door! I have a way you want to know?”

Zhao Wei was surprised. I felt that Arasina had a good solution. She smiled and pulled her into her arms and asked, “What is that?”

Arasina rubbed her hands with Zhao Wei and said with a smile. “I have a method of making Gate of Fallen Angel. This kind of door has a very strong strength and should be of great help to you.”

Zhao Wei said with a smile, “That would you tell me that way!”

Later, Zhao Wei also learned that the method called Gate of Fallen Angel, the strength of the Gate of Fallen Angel and the role is indeed very strong.

First, it not only has a hard material, but also has the ability to protect itself. When it encounters a strong danger, it will automatically release a defensive cover.

The second is also capable of attacking, and will summon countless Fallen Angels to attack the enemy, and the strength and number are strong and many.

The third has the power of deterrence, so that some weak creatures are afraid to dare not approach.

The fourth will produce a huge repulsive force, which can push out countless enemies to the enemy and use them in emergency.

Zhao Wei is very satisfied with the Gate of Fallen Angel. There is such a door, and the control of the worm’s tide will be strengthened, reducing the harm of this matter.

However, this kind of Gate of Fallen Angel is very troublesome to manufacture.

It takes a lot of Fallen Angel corpses, a lot of Fallen Angel blood, and a metal with a strong dark strength to make the Gate of Fallen Angel.

A lot of Fallen Angel Daqin has a total of about 10 million Fallen Light Angels, that is, those Spirit Light God Clan have been formed by the fall, the strength is not weak, and the 3rd Order is strong, but the number is small.

Dark metal Daqin also has, that is, the dark god iron, the master of a dark god iron ore space, with countless dark god iron, it is also the main material for the manufacture of Daqin equipment.

Generally, the dark god iron is silver grade, but some rare grade black iron can also reach gold, even the Legendary Level, some ore cores, or Epic Grade grade, but the quantity is relatively rare.

To create such a Gate of Fallen Angel, the least need to Epic Grade, because to resist billions, even billions, tens of billions of worms, not strong is not enough.

There are two kinds of Daqin, but there are not a lot of Fallen Angel corpses, but Zhao Wei has not been disappointed for too long. Arasina said that among her Dark God Temple, there are a lot of Fallen Angel corpses.

Zhao Wei first ordered the v-shaped passage to be constructed. It must use the most sturdy material, and it can still restrain the material of the beast. Because this passage also has to resist many insects, it must be strong.

There is no need to be in Zhao Weiguan, Zhao Wei with Arasina to prepare to make Gate of Fallen Angel.

The first step is to build those Epic Grade dark irons into a door with a height of several kilometers and a width of 10,000 meters. It is also difficult to create such a large door. It is impossible to create it directly. the way.

Zhao Hao called countless blacksmiths, and it was easier to build this door. The color is black, with a strong sense of oppression. Now there is nothing on it. It looks rough and can only be regarded as an iron embryo. .

After the door was built, there was a huge form on the ground, the iron gate was placed in the middle, and the body of Fallen Angel was placed around.

These Fallen Angel corpses are male and female, old and young, with a pair of black wings, emitting a dark atmosphere.

The 10 million Fallen Light Angel revolves around the formation, forming a circle, plus the formation, the iron gate, the corpse, which is very shocking.

Arasina stood with the twenty-four gods and stood at the very center of the formation.

I saw Arasina bursting out of a strong strength, the body exudes a myriad of black light, twenty-four gods around Arasina, half-squatting on the ground, one hand pressed to the ground, activating the huge formation on the ground.

A huge momentum spread, and the formation glowed black, around the nearby Fallen Light Angel, cutting the palms, blood flowing from the palms, and then pressing the hand on the formation.

That black formation absorbs countless blood, and the color also turns into black blood, giving off a terrible momentum.

Arasina raised a hand, and countless dark powers gathered in the sky. A terrible black beam, with a terrifying strength, fell from the sky and fell on the door.

The door immediately gave off a black light, and a terrible strength spread. Combined with the strength of the ground formation, it is integrated into one.

Formation also exudes a strong strength, only to see the countless Fallen Angel’s body began to melt, as water poured into the door, a terrible wave of exudation from the door.

At the same time originally there is no iron gate, there are countless sculptures of Fallen Angel, each one is lifelike, with a strong strength.

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