Zhao Wei looked at the retreating Fiery Flame Army and he was relieved. It was not easy to win this war.

However, Zhao Wei is not happy, because Great Qin’s situation is still very difficult, this side of the matter to solve, there are other local things have not been resolved, Zhao Wei also immediately went to those areas.

Later, Zhao Wei learned about the situation in other places.

There is some luck now, only the Monster Horn Empire launched an offensive. The Alliance and the second Fengshen did not participate. If both of them were involved, Daqin couldn’t keep it.

Simply counting the number of deaths, Daqin died 1.5 billionsoldiers this time. Zhao Wei took a heavy heart and ordered people to strengthen their defenses. They returned to Daqin and immediately called up the numerous ministers to discuss the situation.

However, in the face of this situation, there is no good way for the numerical ministers, because the Great Qin’s means are almost used, and the other party has been prepared for it, otherwise it can be unexpectedly heavy.

Some ministers proposed to unite with the Second Wind of the Alliance to fight Fiery Flame Kingdom and Monster Horn Empire.

This is very difficult. It is not bad that they did not participate in the attack on Daqin. If you want them to help Daqin, it is almost impossible.

Zhao Wei also knows that the two forces have mobilized their forces and are likely to attack at any time.

However, Zhao Wei still sent people to try it out, even if they can’t unite them, then at least hope that they will not participate.

Both forces were somewhat surprised, seeing the treasures and materials of Great Qin’s Envoy.

I can understand and understand that the situation in Daqin is extremely dangerous now. If both of them are involved, Daqin will die.

At this time, Daqin showed them well that they wanted them not to participate.

The two forces are actually originally trying to deal with Daqin, but they want to wait for Monster Horn Empire and Fiery Flame Kingdom to break through Daqin, and want to get a lot of benefits without losing much combat power.

But things were unexpected. The Great Qin Empire was strong enough to resist the 8billion 2nd Order soldiers. It also resisted the Monster Horn Empire 30billion army, which made them even give up the original plan.

Now facing Envoy from the Daqin faction, the two forces are hesitant and have their own considerations.

Alliance forces.

“I want to join the Fiery Flame Army and destroy this Great Qin Empire. You can see now, how strong Great Qin’s is, it will definitely be a great disaster.”

“I also agree that Great Qin’s threat is too great. We still have to kill him first. This is an excellent opportunity. It is difficult to have it after it is lost, so don’t accept Daqin.”

“You want to get better. If Da Qin is gone, what will Fiery Flame Country be like, will it go straight back? That Great Qin Empire has nine worlds, among which supplies, wealth, and countless populations, so a big bit of fat they might give up? ”

“This is right. You think things are too simple. Fiery Flame Kingdom will definitely not give up such a large piece of meat. When they will stay, they will become the second Fiery Flame Kingdom. At that time they will have Inner Territory Kingdom. Supporting, who do you think is more threatening?”

“All you said is justified. We are still deliberating carefully and not making decisions too early to avoid irreparable consequences.”

Duplicate Wind God Empire.

“Your Majesty! I think we can also join the attacking Great Qin’s team, not only for the first Wind God Empire, but also for the Great Qin Empire, and there is no Great Qin’s threat in the future.”

“I don’t think it is possible. Daqin is now a powerful helper against the Alliance. If he is gone, what should we do in the league offense? If you want to know the situation of the first Wind God Empire, it is impossible to give us too much help.” ”

“Yes! I feel that we are still low-key and stable, and now Duplicate Wind God Empire is under tremendous pressure at Alchemy World. Peace Awaken World is good for us.”

“But do you miss the opportunity to destroy Great Qin’s? Daqin can be very dangerous. This time is the best chance. If we join the offensive Daqin team, then Daqin will be destroyed.”

“Things still don’t say so absolutely. This Great Qin Empire has risen to the present, it can be very fast, very not simple, and there are some mysteries. Maybe they will have any backhands. We can get involved, maybe we can’t destroy Daqin. There will be significant losses.”


Feng Shensha sat on the throne above and did not say anything, thinking about the words of the numerous ministers.

Zhao Yu was in the Great Qin Emperor Palace. For the time being, there was no news from two forces. The heart was relieved. This proves that they are hesitating. If they refused directly, it would be dangerous.

Now mainly how to resist the attack of Fiery Flame Kingdom and Monster Horn Empire, in fact, if it is only a Fiery Flame Kingdom, Daqin can resist, but there is another Monster Horn, and his addition to Daqin is somewhat unstoppable.

Although there is now a strong curse to block, one day it will be destroyed by the Monster Horn Empire, and the Monster Horn Empire will be attacked once.

At that time, Daqin had no good means to stop them. Even if he resisted the Empire, the side would still be broken by the Monster Horn Empire, and the ending would be extinct.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wei has some headaches, and there are too many things to see.

Original Thinking about other battlefields, it’s a good way to deal with Alchemy World. However, Heaven Awaken World has this kind of thing. If Alchemy World is attacking, then Daqin can’t resist and can only withdraw from Alchemy World.

However, in the face of the attacks of Fiery Flame Kingdom and Monster Horn Empire, even the Alliance and the second Fengshen joined, Daqin actually did not have a way to deal with it.

But this method is a bit too expensive.

This method is the one that leads to Chaos World. If the four forces really dare to join forces, Zhao Wei will completely open the crack. When a large number of insects flow into Heaven Awaken World, everything will be destroyed.

Because these worms, Daqin can’t control, they will go crazy and kill all the Heaven Awaken creatures. They will never let one go. If they are put in, it will definitely be a catastrophe. At that time, the corpse will become a river. .

Daqin may not be able to escape, and will also die among the numerous beasts that have emerged. Therefore, this method is really too dangerous. If it is not necessary, it is best not to use it.

However, now facing the attack of the two major forces, there are still two uncertainties of the big forces. Zhao Wei thought for a long time, and finally decided to arrange it first. If they really dare to attack, the big fish will die, and Daqin will be destroyed. They also Can’t escape.

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